Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

General- Fan Li; (Hanrei:范蠡) =Genius of the world

General- Fan Li; (Hanrei:范蠡) =Genius of the world

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No4)

Ancient China’s epiode, ancient China refers to the period from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period(春秋戦国時代) to the Tang period(唐時代). What is particularly interesting in the history of the Chinese war is neither the battle of Han Chu(漢楚の争い) (Xiang Yu VS Liu Kun:項羽VS劉邦) nor the Three Kingdoms(三国志) (Cao Cao VS Zhuge Liang:曹操V諸葛孔明). It is the Wu-Yue battle(呉越の争い) that was fought between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Wu(呉) and Yue(越) were underdeveloped nations of China at that time, but the winners of these two nations, Yue, will chanting over chuugen (dominating China:中原の支配). The King of Wu was Fuchai(夫差), and the King of Yue was Goujian(勾践), both of whom were mediocre kings with weak wills. It was Wu: Wu Zixu(伍子胥) and Yue: Hanrei(范蠡) who made the two people excited.


Rei: bark beetle (etymology)

Wu Zixu was originally a Chu(楚) person, but he went into exile in Wu with a grudge against Chu Wang's outrage. He had an audience with Yue Wang to relieve his resentment (not yet in Kosen's place). Yue Wang: "Can I lend a soldier for my grudge?" It was Hanrei who set out a boat for Wu Zixu who tried to commit suicide on the spot. Wu Zixu borrows Yue's soldiers. Yue Wang: "Look, you've been scratched soldiers meaninglessly." Hanrei: "What if we could buy 10 years of peace with this? It's cheap. While Wu was fighting, those kid boys I will be a peaceful soldier. ”Yue Wang:“ Hanrei, the man you are ... ”After that, when the situation became unfavorable to Yue, this“ lent soldier ”was used as a material to turn the situation over.



In addition, there were Confucius(孔子) and Sun Tzu(孫子) as Hanrei's contemporaries. Sun Tzu was a staff officer of Wu, but Hanrei understands his military art and deceives him to win. In addition, He decided the final battle with Wu in the words of the messenger of Confucius. And after making full use of all the tricks and winning brilliantly, he shook off Kousen's detention and changed his name twice and became a millionaire. Hanrei can be said to be a genius of the world. Even from my point of view, it is an attractive character. In addition, Wu Zixu has a tragic end. Wu Zixu, who was given death by Fusa, had suicided. "Hang my eyes on the gate. Watch Wu be destroyed by Yue." That's actually the case ... Hanrei was renamed "shiishihi:鴟夷子皮" for the first time, after Wu Zixu 's body was put in the skin(shiishihi) and thrown into the Changjiang River. I think it was a serious lesson. He finally calls himself Toshukou(陶朱公).

I had a hard time because there were many kanji that was difficult to be converted between Japanese and Chinese.


About "self-determination: suicide" (self-determination, suicide). It's a rough theme because it's heavy, but it is mentioned that during the battle of Wu Yue, Yue's general Hanrei made the prisoners make a collective suicide in front of the Wu army in order to kill the spirit of the Wu army. I will. At this time, it is unclear how the prisoners committed suicide. In the manga "Wu-yue Burning " (Sentaro Kubota: product, Fumio Hisamatsu: picture: Kodansha Super Bunko), there are two handles, like peeling a tree, and a knife that is cut by holding both ends with both hands. Then, I aim at the neck from the back of the head and cut it off from diagonally above. The neck separates from the torso, as if it had been sentenced to a guillotine.

On the other hand, in"History(shiki) entry gate from zero knowledge", it is drawn to cut through the carotid artery with a knife, and I am wondering which was the self-determination method at that time (around 500 BC). There are various theories about this, but I think the guillotine method is more suitable. Hanrei is willing to do cruel things. He was ruthless, and that's why he was a great general.

A word of the day: How many do you know?

@Wu-yue Doshu(呉越同舟):Even enemy cooperate when ship they boarding may sinks.

@following the sick (顰に倣う):Fusa’s wife(Seishi:西施)from Yue was always bad mood, people imitate her.

@lie down and taste the guts(臥薪嘗胆):to revenge ,make one itself do bitter action.

@ whipping dead corpses(死屍を鞭打つ) :Explode excessive emotion.

@far away at nightfall (日暮れて途遠し): I can't stand my feelings.

@Shame of Kuaiji Commandery(会稽の恥) :Even if surrendered, never
Forget the shame, intend next victory.

Reference: Manga "Wu-yue Burning " Illustration: Fumio Hisamatsu Written by Sentaro Kubota Kodansha

Throughout the history of China, the best general was Fan Li, not Zhuge Liang(諸葛孔明) nor Zhang Liang(張良). Although he was in power in the country, he sensed his danger from the character of the king and went down to the field , and became a great success as a merchant. He knows the subtleties of moving in and out.

史記12 呉越燃ゆ その四

史記12 呉越燃ゆ その四

呉越燃ゆ―史記 (スーパー文庫)

呉越燃ゆ―史記 (スーパー文庫)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






 ゴシショは本来楚の人でしたが、楚王の非道を恨んで呉に亡命しました。その恨みを晴らすために越王に謁見しました(まだコウセンの代ではない)。越王:「私怨のために兵を貸せるか」その場で自刎(自ら首を刎ねること)しようとしたゴシショにたすけ舟を出したのがハンレイでした。ゴシショは越の兵を借りて行く。越王:「見ろ、みすみす兵を掻っ攫われてしまったではないか。」ハンレイ:「なに、これで10年の平和が買えるなら安いものです。呉が戦っているうちに、あのはなたれ小僧どももいっぱしの兵士になりますから。」 越王:「ハンレイ、お前という男は・・・」その後、越に不利な状況になったとき、この「貸した兵」をネタにその状況をひっくり返すのです。











参考:マンガ「呉越 燃ゆ」画:久松文雄  作:久保田千太郎  講談社


タグ:范蠡、 呉越の争い、 孫子、 商人、 伍子胥

Fan-Li , WuYueConflict, San tzu, merchant,  Wu Zixu