Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Sima Qian:司馬遷, LaoTzu:老子, Fan Li:范蠡 - China's most outstanding people

Sima Qian:司馬遷, LaoTzu:老子, Fan Li:范蠡 - China's most outstanding people

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it. (No7: last episode)

I have learned about Chinese history and celebrities from the "summer" era to the "Tang" era, but I dare to select and rank 5 people from a huge number of people. I tried it. Since there are various genres in which I have been active, I cannot compare them accurately, but I will rank them from a subjective perspective of how much they touched my heart. I'm trying to rank it, but it doesn't make a difference. It is convenient. When I asked my younger brother, "Who do you think I like the most?", He said, "It's not (3),isn’it?." An overview of each person is from the 6th edition of Kojien. Then, I will write from 5th place to the top.

(5) Li Shangyin(李商隠)

Late Tang poet. He is Gizan(義山). People from Huaizhou Koudai
(Qinyang, Henan). Send his life into his fall. His poetic style, which makes heavy use of allusions and devotes himself to rhetoric, became the ancestor of Song's first Seikontai. He is the author of "Li Gizan Poems" and "Hinan Bunshu". (812? ~ 858)

A great poet who embodies sadness. A deeper poem than Lee Haku(李白) and Du Fu(杜甫). A sad love poem shines.
"Blue jewelry peeking at a crushed boy" (Chinese literary scholar: Kazumi Takahashi's words). His masterpiece is posted at the URL below.


He arranged the books here and there, quickly grabbed the essence of the books, digested and absorbed them, and turned them into blood. This is called "Cut the chapter into Fragment ", and it is also called "Daisai: 獺祭-Otter Festival" because of its appearance. The word "Daisai" became the etymology of Yamaguchi Prefecture's sake: "Dasai".

I want to be like Li Shangyin.

(4) Zhaozhou Conns (Joushu :趙州従諗: 778-897)←long life!

A Zen priest from the Tang dynasty who is a master who guides his disciples from everyday events that look light. When asked and answered with him, many people are enlightened by the humor. There was no mention of him in Kojien. As two examples,

Disciple: I'm stupid and can't do anything. What should I do?
Zhaozhou: Did you eat?
Disciple: I ate it.
Zhaozhou: Then wash the dishes.
(Disciple was enlightened through this exchange of words)

Disciple: Do you: the master fall into hell?
Zhaozhou: Even if I falls. If I myself doesn't fall, who will indoctrinate you?


In addition, there are other excellent Zen priests in the Tang dynasty, such as Baizhang Huaihai, Obaku kiun, and Izan Reiyu , which are difficult to attach, but this time they are represented by Zhaozhou Congshen.

I want to be like Zhaozhou Congs.

(3) Sima Qian(司馬遷):
Western Han (前漢)historian. He is a child of Shaanxi Natsuyo people. When he was young, he took over the position of his father's talk and became a Taishirei, and he himself called himself Taishikou. He reported that he was indignant because he was sentenced to imprisonment for Li Ling's fall to Xiongnu, and followed his father's aspirations to complete 130 volumes of "History." (Around 145 to 86 B.C.)

This person is indispensable. He himself was history itself. He is familiar with Atsushi Nakajima's "Li Ling". (Poetry: See "Sentence Writing Machine")


I want to be like Sima Qian.

(2) Fan Li (范蠡)
An honorary vassal of Goujian in the Spring and Autumn period. Chu(楚) people. He helped Goujian(勾践), who lost the battle of Kuaiji, to take revenge on Spear of Fuchai(夫差). Later he went down into the field, gained wealth, and was called the Duke of Toshu. → Ceramic red(陶器赤)
His way of life is an epic. He is familiar with the subtleties of attack and defense in warfare, treats himself wisely even in peacetime, and becomes a rich man. A person modeled by the Chinese. By the way, my nickname "Rei Morishita:礼 森下" was originally planned to be "Rei Morishita:蠡 森下", but it was too difficult kannji, so I changed it to the current one. There is Manga which drew Fan Li concisely:
"Wu-Yue Burning History" (Chitaro Kubota: product, Fumio Hisamatsu: picture / Kodansha Super Bunko: large book) in the picture, and you can understand in detail about Fan Li.


I want to be like Fan Li.

(1) Lao Tzu
1) A thinker who is said to have been in China during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period. The ancestor of the Taoist. According to historical records, he has a surname of Lee, a first name of ear, and a character of Tan or Hakuyo. A person from Luyi County (Henan Province). Zhou's guardian room (library room) clerk. When he escaped from the turbulent world and reached Barrier (Hangu barrier or Dasan barrier), Yinxi(尹喜), the guardian of barrier(関守), asked for a way(Tao), so he preached Lao Tzu. → Daode Tianzun.
2) The book of 1). Volume 2. The main body of the universe is called a large or a road(Tao), and the ones in the phenomenon world are relative, and the road is absolute. The compilation is thought to be after Mencius, and at the beginning of the Western Han, a book close to the current book was established. Tao Te Ching.

A giant star of ancient free thought that denied Confucian thought and culture and challenged the good sense of society. ("Lao Tzu": Part of the catchphrase of Chuko Bunko.) The monologue, which can be said to be naive, has even the nastyness of seeing through the hearts of people, and pierces the depths of the reader like a satire. While saying that, there is a wide variety of stories, such as the appearance of female genitals (Chapter 6) and the disclosure of the War Winning Law (Chapter 36).


I want to be like Lao Tzu.

A word of the day: There are many people to talk about in China, and it was difficult to select them. In addition, as a more fictional character than Lao Tzu, the emperor "Fuxi: Fukki or Fukugi(伏羲)" who discovered the principle of I Ching will be added to the (0) th place.


Fukki and his wife Joka (snake body)

I will assign the 6 people who appeared in this blog to the I Ching Hexagram. If you pile up the swords from the bottom to the top like (5) → (0), you will get a catastrophic hexagram called "Yamakaze Guo: Sanpuuko(山風蠱)". On the other hand, if you pile up (0) → (5), you will get a constructive hexagram called "Sawarai Zui(沢雷随)Tadashii". Both are hexagrams with strong meaning. (For example, in the case of Li Shangyin, I assigned it as a negative shadow, but since this is not a place to explain I Ching, I will pull it from the past log.


I want to be like Fuxi.

In Atsushi Nakajima(敦 中島)'s novel "Gojo Lamentation(悟浄嘆異)," Sun Wukong(孫悟空) advises Zhu Bajie(猪八戒), who is not good at transforming. "I just want to be that person. It's pure. It's the best. Then I can be that person. You can't transform well because you don't have that feeling."

(↑This is very important description through this blog! You can become anybody if you want so purely and earnestly.)

Today's poem

@ Writing machine

My ego
In the summer of 29 year’s old
was Dead.

After a strict love triangle.
That's what I think of
Sima Qian.

He said the right thing
Touch the imperial wrath of the emperor of time
"He was deprived of male function" (castration)

But he springs it
Write 130 volumes of history like a machine
And he died like smoke

I'm not that much
In reality, I'm a writing machine.
There is no ego.

BGM: Album "B-2 UNIT: Ryuichi Sakamoto"

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




















春秋時代の越王勾践(こうせん)の功臣。楚の人。会稽の戦に敗れた勾践を助けて呉王夫差(ふさ)に復讐させた。のち野に下り、富を得、陶朱(とうしゅ)公と称された。 →陶朱
画に『呉越燃ゆ  史記』(久保田千太郎:作  久松文雄:画 / 講談社Super文庫:大型本)があり、范蠡について詳しく解ります。



(1) 老子(ろうし)

1)中国、春秋戦国時代にいたとされる思想家。道家の祖。史記によれば、姓は李、名は耳、字はたんまたは伯陽。楚の苦県こけん郷れいきょう曲仁里(河南省)の人。周の守蔵室(図書室)の書記官。乱世を逃れて関(函谷関または散関)に至った時、関守の尹喜(いんき)が道を求めたので、老子を説いたという。 →太上老君








伏羲とその妻:女媧  (蛇体)











現代語訳 史記 (ちくま新書)

現代語訳 史記 (ちくま新書)

史記 6 呉越燃ゆ 下

史記 6 呉越燃ゆ 下

老子 (中公文庫)

老子 (中公文庫)

  • 発売日: 1997/03/01
  • メディア: 文庫


タグ:戦争 老荘思想 詩 易経 史記