Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 1(1/3)

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 1(1/3)

The Chinese classic "LaoTzu(老子)" is a short document consisting of a short sentence fragment and 81 chapters (5,000 words), but its meaning is very deep. From now on, I will divide it into three parts and list the keywords and key points of each chapter. It is written as @ 1 = Chapter 1. 81/3 = 27 chapters each. The source is from "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa, translation: Chuko Bunko). Above all, this blog makes sense to index and organize the Lao Tzu in me.


Lao Tzu(A paperback book cover:Chuko Bunko)

@ 1: "The true way cannot be told (free translation: the original text is" the Tao(way )to say is not the usual way "" & "difference in presence / absence / superiority of nothing to presence" ...・ From the beginning, one of the most difficult chapters in Lao Tzu.

(Note) The phrase "what the way should say is not the usual way" and "everyday = immutable" are not "immutable" ways if the way can be told (in Mr. Ogawa's note). ... is said to be. However, instead of the concept of "everyday = immutable road, principle", the meaning of the word "everyday" is taken to another meaning, and it is called "everyday = ordinary", and the way in general is called "way". It seems reasonable, too, so I said, "The true Tao(way )cannot be told," in the sense that it contains both contradictory meanings of "always." As evidence of this, Zhaozhou asked, "What is the way?" In a question and answer with a disciple of Zen Buddhist priest Zhaozhou Congshen, which was established under the influence of the Daojia idea. "Is it a way? If it's a way, it's straight to the city." It looks like the metaphysical questions have been rejected in advance. I think that more concrete words than abstract metaphors are appropriate for the teaching of "reality-based" Lao Tzu. The understanding of Zhaozhou Congshen's way is also valid. Even so, if "remarks about the usual way are meaningless", then one volume of "Lao Tzu" would be meaningless ...


@ 2: "Relativity of beauty and ugliness, elimination of binary opposition" (everyone in the world regards something as "beautiful"At that time, it was already ugly. ) ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥

@ 3: "Don't make heavy use of wise man" & "Don't value hard-to-find coins" (Don't value and don't ask for hard-to-find items) & "If you ”do do nothing” it won't never settle down, "Don't do anything" ... One of the fundamental concepts of Lao Tzu. However, spending lazy days is not called do nothing.

@ 4: "The function of the Tao is that the pot does not run out of water" & "Wako Doujin(和光同塵)" (Saints do not exert their inner power and light (Wako) and live like ordinary people . (Same dust))

@ 5: "Just like there is no jin(kindness) in the heavens and the earth, there is no jin in the saint" & "Don't talk too much" (In this case, jin is the basic concept of the Confucian family = the kindness of the human heart, and is a human being. This is the reason, but Lao Tzu denies it.)

@ 6: "The goddess of the valley (where water gathers) is immortal."

@ 7: "Since the saint does not have itself, It will complete its personal affairs."

@ 8: "Water is close to the Tao" "It is in a place where everyone despises, not fighting for all things" "Greatest good is like water": Lao Tzu praises water.

@ 9: "I should stop holding things that are impossible"

@ 10: "(Chapter that wrote about a kind of meditation)"

@ 11: “Nothing “has great uses.

@ 12: "Don't get lost in external stimulation" & "Hard-to-find coins" (@ 3)

@ 13: "It care about the evaluation of others because It has its own body. If It doesn't have a body, what harm will attack it?" "Only for those who value only their own body, we can
trust the nation. (See the contradiction-filled chapter, @ 7.) The only people who can do this will be those who have near-death experiences.

@ 14: "What you can't see, what you can't hear, what you can't catch: It's the work of the Tao to recognize these."

@ 15: "Write the state of an old man."

@ 16: "Even if all things flourish, they will definitely return to their roots." "← Those who know this truth will reach the Tao."

@ 17: "Four classifications of kings" (The best king only knows that there are such people.
The king of the next rank was praised by the people ... and so on.)

@ 18: "The Tao(way) is gone and there is a righteousness. ← Relativizing the fundamental concept of the Confucian family .: The virtues of Jin (仁)and Gi (義)are born after the Tao is lost." (See @ 5)

@ 19: "Abandon the sacred and wisdom, abandon the jin and righteousness, and the people will benefit and be filial." & "Araki: Wood as it is cut out. "Is the state before it is processed into various parts and used, and Lao Tzu praises this.

@ 20: "What is the value of learning?" & "People seem to have floated at a banquet, but I'm like a baby who hasn't laughed yet. I'm cheerfully fed by the breasts of my mother's way. It’ s a good

@ 21: "The great virtue" & "Ecstasy:" Etymology of ecstasy "

@ 22: "The twisted one remains completely."

@ 23: "It is against nature to be chattering at any time. The same is true of natural phenomena." (Hyofu: heavy wind does not end the morning, and showers (heavy rain) also end the day.

@ 24: "Unreasonable behavior does not last long."

@ 25: "The Tao was born before the heavens and the earth."

@ 26: "The great person doesn't act lightly." Even if I t encounter a wonderful scenery while traveling, It doesn’t get out of the car.
This situation is called "Swallow stand still absolutely". Because it knows its importance in the world.

@ 27: "Those who win things do not leave a mark of their actions." & "Saints do not abandon anyone." "Masters ... teachers and disciples(師資).": From the perspective of saints, Almost everyone is imperfect, but it hone itself (capital(資本): this is the same usage as capitalism today).

(Note: The anecdote of Zhaozhou at @ 1 is sourced from "Zen: Living in the Present: Kazuyoshi Kino, NHK Publishing".)

Reference past log: Seven theorems of Lao Tzu


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






(注)この「道の言うべきは、常の道にあらず」という文言、「常=不変」とは(小川さんの注では)道が語りうるものであれば「不変の」道ではない・・・とされる。ただ、「常=不変の道、原理」という概念ではなく、「常」という言葉の意味を別の意味に取り、「常=普通の」ということであるとして、道一般について「道」と呼ぶことも妥当だと当然思われるので、「常」に関して相反するその両方の意味を内包するという意味で、私は「真の道は、語り得ない」とした。その証拠に、老荘思想の影響を受けて成立した禅宗の僧・趙州従諗:(じょうしゅう・じゅうしん)の弟子との問答で「道とは何ですか?」との問いに趙州は「道か。道なら都に真っ直ぐだ」と答えている。 形而上学的な問いを門前払いした格好になっているのだ。「現実密着型」の老子の教えには、抽象的な喩えより具体的な文言が相応しいと思う。趙州従諗の道に関する理解も妥当であると。・・・それにしても、「常なる道についての発言が無意味」だとすれば、「老子」一巻も無意味になってしまうが・・・



@3:「知恵者を重用するべからず」&「得難きの貨を貴ばず」(入手しにくい品物を尊いとせず、求めない)&「無為をなせば(為無為)治まらないことはない」  「為無為」・・・老子の根本概念のひとつ。ただし、怠惰な毎日を過ごすことは、無為とは呼ばない。














@17:「王の4分類」 (もっとも優れた王は、人民はそのような人がいると知るのみである。









@26:「君子は軽々しい行動はしない。」 旅行中、素晴らしい風景に出会っても、車から出ない。



参考過去ログ :老子の七定理



タグ:老子  Tao  水