Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Two great translators:Yukie Chiri (Ainu girl)& Wayley(Anglo-Saxon gentleman)

Two great translators:Yukie Chiri (Ainu girl)& Wayley(Anglo-Saxon gentleman)

Ainu Shinyoshu (collection of mythology): Yukie Chiri's poetry and language skills

A song that the frog sang himself

(Terkepi Yaieykar,)

"Tororo Hanroku Hanroku!"
(Tororo hanrock hanrock!)

This is a passage from the "Ainu Shinyoshu(アイヌ神謡集)" recorded by Yukie Chiri, the eldest daughter of the Chiri family, a family of Ainu chiefs who have roots around Noboribetsu. (The alphabet accurately reflects the Ainu language.)


Yukie Chiri (wiki)

I had heard this work on a reading program on NHK Radio before, and I thought it was a very transparent and excellent work.

At the beginning, the word that doesn't make sense to us is the cry of the frog god, and the frog animal god approaches "Okikirimui = the strongest god?" In an attempt to mischief, and dies by his anger. It is a story that it will end up. The frog god just boasted a little. In the end of the story,

Because I'm going to die like this, a boring death, a bad death
(Chiokai anak tane tankorachi toi
wen rai chikishiri tapan na, tewano okai)

Frogs, never mischief humans. Said the swelling frog
He is dead.
(Terkepiuta itekki otta iraara yan.
Ari pistekerkepi howan kor raiwa isam)

Yukie wrote in the introduction of "Ainu Shinyoshu", "Once upon a time, this vast Hokkaido was the heaven and earth of freedom of our ancestors. Like an innocent child, we are embraced by beautiful nature and live leisurely and happily. What a happy person they were, a truly natural darling. "

It states, It was "Shisam" (Wajin = Japanese) who broke that peace. The Japanese did what the Anglo-Saxon people did to the Indians to the Ainu. It was an act unrelated to the Ainu people, such as private ownership of the land. Also, the legal meaning of the seal.

The star of hope of the Ainu, who had been branded as an "inferior race", was fortunate.
Anyway, she was smart. The school that Sisam attends is wary of being too smart and closes the door. So she goes on to "Asahikawa Ward Vocational School", where she also graduates with excellent grades and became perfectly masters of Japanese spoken by Sisam. So she was able to translate the Ainu myth into Japanese by herself. Also, she had a poetry talent.

And she meets a destined person ... Kyosuke Kindaichi. He invites her luck to Tokyo from his kindness, which is related to the publication of "Ainu Shinyoshu" and wants to give her more general education. At this point Yukie had her fiancée. And she wore her "chastity belt" by Yukie herself. She decided to show this belt only to her fiancée.

And now Yukie, who was a bilingual gal in Ainu and Japanese, works hard to learn English. If she could master English, she could have spoken Ainu directly to Western countries. She should be a trilingual girl.

However, she had a fatal illness. "Mitral valve stenosis". She has heart disease. The illness, which has worsened since she came to Tokyo, kills Yukie ... in the summer of 19 years old. However, only "Ainu Shinyoshu" was published safely.

Her work will be taken over by her two younger brothers ... the preservation of the world-famous epic "Yukar".
Takanaka Chiri and Mashiho Chiri.


Ainu Shinyo Collection Iwanami paperback

Yukie Chiri, a nineteen-year-old will (Miyoshi Nakai: Sairyusha)

A word of the day: Many Ainu people seem to become Christians after being oppressed by Sisam. The same is true for the Chiri family. This means that although the reality is overwhelmed by Sisam, they had found a way out in the doctrine that "everyone is equal before God."

Translator Arthur Waley

Arthur Waley (1889-1966)



This guy, don't come to China or Japan
"Genji Monogatari" or "Lao Tzu"
He is a translator and poet who translated into real English.
I wanted to know the secrets of his language learning method,
There is no description in the unraveling book
It's a regret.

PS: I knew Wayley's name because it often appeared in the list of references for "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa: Chuko paperback). He seemed to lively speak the esoteric original text to the Chinese. Mr. Ogawa also seems to have listened to Wayley's interpretation.

(The above is the poem I wrote in the Mixi community.)

Arthur Waley is a Jewish Englishman who graduated from Rugby School and Cambridge University with excellent results but had poor eyesight by nature, so he gave up his traditional elite career and went to the British Museum in 1913. He will get a job. Here, he touched on the unknown Orient literature, learned Chinese, Japanese, and Ainu on his own, and showed Chinese and Japanese classics in a concise and easy-to-understand English sentence.

Here is an example.

草木黄落して 雁  南に帰る。
蘭に秀有り 菊に芳有り、
       「秋風辞」 漢の武帝

One translator translated it as follows:

The autumn blast drives the white
Scud in the sky,
Leaves fade, and wild goose
Sleeping south meet the eye,
The scent of late flowers
Fills the soft air above,
My heart fill of tips
Of the lady I love.

H. A. Giles, 1898

And when the translation of the same Chinese poetry was in the hands of Wayley,

The Autumn Wind
Autumn wind rises; white clouds fly.
Grass and stories wither; the getes fly south.
Orchids all in bloom, chrysanthums
Smell sweet.
I think of love lady, nor can forget!

The above quote is from 94P to 95P of "The Man Fascinated by the Genji Monogatari-Biography of Arthur Waley " (Shozaburo Miyamoto: Shincho Sensho).

Comparing the two translations, I think Wayley is more concise and the translations are more accurate. Especially on the third line, the difference is remarkable. From the perspective of me, who thinks that the appeal of English lies in its simplicity, Wayley's translation is accurate. Giles' translation is a little over-decorated. On the other hand, two kinds of flowers are simply called flowers. Wayley also accurately translates "orchid" and "chrysanthemum." It is also good to connect the poems with a "!" Mark, with the intention of the poet (in this case, the Han Wudi).

A word of the day: We cannot help but respect and envy Wayley's achievements, which have been carried out without coming to the field and with insufficient materials. In addition, Wayley said that he could read classical Japanese (old text) but could not read modern Japanese (colloquial) at all. In addition, Mr. Shozo Kajima(late), an English-American literary writer, was inspired by reading the English translation of "Lao Tzu" in the United States, and lived in Ina Valley, Nagano prefecture, and is called "Lao Tzu of Ina Valley". Yes, and the English translation was definitely by Wayley.

He was a genius-type eccentric person. He was familiar with East Asian classical languages, criticizing Lafkadio Hahn as "not understanding Japan" and pointing out the possibility that Abe no Nakamaro's waka was written in Chinese and then translated into waka. However, He couldn't speak modern Japanese . It seems that he was indifferent to his honor, as he had no evidence of delight when he was honored by England. It is speculated that he did not come to Japan because he did not want to be disillusioned with Japan, but there is a testimony from a person concerned that he simply hated long trips. Also, in Chapter 47 of "Lao Tzu" translated by Waley, there is a passage that says, "Know the world without leaving the door, look at the heavens without looking at the window." He may have practiced the Lao Tzt translated by himself. His graveyard is the Highgate Cemetery in London.

A man fascinated by the story of Genji-Arthur Waley (Shincho Sensho)
• Author: Shozaburo Miyamoto
• Shinchosha

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



 (Terkepi Yaieykar,)
「トーロロ  ハンロク  ハンロク!」
 (Tororo hanrok  hanrok!)





(Chiokai anak tane tankorachi toi
wen rai chikishiri tapan na,tewano okai)
(terkepiutar itekki otta  iraara yan.
 ari pisenterkepi hawean kor raiwa isam)















源氏物語」とか「老子」 などを



アーサー・ウェイリー(Arthur David Waley)はユダヤ系のイギリス人で、ラグビー校、ケンブリッジ大学を優秀な成績で卒業し、生来視力が弱かったため、従来のエリートとしてのキャリアをあきらめ、1913年から大英博物館に就職します。ここでいまだ未知のオリエントの文献に触れ、中国語、日本語、アイヌ語を独学で習得し、中国、日本の古典を簡潔で分かりやすい英文にして見せたわけです。


草木黄落して 雁  南に帰る。
蘭に秀有り 菊に芳有り、
       「秋風辞」 漢の武帝


 The autumn blast drives the white 
          scud  in the sky,
Leaves  fad,and wild geese 
        sweeping  south meet the eye,
The scent of late flowers
        fills the soft air above,
My heart fill ofthoughts
         of the lady I love.


The  Autumn Wind
Autumn wind rises;white clouds fly.
Grass and trees  wither;the geese fly south.
Orchids all in bloom,chrysanthmums
     smell sweet.
I think of lovely lady,nor can forget!


二つの訳詩を比べてみると、ウェイリーがより簡潔で、訳語も正確だと思います。とくに3行目に、その違いが顕著です。英語の魅力はその簡潔さにあるのではないか、と考える私からみても、ウェイリーの訳詩は的確ですね。Gilesの訳はちょっと装飾過剰です。その一方で、2種類の花を単にflowers としています。ウェイリーは、「蘭」と「菊」も正確に訳出しています。また、詩人(この場合は漢の武帝)の意を汲み、詩を「!」マークで結んでいるのもいいですね。


天才型の奇人であった。ラフカディオ・ハーンを「日本を理解していない」と批判し、阿倍仲麻呂の和歌について漢文で書かれた後に和歌に翻訳された可能性を指摘するなど、東アジアの古典語に通じていたが、現代日本語は操れなかった[注 2]。イギリスから叙勲された際に喜んだ形跡がなかったことから、名誉にも無頓着であったと思われる。なお、来日しなかったのは「日本に幻滅したくなかったからだ」との憶測が語られているが、単に長旅が嫌いだったとの関係者の証言がある。また、ウェイリーが訳した『老子道徳経』の第四十七章には「戸を出でずして天下を知り、窓を窺わずして、天道を見る」との一節があり、自ら訳した老子道徳経を実践したのかもしれない。墓所はロンドンのハイゲイト墓地。


源氏物語に魅せられた男―アーサー・ウェイリー伝 (新潮選書)
• 作者:宮本 昭三郎
• 新潮社


タグ  翻訳 知里幸恵 アーサー・ウェイリー 天才

Tag  translation  Yukie Chiri  Arthur Waley  genius

It seems that talent is unevenly distributed in people. Anyone can do just translate, but the Ainu girl: Yukie Chiri and Arthur Waley in England did some great translations.