Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 2(2/3)

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 2(2/3)

The Chinese classic "Lao Tzu" is a short document consisting of a short sentence fragment and 81 chapters (5,000 words), but its meaning is very deep. From now on, I will divide it into three parts and list the keywords and key points of each chapter. It is written as @ 1 = Chapter 1. 81/3 = 27 chapters each. The source is from "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa, translation: Chuko Bunko). This blog makes sense to index and organize the Lao Tzu in me. This is the second time.

(Before accepting)


Lao Tzu ( Kunio Hachiya :Iwanamibunko)

@ 28: "If you keep the weakness while maintaining the strength of hardness, it will become a valley in the world. Then you will acquire the same virtue. It is the uncut wood (Araki:樸) (wood as it is cut) Is equivalent to. "(See @ 19)

@ 29: "The world is not something you can catch when you try to catch it. If you stick to it, you lose it."

@ 30: "Those who have the intention of the Tao do not use force. The place where the army hangs out becomes a barren land."

@ 31: "A good weapon is an ominous tool." & "Don't be honored to win the battle. Those who do it are those who enjoy murder." Those who hold a celebration party die violent death.

@ 32: "The way the Tao is. The Tao is permanent and has no name." & "It is small wood but no one can make it a subordinate."
(See @ 19)

@ 33: "The state of an excellent person. It is a wise person who understands others, and a person who understands himself is a person who has a insight." It has a poetry-like form, such as stepping rhyme and using couplets.

@ 34: "The great Tao is like a floating ship. No matter what you can do, you don't take credit for yourself."

@ 35: "People in the world gather to those who hold a great shape. When the Tao is mentioned, it is candid."

@ 36: "The secret of never losing to war." "If you want to weaken a person, you must first strengthen it for a while. If you want to take away from it, you must give it first. (Several other examples)" & " Fish should stay at the bottom of the deep water. The nation's sharpest weapon should not be shown to anyone. "

(Note) There is a theory that the text of the ancient conspiracy book "Zhousho". It has been said mixed in with this chapter, but since it has been regarded as a chapter of Lao Tzu since ancient times, the theory would be adopted. The point is to accelerate the decline of the enemy by consciously increasing it. You can imagine the idea of "the moon that is missing when it is full" in I Ching(易経). The latter half of the word "fish is ..." is an image of the strongest modern weapon, the nuclear submarine. It is reminiscent of a fish in a deep pool firing an SLBM. This is a unique chapter among all 81 chapters of Lao Tzu.

@ 37: "The Tao is useless, but it can' t do nothing." & "The unnamed log:樸 "creates a state of unselfishness. (See @ 19)

(Up to this point, the first volume is called "Tao Sutra." The second volume is called "Virtue
Sutra." Together, it is "Lao Tzu ‘s Tao Virtue Sutra." It is the official name of "Lao Tzu.")

@ 38: "People with high virtues do not brag about it." & "Relativization of Confucian morals such as jin(仁), righteousness(義), and gratitude(礼)."

Jin and righteous people have some motive to do "good deeds."

@ 39: "One (one: perfect) ... By knowing the unification principle, heaven, earth, and living things can live." & "The king uses loneliness, widow, and poor crop as his own name."

The king is said to embody the misery of the world. Orphans are "minashigo". The widow or widower is "one person", and the non-grain is "bad crop and food is scarce".

@ 40: "The road goes back. Weakness is the function of the Tao."

@ 41: "Differences in how to accept the Tao depending on personality (3 ranks)." & "Great talents mature late "(Great talent=Large vessel)

The word "large vessel means "not that a large vessel is completed slowly, but that a large vessel is not completed".

@ 42: "The Tao does produce one, one produces two, two produces three, three produces all things." & "All things bear the yin and hold the yang."
This part is common to the Yin-Yang Wuxing theory and the view of I Ching. The intimacy is extremely high with the trinity of father, mother, and child, and I Ching, which talks about the fate of all things.

& "A ferocious thing does not die well. I make this the father of teaching." As in this chapter, there are some things that make it difficult to see the connection between the first half and the second half, making Lao Tzu particularly difficult.

@ 43: "Water rushes ignoring hard things." & "Teaching without words, things that can be compared with actions without actions are rare."

Lao Tzu praised water in the previous chapter. (See @ 8)

@ 44: "Which do you choose, honor or body?" "If you are too greedy, you will suffer a huge loss."

The question mark was asked, "What is the significance of the honor of damaging the body?"
Also, greed is a source of earthly desires.

@ 45: "It looks like there is something missing in the big ones. (Hereafter, the same purpose is expressed in antithesis.)"

@ 46: "If there is no war, war horses will become farm horses." & "Knowing enough is always enough."

A bell against spreading desires indefinitely.

@ 47: "Knowing the world without leaving the house. The farther you go, the less you know."

Nowadays, the power of television, radio, and the Internet makes it possible to understand the world, but how did Lao Tzu know about the world? It is a mystery to modern people. Also, if the person traveling visits a tourist destination or a commercial city, the blind person will only get information that is junky.

@ 48: "When you study, you will know more. Those who do the Tao will reduce what they do."

From a slightly twisted point of view, if you study and do the Tao, what you know and what you do is the same. So I see that both are needed.

@ 49: "The idea of good is completed, with good people as good and non-good people as good."

Only when you know that it is "bad" can you understand that it is "good." Both are two sides of the same coin. In this view, saints do not discriminate against different people. (See @ 27)

@ 50: "The way to divide life and death ... Who can predict? Many people who are obsessed with life go to the dead place."

@ 51: "The Tao creates creatures, and virtue nurtures them."

The kanji "Toku(徳)" originally has one more stroke, and when the character is translated, it can be read as "going the way with an honest heart." Then you will meet various tangible and intangible treasures on the road. In kanji, it leads to the homophone "Toku(得)".

@ 52: "There is a mother in the world. You know a child from its mother, you know a mother from its child, and you will not be harmed until you die."

@ 53: "The people are hungry, but the dynasty has sharp weapons, and gets bored. It is a country that is off the Tao." (← For example, modern North Korea. There must have been such a country even during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.)

@ 54: "With well-prepared equipment, offspring will continue to respect their ancestors. It is a virtue of the Tao." & "I see a virtuous person from the eyes of a ruler."

There are similarities between governing a country and governing a home.

(Hereafter, next time)

Reference past log: Seven theorems of Lao Tzu


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original








@30:「道を旨とする者は武力を用いない。 軍が屯(たむろ)したところは不毛の地となる。」









  (ここまで上巻・「道経」と呼ばれる。以下 下巻を「徳経」と呼ぶ。合わせて「老子道徳経」。「老子」の正式名称である。)




















参考過去ログ :老子の七定理


