Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

"Is it one or eight?" ... The surprise of “I Ching(易経)”: fortune-telling

"Is it one or eight?" ... The surprise of “I Ching(易経)”: fortune-telling

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it. (No6)

There is a phrase "one or drumsticks(一かばちか)". Since "ばち:bachi" leads to "eight", this word can be corrected to the phrase "one or eight". There seem to be various theories about this kind of notation, but in this blog, I would like to try to solve two mysteries.

1) At the dice gambling (Chohan gambling: Chohanbakuchi), bring "Ding" and "Half" from the former "one from the top one stick" and from the latter "from the latter two points by changing the opening method". He brought "hachi" and said "One or eight". For the time being, the above interpretation is reasonably convincing (many sources), but there are other interpretations as well.

2) For example, the word, which is used synonymously with "one or a eight," has the phrase "inui (ken:乾) represents the heavens, and gon (kon:坤) represents the earth," and all of them. It means that you can make a throw-out bet(乾坤一擲). This is an expression taken from I Ching. In English, this book seems to be appropriate to call it "The Book of Change" (book of change) or "The Book of Chameleon" (book of chameleon or lizard). So ... Of course, I Ching can be read as a philosophical book, but in my experience, I Ching is a excellent one that has a higher hit rate than any other fortune-telling.

Take, for example, the fortune-telling method, which is the most appropriate procedure. (Neither complicated nor too simple) First, prepare 50 Takehigo ( Zeichiku: Reed bamboo). And leave one without using it as a taiko. In addition, divide the remaining 49 pieces into two "with care", save one from the remaining Takehigo (ground plan) on the right hand (sandwich between the little finger and ring finger, human policy), and from the Takehigo on the left hand (heavenly plan). Remove 8 pieces at a time. Then, in the end, 0 to 7 will remain in hand. However, since we will add the above-mentioned human measures to this, the actual number will be 1 to 8. According to the number of remaining pieces, we will assign a kou (爻:one piece according to the yin and yang:陰and陽). The above operation is repeated 6 times to determine the hexagram(卦). If one or eight of them remain, it is said that the subject's fortune will change significantly over time. If 3 are left, it indicates "small shade". It's like that. This means "Yin-Yang" and puts a shadow. And in this way, from the bottom to the top, you can stack 6 times in 6 operations to make it the current fortune, and if you have 1 or 8 pieces,

the yin and yang of the 爻 will change and you can know the future fate. .. 2 ^ 6 is 64 hexagrams. It can be said that 8 * 8 = 64 in Bagua * Bagua(八卦). (Chinese Thought Volume 7 I Ching: From Tokuma Shoten) From a number of Bagua (http://koinu2005.seesaa.net) However, fortune-telling after carefully thinking about the problem to be solved, do not fortune-telling "injustice" such as success or failure of assassination, and even if you do not like the first fortune-telling, you must not fortune-telling again or again Will be done. (I Ching tells, I Ching repeatedly) There are 64 Hexagrams in I Ching, but I Ching is sure to listen to the message that Hexagram tells, not which one is good or bad. It means to hit the mark. This area is different from the popular religion.

However, I Ching is a common scripture of Confucianism (儒教), Taoism(道教), so it may be said to be a kind of religion. There is no denying that, but if so, it can be said that the scripture is highly complete. To me, it seems like a kind of science like Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi. In Taoism, Lao Tzu, Zhuangzi, and I Ching are called "Sangen no Sho:三玄の書"=The most mysterious 3 books. The reading of the hexagram(卦) is written in the I Ching, so it does not require much inspiration like the tarot card. I think that when you concentrate on occupying, you can move your hands involuntarily and come into contact with fate. It is a contact with the so-called "dark system". (I'm not sure if this term is valid.)



Previously, I was asked for an easy fortune-telling, "I have studied in an agricultural high school, but was that okay?" It seemed to be convincing by appearing raisuikai(雷水解:it said No Problem). This is a strikingly sharp aspect of easy fortune-telling.

And, when I fortune-tell a student who wanted to quit high school due to poor grades at the tutor's place, he changed from "mounrain-wind: Sanpuuko" (山風蠱ko:in the worst condition) to "Raiten Daiso" (雷天大壮:requires effort). It turned out that after this fortune-telling, his future after quitting high school depends on his efforts.

Also, when an acquaintance of me asked a man's fortune who easily forgot about a colleague and was not very close to her at work, I Ching told he would soon quit: he said, "I will quit," and what I Ching tells was right.

Well, what was the story was "one or eight?" As I just mentioned, the number of remaining Reed bamboo in the Chinese method ... it can be from 1 to 8 and 1 and 8 are extremes ... that is the root of this phrase. It may be. 1 would mean "anode round" and 8 would mean "cathode round".


Reed bamboo(筮竹)

A word of the day: Do you know the mark "Taijitu(太極図)"? It seems that the white and black figures are rotating so as to embrace each other, but this figure is not born from a sloppy idea, but rather mathematically the state of Hexagram and Yin and Yang. It's a scrutiny. Please refer to the following HP. It's interesting.


The Taijitu in this shape is also called the Yin-Yang Taijitu or the Taijitu, and depicts the appearance of Yin-Yang in the Taijitu. This figure became popular in ancient China and became a symbol of Taoism, and today it has spread all over the world. It is also the national flag of South Korea. The design is like a combination of black and white magatama, and in China this is likened to the shape of a fish and is called a yin-yang fish. Black represents yin and means falling on the right side, and white represents yang and means rising on the left. The expansion of the area from the fish tail to the fish head shows that each spirit is born and gradually becomes more active, and eventually the yin tries to swallow the yang and the yang tries to swallow the yin. To do. When the shade is extreme, it changes to the yang, and when the yang is extreme, it does change to the shade. A fish-eye-like white dot in the center of the yin indicates the yang in the yin, indicating that no matter how strong the yin becomes, there is a yang in the yin and then it turns to the yang. The central point of the yang also indicates the yin in the yang, and no matter how strong the yang becomes, there is a yin in the yang, which later turns into a yin. The Taijitu shows that this is repeated forever. The positions of the fish eyes were placed on the left and right in the ancient ones as described below, but the current fashionable ones are often placed up and down. From Wikipedia.

In addition, "Mystery of I Ching" (Hisao Imaizumi: Kappa Books) has a very interesting description. Of the "DNA" that is the design drawing of all organisms, and the four bases "adenine: A", "guanine: G", "cytosine: C", and "thymine: T" that are the core of the double hexagram, A and G are shaded. When C and T are divided into positive and positive, they determine one amino acid ... and thus the protein in triplets. Among them, ATG is the symbol that indicates the starting point when decoding a gene, and it is easy. Then, it corresponds to the hexagram of the 坎 (can: fall), and TAA, TAG, TGA are symbols indicating the end of decoding, and it is said to correspond to the hexagram of the gèn (艮:gon: stop). It was a book to the effect that there is a deep relationship between the fact that genetic information is a triplet and the fact that Bagua is also a triplet.

Also, I don't like Kukai(空海) very much, that is because he wrote "Sangō Shiiki: Sango Shiiki" when he was young, degrading Confucianism and Taoism and saying that Buddhism is the best religion. Of course, I would have been aware of I Ching, but I doubt that Kukai really understood I Ching. Instead, he started the Shingon sect, which was just gorgeous. Then, Leibniz, a German all-purpose genius (especially mathematics), heard the principle of I Ching and came up with a binary system consisting of 0 and 1. This binary system became a theoretical pillar of computer creation in posterity. Past logs related to I Ching:

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20060109 (Comment section)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




一応、上の解釈でそれなりに納得できますが(出典多数)、ほかの解釈もありますね。たとえば「一かバチか」と同義に使われるコトバに「乾坤一擲:けんこんいってき」というのがあり、これは乾(ケン)が天を表し、坤(コン)が地を表し、それらをすべて投げ出し賭けにでることという意味ですね。これは易経(えききょう)から取った表現です。この本、英語で言うと「The Book of Change」(変化の本)、「The Book of Chameleon」(カメレオンないしトカゲの本)と呼ぶのがふさわしく思えます。


      (中国の思想 第7巻 易経徳間書店より)


 八卦の数々(http://koinu2005.seesaa.net )より





筮竹(Reed bamboo)







易経に関連した過去ログ:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20060109 (のコメント欄)


タグ:易経 ライプニッツ 占い DNA