Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Li Shangyin(李商隠): A great poet in the late Tang dynasty- a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry

Li Shangyin(李商隠): A great poet in the late Tang dynasty- a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry

From now on, I will feature “China “7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China now, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No.1)


Li Shangyin (李商隠wiki)

When I was reading a Chinese poetry book before (I forgot which one it was), I evaluated it as "This poem is good !!" and said "This poem is also good !!" It wasn't Du Fu, Li Haku, or Haku Rakuten, but Li Shangyin. He was a poet in Late Tang(晩唐). Known for his exposition, he broke new ground in romantic poetry. The following poems are typical. (Iwanami Shoten, Kazumi Takahashi Note)


Last night sparkling stars and comfortable wind
West writing house East cinnamon house
Also on body no phoenix wing wear
One-point communication of spiritual
Like thread Separate seating
Divide the light red and warm Liquor as spring
OO, Listening drumming officer I must leave
Running horse like a Rolling mugwort

(Free Translation)


(Summary of the above poem)

I once met a lovely woman at a banquet. There was communication that was dodged only by two person. Like a single thread. Oh, but I have to leave like an official, rolling "mugwort" ... (Note: this mugwort is not an ordinary mugwort, but a different kind of plant that rolls on the ground.)

In addition, his reading method was unique, and it was to put books here and there to read, so it was very similar to otters(獺) putting prey here and there, so such a reading method was called "Dassai:獺祭". The quote source is "Hatena Keyword" that I created.

(Source: Chinese Poet Selection 15 "Li Shangyin")

If you pull the outline from the Wikipedia

Li Shangyin (812 (7th year of Genna)-858 (12th year of the Daichu), but there is a theory that he was born in 813) is a bureaucratic politician in the late Tang dynasty and represents the times. Chinese poet. He has a character of Gizan (義山:very high mountain )and an issue of Li Shangyin. He is also called a Dassaifish. People from currently Qinyang City, Henan Province. Although he was unlucky as a bureaucrat, his bewitching and aesthetic poetry was highly regarded and gave birth to many followers, becoming the ancestor of the Western Song Dynasty, which was a pandemic in the early Northern Song Dynasty. He is called Wen Li along with Wen Tingyun of the same era, which is characterized by a similar apocalyptic style, and is also called Little Li Du along with Du Mu.

A word of the day: Li Shangyin was unlucky at home, and his sad feelings were pushed into his chest, and he was writing poetry alongside the officials. In Kazumi Takahashi's expression, there is " a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry" (certainly) about the state of Li Shangyin , and I think that is also true. A lonely color stared at by a lonely poet-a blue jewelry. It's painful.

Although I am afraid of myself, I had a similar domestic discord and was troubled by it. In that respect, I feel that Li Shangyin's heart is understood. In the case of such a raised child, it tickles the maternal instinct of a woman, but I think that he may refuse the mental assistance. We are often ambivalent against women.

In addition, "World History Spill Story" Ichiro Miura: Volume 1, 43P, has the following description.

@ Plagiarized

At the beginning of the Song, a poet named Li Shangyin was loved, and people fought to imitate the poem. At one point, a monkey actor came out wearing a shabby cloth to dress as Li Shangyin, and people wondered, "What's the cloth?" “Because many Persons break my cloth "

In the early Song dynasty, the popularity of love poetry like him exploded, called Western high mountain body(西崑体). But I think his essence was never understood except by me.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original







以下のような詩が代表的。(岩波書店 高橋和巳注)






李商隠(り しょういん、812年(元和7年) - 858年(大中12年)。ただし、生年は813年の説あり)は、晩唐の官僚政治家で、時代を代表する漢詩人。字は義山、号は玉谿生。また獺祭魚と呼ばれる。懐州河内(現河南省沁陽市)の人。官僚としては不遇だったが、その妖艶で唯美的な詩風は高く評価されて多くの追随者を生み、北宋初期に一大流行を見る西崑体の祖となった。似たような婉約な詩風を特徴とする同時代の温庭筠と共に温李と呼ばれ、また杜牧と共に小李杜とも称される。


なお、「世界史こぼれ話」三浦一郎: 第一巻 43P に以下のような記述があります。


李義山 = 李商隠です。宋代初期、彼のようなスタイルの恋愛詩の人気が爆発したのですね。西崑体。でも彼の本質は理解されなかったろうと思います。