Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

What is Haiku? & Haiku for me (17-characters wonder) (2blogs)

What is Haiku? & Haiku for me (17-characters wonder) (2blogs)

What is haiku? :Comparing Basho, Buson, and Issa's three major poets

It's been about 30 years since I started writing haiku (intermittently, though). I wrote about various things (so-called Kachō Fūei), but the most important thing was plants, especially wild grasses. I am interested in this category of nature, also known as weeds, and wonder if I can call myself a "wildflower poet" or a "plant poet".


Tohoku narrow road

By the way, regarding Matsuo Basho, of course, I give the evaluation that he is the king of haiku through ancient and modern, east and west. Basho's haiku, written by using all five senses, is unparalleled in its presence.

@ 1: It's quiet , the voice of cicadas penetrates into a rock.

@ 2: Collect the May rain and flows rapidly,Mogami River.

@ 3: Sick of traveling, my dream runs around the dead field. (death poem)

@ 1 using hearing sense and @ 2 using tactile sense. (To add a little, the phrase @ 2 is the first:

@ Collect the May rain and flows cool, Mogami River.

However, since the phrase "rapidly" naturally includes "cool", he says that he chose "rapidly" in the final draft. Basho probably felt the coolness and speed by putting his hand in the river. ) I think the phrase of death poem is sensual and appealing to the skin. In addition, the phrase Basho really wrote at the last of life:

@Autumn deep, what is he doing next door?

It seems that it was ... (Expression of hearing sense ?)


↑ Basho's death scene interpreted by Ryunosuke Akutagawa (In Japanese)

Next, Yosa Buson. It is a famous story that this person was also a painter. Let me give you three typical phrases.

@ 4: May rain ,two houses in front of big river.

@ 5: Rape flowers, the moon in the east, the sun in the west

@ 6: Only the nights revealed to white plum and I’m dead. (death poem)

Of course, these are typical phrases of Buson, but it is obvious that he was a painter, and there is a remarkable tendency for them to be phrases that stimulate "vision." Even death poem can be likened to a painting.

Finally, Kobayashi Issa. This is also 3 phrases.

@ 7: Sparrow child, see! there, a horse passes.

@ 8: Don't hit him, the fly rubs his hand and puts his foot.

@ 9: A crying child is asking me to take the full moon.

The document I referred to did not mention the phrase of death poem. However, it is true

@I move from a basin to a basin, it’s a mystery.

... I remember it was such a phrase. As to @8, The fly is begging for life.


(In Japanese)

Issa's phrase exudes kindness to the weak ones, as if he were an educator. The five senses he uses are a little biased towards vision, but he is probably not a painter like Buson. It's a kind of phrase that is never sophisticated. Well, it's stupid, but his love for living things will not be easily unrivaled (except for modern Murakami Kijo).


(In Japanese)

There are three people, but if you dare to rank these three giants, it would be 1st place: Basho, 2nd place: Issa, 3rd place: Buson. I think haiku is an art that depends on the five senses and experiences of how you can immerse yourself in "nature (or even if it is an artifact, if you consider it to be nature)". The game is how much you can integrate with nature.

The way of dealing with Matsuo Basho is an good example. Kobayashi Issa is a little biased in the subject of the phrase, and although it seems that he is almost ignorant of the classics, I think that he is integrated with nature. As for Yosa Buson, I think he is a bystander. He is not immersive. I think he wasn't integrated with nature, he relied solely on vision, and instead of drawing his main business paintings, he wrote phrases on strips with the same consciousness as paintings. Well, I think this view is terrible for Buson. It is strict that we get 80% of human and external information visually. As a poet, vision is the greatest sense of getting external information.

A word of the day: I'm not strong enough to compare the three major poets, but I wrote it with savagery. Finally, Shiki Masaoka, who called himself a "reformer of waka and haiku" in the Meiji era, has a sharp criticism, but I don't think there is much in his important actual work. As a famous work:

@The 14,15 cockscomb are also seen.

There is a phrase, but it seems that he wrote it as it is by looking at the outside from the sickbed, and it may be the "phrase of sketching" that he advocated. ( cockscomb is a garden crops). When he wrote this phrase, it seems to have been unpopular among even his disciples. (Based on wiki's commentary on this phrase.)

The next blog was posted a little earlier than the one above.

Haiku for me: Poetry as a snapshot

Many of the poems I write are haiku. When I started writing haiku 30 years ago, I was writing so-called free-form haiku, but for the past few years, I have been focusing on 5/7/5 standard haiku. However, I have mixed feelings about "standard form and seasonal haiku".

To be honest, I think haiku isn't strong enough to write about death poem. The restriction of 17 characters is big. But, a 31-character tanka will be enough. In addition, the restriction of "seasonal words" is also a big obstacle to the death poem. The free-form haiku (Free haiku) Taneda Santoka phrase is free from its restrictions. Even so, if you say that the phrase of Shuuoshi Mizuhara is boring! It seems that only a limited number of people, such as Basho Matsuo and Ryokan, can say death poem in 17 characters.

@Hydrangea ,and waterside supper early? (Shuuoshi Mizuhara)

Seasons are born because the earth's axis is tilted 23 degrees, which is just one of the physical phenomena that occur on the earth, and haiku, which relies entirely on it, is a second-class art of expression. I think.
This view owes much to Takeo Kuwabara's "Second Art Theory," which sharply questioned the ideal form of haiku.

I have also considered haiku, tanka, sonnets, and other forms of expression that are all fixed verses, I think the haiku is a "snapshot". I think that waka (tanka) is called "video" and Sonnet is called "movie". The haiku, which is a snapshot, is the best match for lyric poetry, and I have never seen a haiku that talks about lyric poetry or "romance." It seems that it's too crisp to sing love.

Conversely, Waka is an on-parade of love songs. It's a kind of video. Also, it tends to be moist. Sonnets are a form of poetry born in Italy, where Shakespeare left a masterpiece in England, and above all, flourished with French symbolic poetry. It is a total of 14 lines of poetry of 4, 4, 3, and 3. This poem is like watching a movie. These three typical poems are all fixed verses, aren't they?

That's all about my thoughts on haiku, but I'd like to add some recent thoughts. I think haiku is a "passive" literary art. On the other hand, I think other poems are more "active". In my case, I have time to take a walk early in the morning, but I meet all things in nature, and everything that jumps into my eyes, and make it with a photo. If I take a walk once, I will make at least one phrase. But this poetry-generating attitude isn't much different from taking a snapshot. Can you say that haiku is not a vessel that expresses a big idea , but a conditioned reflexive poetry attitude?

Haiku reformer(self-proclaimed): Shiki Masaoka's "Sketch phrase", I feel a little suspicious of this as well. Shiki, who called the phrase that loves the moon "ordinary: commonplace," and his devotion to classical literature, which also has the charm of this moon, have nothing to do with the haiku that he aims for. He tells the fact that he thought it was harmful. What is haiku? ... If you take this in a narrow sense, you may come up with a view like Shiki. Shiki probably rejected the "relics of old-fashioned poetry source " on behalf of the moon. However, I think that poetry, including haiku, can be called a great literature if you can think of big ideas. Sketch phrase ... It's a little weak.

A word of the day: That said, I still work in haiku today. No one can do anything. Oh, and I wrote that it's difficult to talk about romance in haiku, but Madoka Mayuzumi and others wrote quite bold romance phrases.

In my late twenties, when I lived in the mountains, I foresaw that the results would be harsh, and I wrote a phrase:

@The Mantis prays at the Sky, Eagle’s tears.


: I saw a mantis caught by a shrike (bird) and skewered on a tree branch, and applied it to myself. ... The bad result was right.

Second art (Kodansha Academic Bunko)
• Author: Takeo Kuwabara
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Kodansha
• Release Date: 06/04/1976
• Media: Bunko

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






@1:閑さや 岩にしみ入る 蝉の声

@2:五月雨を 集めて早し 最上川

@3:旅に病んで 夢は枯野を 駆け巡る(辞世)


@五月雨を 集めて涼し 最上川


@秋深し 隣はなにを する人ぞ





@4:さみだれや 大河を前に 家二軒

@5:菜の花や 月は東に 日は西に

@6:しら梅に 明かる 夜ばかりと なりにけり(辞世)



@7:雀の子 そこのけそこのけ 御馬が通る

@8:やれ打つな 蠅が手を摺り 足をする

@9:名月を 取ってくれろと 泣く子かな


@盥(たらい)から 盥にうつる ちんぷんかん








@鶏頭の 十四五本も ありぬべし





正直言って、俳句は辞世を詠むには力不足であると思います。17文字という制約は大きいです。そこへ行くと、31文字の短歌なら、十分に意が盛り込めます。また、「季語」という制約も、辞世を詠むには大きな足かせです。自由律俳句(Free haiku)の種田山頭火(Taneda Sanntouka)の句は、その制約から自由です。それにしても、水原秋櫻子(Mizuhara Shuuoushi)の句のつまらないことと言ったら!17文字で辞世を言ってのけることが出来るのは、松尾芭蕉良寛など、限られた人だけのようです。

@紫陽花や 水辺の夕餉 早きかな  








@螳螂の 空に祈るや 百舌の糞



第二芸術 (講談社学術文庫)
• 作者: 桑原武夫
• 出版社/メーカー: 講談社
• 発売日: 1976/06/04
• メディア: 文庫


タグ 俳句、松尾芭蕉 与謝蕪村 小林一茶 カマキリ

Tags Haiku, Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Mantis

Haiku with 17characters is basically unsuitable for death poems and love songs. It’s normal to write things around us like I-novel, but in rare cases, works that can be called big literature are produced. In that sense, Matsuo Basho's phrase is a model.