Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" -This is the Source of Culture

Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" -This is the Source of Culture

I entered the university as a science student, but soon after I entered the university, I was skeptical about the sciences and realized my lack of liberal arts and humanities. As a shortcut to becoming familiar with this field, I used Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" as a guide.


I read it greedily. This is a collection of Kadokawa Bunko, and I remember that there were about 8 volumes in total. I have the first volume at hand now, so let's quote it.

I had eaten:

At the dining table at the time of the Renaissance, bones and other items could be thrown away at ones feet. A man who invited the poet Dante, who wrote the Divine Comedy, to a meal gently. he pushed all his food scraps under the poet's feet. And when the meal was over, he pointed to Dante's feet. "It's a good thing for a poet." The poet hurriedly pointed to his feet. "It's not that much. I don't eat bones like you do." Here, "Kentan: 健啖" is a big eater. It's a brilliant face of Dante. For a while, they called this kind of situation "non-serious" and "horizontal thinking."

Here is the profile of Ichiro Miura from the wiki. Ichiro Miura (Ichiro Miura, June 6, 1914-March 13, 2006) is a Japanese Western historian, essayist, and professor emeritus at Sophia University. He graduated from Western History at Tokyo Imperial University, assistant professor at Ibaraki University after the war, professor at Sophia University in 1970, special treatment professor in 1980, and retired in 1985. Although he specializes in ancient Western history, "World History Spill story" was stored in the Kadokawa Bunko and gained popularity.

books he wrote:

@ The Wonders of Ancient Culture Kaiseisha 1955 (New Encyclopedia)
@ World History Spill Story Masatsugu Student Company New Book 1955-1956 Later Kadokawa Bunk o
@ Clio's smile Overhanging world history Student company new book 1962
@ Humor Life Extract Social Thought Company 1965 (Modern Liberal Arts Library)
@ Year Mnemonic A book to learn world history with haiku Kobunsha 1968 (Kappa Books)
@ Greek myths and the hometown of civilization He is Sa-e-ra Shobo 1973 (the road that this people walked)
@Continued Humor Life Extract Social Thought Company 1974 (Contemporary Liberal Arts Library)
@Hidden World History Information Center Publishing Bureau 1979
@ Women in World History Social Thought Company 1985 (Contemporary Liberal Arts Library)
@Dictionary of Western events and wise sayings Rediscovering cultures that seem to be known but not known Daiwa Shuppan 1989 @Rare tax / strange tax World tax story PHP Institute 1994
@ A funny story that makes you look smart in world history Now you are the protagonist of the scene PHP Institute 1995
@Western Story Quotations Dictionary PHP Bunko 1997 It's an on-parade of books that are abundant and interesting. He has also co-authored many books. There is another unforgettable anecdote in this extensive work. I wrote it at


Somehow, Schopenhauer, who wrote his main book, "The World as Will and Representation," read the manuscript and shouted after leaving his seat for a while. "This must be a masterpiece that was written with great inspiration, who is the genius who can write such a sentence!" He said, not a joke, but with that in mind ... It is a word and deed that cannot be done. With this one, I affirm that he, Schopenhauer, was a genius. (This anecdote appeared in "World History Spill story" edited by Ichiro Miura.) I forgot what volumes it appeared in. It may be a wonderful way to get dementia. (← This expression may be a little bad. My father died of dementia, so I have no intention of making a dementia patient tease.)

A word of the day: As originally intended, by working with this series, I think I have gained some humanities, but my own.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




 P5 ここに「健啖:けんたん」とは、大食らいのことです。当意即妙なダンテの面目躍如です。一時期、このような境地を「非真面目」「水平思考」とか呼びました。


三浦 一郎(みうら いちろう、1914年6月6日 - 2006年3月13日)は、日本の西洋史学者、エッセイスト、上智大学名誉教授。

@古代文化の驚異 偕成社 1955(新百科)
@世界史こぼれ話 正続 学生社新書 1955-1956 のち角川文庫
@クリオの微笑 はみだした世界史 学生社新書 1962
@ユーモア人生抄 社会思想社 1965(現代教養文庫
@年号記憶術 世界史を俳句で覚える本 光文社 1968(カッパ・ブックス
ギリシア人 神話と文明のふるさと さ・え・ら書房 1973(この民族が歩いた道)
@続・ユーモア人生抄 社会思想社 1974(現代教養文庫
@秘められた世界史 情報センター出版局 1979
@世界史のなかの女性たち 社会思想社 1985(現代教養文庫
@西洋の故事・名言ものしり辞典 知っているようで知らない文化の再発見 大和出版 1989
@珍税・奇税世界の税金物語 PHP研究所 1994
@世界史のなかの自分を賢くみせる笑い話 これであなたはその場の主役 PHP研究所 1995
@西洋の故事名言ものしり辞典 PHP文庫 1997





