Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Is the heaven’s law right or not? ~ Sima Qian's lamentation

Is the heaven’s law right or not? ~ Sima Qian's lamentation

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No3)

Sima Qian(司馬遷), the author of China's best history book "Shiki(史記)", is an extremely interesting person. The phrase, " Is the heaven’s law right or not?," is a major theme that goes through shiki. When I was in the university liberal arts course, I was listening to a class about Sima Qian = History, and the instructor at that time also emphasized the word " Is the heaven’s law right or not?". It was a pretty good course. The Shiki is a history book in the form of a people -oriented description (⇔ annals). The era is incidental and exclusively describes the behavior of the person. The composition consists of 10 tables (specifying the age), 12 books (biography of the emperor), 8 books (religion, music, military, hydraulic engineering, etc.), the 30 family (supporting the lord), and the 70 biography (general people). It is a large book consisting of 130 volumes and 526,500 letters. Since Lao-tzu is about 5,000 letters, it is the amount of about 100 times Lao-tzu books, and there was no paper at the time of Sima Qian, so it was written on bamboo slips and wooden slips, so it must have been bulky.

By the way, regarding " Is the heaven’s law right or not?", the poor death of Hakui (伯夷)and Shukusei (叔齊)in the first volume of biography is famous. It is this brother who told Zhou(周)'s Buou(武王), who defeated the evil tyrant:Chyu(紂), Shang dynasty(殷王朝), by force, to stop it because it is outrageous. In the world of Zhou, they said, "We don't eat Zhou's food," they said, eating warabi on Mt. Shuyo (首陽山)and dying from malnutrition. Why does Heaven desert the good man ... Sima Qian can't understand it . In Chapter 79 of Lao-tzu(老子), there is a phrase "Heaven’s law has been not unfair and always gives to good people", but this phrase seems to be too optimistic compared to Sima Qian's phrase " Is the heaven’s law right or not?.

I think Sima Qian had the heart of "Is there something like providence in heaven!" This is his moan. It may be because Sima Qian himself was at the mercy of his harsh fate. It is described in detail in Atsushi Nakajima(敦 中島)'s masterpiece, "Li Ling(李陵)," but when the Han general, Li Ling, became a prisoner of Xiongnu(匈奴:enemy), officials made Li Ling worse at the meeting of the Han Wudi(漢の武帝). On the other hand, Sima Qian defended Li Ling proudly and fairy. Then the furious warrior sentenced Sima Qian. It is the ugliest sentence ... the castration. This sentence, which robs a man of reproductive function, was more humiliating than the death penalty for Sima Qian. No, not only Sima Qian, but all the men were humiliated. However, he survived with very shame because he had a big business of compiling a history book commissioned by his father, Sima Tan(司馬談). In that sense, the word " Is the heaven’s law right or not?" is deeply related to the fate of Sima Qian himself. In fact, Sima Qian himself wrote his autobiography, "Taishiko," in the biography. (Taishiko = Sima Qian) In writing this blog,

I referred to "Shiki" (Shigeki Kaizuka, Chuko Shinsho), but among them, Chapter 7, The Demolition of the Great Empire, Benji(始皇帝), Li Si(李斯), and Chen Sheng(陳勝), were the most responsive. "Sei", who named himself Qin Shi Huang(秦の始皇帝), has nothing to do with the Qin(秦 )pedigree. In other words, the Crown Prince Qin wanted a beautiful woman surrounded by a merchant named Lu Buwei (呂不韋)and reluctantly offered it, but at that time, the child of Lu Buwei was already alive in the woman's belly. is. This is politics. His fierce personality may have been shaped by this extraordinary origin.

Then, Qin Shi Huang made a series of bold policies and literally became a great empire. Qin of the great empire is called Zhao Gao(趙高), a document in which Qin Shi Huang nominated his eldest son, Fusu(扶蘇), as a tracer, probably because of inadequate systems or the law was biased after the death of Qin Shi Huang.

A eunuch (Kangan(宦官): a person who removed the male genital organs for court duties) colluded with Prime Minister Li Si and Qin Shi Huang's second son(Kogai:胡亥), and crushed the testament! they lost their position later. It is also famous that when Zhao Gao persuaded Li Si, he used the saying, "If you do it, the god or demon will avoid it: if you decide to stay unrelenting, neither the god nor the demon will disturb the person." What a wonderful word like this is used to solicit a collusion of wrongdoing! (断而敢行、鬼神避之。)


Qin perished at an accelerating rate. A "eunuch" is a secretary of a high-ranking person or a person who performs miscellaneous tasks, but when a person with a great desire for power takes up the position, he often cuts information and even changes the fate of the empire. ..

A word of the day: I don't think the Han Wudi was a great monarch. At a meeting on the treatment of Li Ling, Sima Qian's theory is that all the ministers are sick of themselves, and the monarch who was a little floating is splashed with cold water. I'm guessing that the monarch probably thought somewhere in his heart, "This man’s grandson may threaten my imperial family, no, it must be ... scary !!"

I will. Sometimes I don't hear that Sima Qian was 48 years old and had a child, so he couldn't leave an excellent offspring of his lineage.

In addition, Chinese scholar Shigeki Kaizuka is the younger brother of Hideki Yukawa, who won the Nobel Prize in physics from a family of scholars, and Tamaki Ogawa, who is also a Chinese scholar and gave a excellent translation to "Lao-tzu". His younger brother.


The Lovely Great Tyrant Peter (Lovely great tyrant Peter the Great)

Great Russia Part 2

He is an extraordinary man anyway. He is over 2m tall. However, he is not a K1 fighter. He is also not the character of Weekly Shonen Jump. He was the founder of the Russian Empire in the first place, had a delicate brain, and had no nerves (be careful in this regard), and his minions were dexterous despite being a big man. He once praised England easily: "In England, their vassals never lie to the king. It's amazing." "In England, minister never tell a lie in front of a king. It's a great Thing !!"

HE has reason to understand whether it is a lie or a truth without thinking. And Peter is the emperor and, moreover, the biggest tyrant in history. Well, how many ministers will disappear if he reigns for a day? ... I don't understand. It depends only on how many ministers are lying. In the first place, such small numbers are crap and out of the interest of Peter. But only Junichiro Koizumi will be safe. It's a Japanese Prime minister, but I don't have the qualification to be a minister in the first place, so Peter can't see him. All your hope is Junichiro Koizumi. But Japan itself is not in the eyes of Russia. So, that does not mean that Japan's security is guaranteed.

One  day,a minister found a Pikaresque
raping a  woman.[I must arrest him!!]
  uuuuu......[It‘s  Peter!!!][I shall die!!]
This good man,Can(!!)speak to Peter.
  Peter:[I am  punishing this.If you want,you shall play my rolle?]
  If I,morishita,never do.I hates woman.
  (↓ only  a   fiction )
   Here,a world wide famous man(forever)is.
   [Shi−ba−sen:means “The Great General”]
Shi−ba−sen said a evidently right word.
Here,2Great emperrors are(same Level).

 (1)Butei of Khan  (in his mind)
     [Too terrible!! His descendants  shall  be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
   ......Shi−ba−sen  lost his male sex organ.

 (2)Peter the Great (said simply)
      You  shall be the new Emperror!!!!

(This description was written in 2005.)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

(In Japanese, original)










 このブログを書くに当たって、「史記」(貝塚茂樹中公新書)を参考にしましたが、なかでも第7章・大帝国の土崩瓦解 始皇本紀・李斯列伝・陳渉世家  が読み応えがありました。始皇帝を名乗った「政」は、秦の血統とは無縁な出自です。つまり、呂不韋(りょふい)という商人が囲っていた美しい女性を秦の皇太子が所望し、しぶしぶ差し出したのですが、そのときには、その女性の腹にはすでに呂不韋の子が息づいていたのです。








The  Lovely Great Tyrant  Peter
   (愛すべき偉大な暴君 ピョートル大帝
                      偉大なるロシア  その2
 とにかく桁外れの男だ。身長2mを越える。ただしK1ファイターではない。週刊少年ジャンプのキャラクターでもない。そもそものロシア帝国の開祖にして、緻密な頭脳を持ち、ついでに神経は持たず(この点、要注意)、手先が大男のくせに器用。あっさりとイギリスを褒めたことがある:「イギリスでは、臣下は、王に決して嘘はつかない。すごいことだ。」「In England,minister never tell a lie in front of a king.It‘s  a great thing!!」嘘か真か、考えなくても解るだけの理性はある。
そして、Peter は皇帝で、そのうえ史上最大の暴君(Tyrant)である。さて、1日彼が君臨しただけで、何人のministerが消えてなくなるだろう?・・・私には解らない。それは嘘をついたministerが何人いるかによってのみ、決まるからだ。そもそも、そんな細かな数字、くだらなくてPeterの興味の外だ。でも、小泉純一郎だけは無事だろう。一応日本のPrime  minister だけど、そもそもministerたる資格がないので、Peterに「見えるはずも」ない。大丈夫、小泉純一郎さえいれば。日本自体、ロシアの眼中にはないから。ただし、それは日本の安全を保障するという意味ではない。

One  day,a minister found a Pikaresque
raping a  woman.[I must arrest him!!]
  uuuuu......[It‘s  Peter!!!][I shall die!!]
This good man,Can(!!)speak to Peter.
  Peter:[I am  punishing this.If you want,you shall play my rolle?]
  If I,morishita,never do.I hates woman.

  (↓ only  a   fiction )

   Here,a world wide famous man(forever)is.
   [Shi−ba−sen:means “The Great General”]

Shi−ba−sen said a evidently right word.
Here,2Great emperrors are(same Level).

 (1)Butei of Khan  (in his mind)
     [Too terrible!! His descendants  shall  be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
   ......Shi−ba−sen  lost his male sex organ.

 (2)Peter the Great (said simply)
      You  shall be the new Emperror!!!!



タグ:司馬遷   史記   漢の武帝  宮刑