Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Michio Mado's Poetry-Similarity to Daojia

Michio Mado's Poetry-Similarity to Daojia


Mado Michio (wiki)

The poet Michio Mado(みちお・まど) died in February 2014 at the age of 104.After his death, I learned that he was working on impressive nursery rhyme original poems such as "Elephant" and "Mysterious Pocket". Most of his background is from the wiki

Mado Michio (real name: Michio Ishida , 1909 November 16-2014 <2014> February 28) is a Japanese poet. He was recognized by Japanese famous poet: Hakushu Kitahara at the age of 25 and was convened at the age of 33. He started writing poetry in his twenties, and since then he has continued to write poetry. The source of his creativity is his dissatisfaction with politics, administration, education, economy, and war. The easy-going and humorous works such as "Elephant" and "Goat Yubin" are also popular as nursery rhymes.

Michio Mado was a civil engineer who graduated from an industrial high school. He's a scientific poet, isn't he? This type of poet seems to be able to write unique, non-trivial poems backed by an observing eye.
The following exchanges are comments and lessons exchanged with my friend narumasa_2929 on the blog.

iirei: I liked "Yagi-san Yubin", but I had never heard that this poem was written by Michio Mado. I think his poetry was of a body that erased himself, erased it to give him anonymity, and even universality. I think this is a simple and deep poem by very Mr. mado. I can't imitate it very much.

Thank you for your comment!
> I think his poetry was of a body that erased himself, erased it to give him anonymity, and even universality.

I see, it has these characteristics.
If you read iirei's comment, Hisashi Inoue's
"It's easy to do difficult things, it's easy to do, and it's fun to do it."
I remembered the word.
I also remembered the historical novels of Ryotaro Shiba and Kan Shimozawa. Depth that can be obtained because it is simple.
It doesn't seem to be a story of a dimension that can be managed with a little technique. I feel like a dimension related to "way of life."

Now, let me comment on two poems by Mado.

"Yagi-san Yubin(Goat’s mail): ♪ I got a cling from Mr. Shiroyagi ...", the poem is one of Mado's famous works. Both Mr. Shiroyagi (a white goat) and Mr. Kuroyagi (black goat) can be laughed even though they have mistaken the means and purpose. They eat eachother’s letter eachother before reading a letter. The exchange of letters like this continues endlessly. What is unfolded in this poem is the discommunication (impossible of mutual communication) of "enemy who cannot understand each other forever". Once upon a time, when I was involved in the movement of voluntary lectures, I read a book of lecture records in the voluntary lectures, but there was an endless barren controversy between the person who greatly hindered the progress of the lectures and the steering committee members. As a record, I have read a book called "Record of Discussion". The intruder was a very selfish person. ….I think that such an event is also a good example of "Yagi-san Yubin".

Cherry blossom petals

She's away from her

Cherry blossom petals
Groundly she arrived

Now she's done
And she started

One thing about her
Cherry takes her

No she is for the earth
Take the universe

Too obvious
One girl friend can

Mado is good at poetry with a view to space. In this poem, the impact on the entire universe at the moment when Cherry blossom petals falls to the ground is sung. Indeed, I can think of similarities with the Daojia idea of Chinese philosophy, especially "Lao Tzu". In Chapter 16 of "Lao Tzu", "No matter how prosperous all living things are, they will return to their roots. Returning to their roots is called silence, and it is said to obey fate. ... (Omitted) ... Being heaven is being a "road." The "road" is permanent. (Chuko Bunko: Tamaki Ogawa, translation) Almost the same idea. Even if you read Mado's essay, you can see this kind of similarity with Lao Tzu.

A word of the day: I think it's okay to be proud that Japan gave birth to Michio Mado. Even in the name "Michio", the basic concept "road" in the Daojia idea appears. What a coincidence, no inevitability. (Of course, even if the Daojia idea is the best, I'm not saying that Mr.Mado is amazing because it's similar.) The poetry collection I referred to this time is "Kuma-san" (fairy tale shop: 1989 first edition) )is.


• Author: Michio Mado
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Fairy Tale
• Release Date: 1989/10/01
• Media: Bunko
• Click: 6 times
• View blogs (4) that include this product

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




まど・みちお(本名:石田 道雄〈いしだ みちお〉、1909年〈明治42年〉11月16日 - 2014年〈平成26年〉2月28日)は、日本の詩人である。25歳のときに北原白秋に認められ、33歳のときに召集される。詩作りは20代から始め、以来詩を作り続けた。創作意欲の源は、政治・行政・教育・経済・戦争などに対する不満である。「ぞうさん」や「やぎさんゆうびん」などの、そのおおらかでユーモラスな作品は童謡としても親しまれている。


iirei:私は「やぎさん ゆうびん」が好きでしたが、この詩を書いたのがまど・みちおさんだったことは初耳でした。彼の詩は、自分本人を消去して、消去して匿名性を持たせ、そして普遍性にいたる体のものだったと思います。平易にして深い、これぞまどさんの詩だと思います。私にはとてもまねできません。

narumasa_2929 : iireiさん




さくらの はなびら

えだを はなれて

さくらの はなびらが
じめんに たどりついた

いま おわったのだ
そして はじまったのだ

ひとつの ことが
さくらに とって

いや ちきゅうに とって
うちゅうに とって

ひとつの ことが




• 作者: まどみちお
• 出版社/メーカー: 童話屋
• 発売日: 1989/10/01
• メディア: 文庫
• クリック: 6回
• この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る


タグ:老荘思想 詩 童謡 まど・みちお