Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Mozart ,Beethoven and Fauré : three great composers

Mozart ,Beethoven and Fauré : three great composers

Thorough comparison between Mozart and Beethoven:

  The Wonder Child VS The Saint of Music

These two composers are the pinnacle of European music, but they have different tastes, so I thought about what they were like.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is 1756-1791. He has been called a "Wonder Child" since he was a child, and he was a genius who continued to call him until he died at the age of 35. Ludwig van Beethoven is 1770-1827. It developed the classical music created by Mozart and paved the way for the rise of Romantic music. He died at the age of 57. His later years suffered from deafness, in which he composed "Symphony No. 9", praising his suffering and overcoming it, also known as "The Saint of Music". Unexpectedly, these two are not as old as their parents and children, but rather they are older siblings.

Evidence from theory, I made a list of the characteristics of these two people, so please read it.


I've almost exhausted this table, but it seems that the difference between the two seems to stand out. I will supplement some items.

3. Similar people: Zhuang Zhou (philosopher) and Li Bai (poet), who have an unsewn personality, are similar to Mozart, and Confucius (philosopher & politician) and Du Fu feel sad because of the country. (Poet), and Beethoven is a good match for it.

5. Sound quality: The word "running sorrow" was written in Hideo Kobayashi's critic "Moozart" as being sung by a European music critic, but in the first movement of Symphony No. 40. It seems to be prominent.
(Click here)
Symphony No. 40, 1st movement

On the other hand, "fixed joy" is an expression that I myself thought about , but this is an induction from the image of the 9th symphony "chorus". However, I don't really like "chorus", but rather the 6th "countryside" is my favorite.
(Click here)

6th " countryside " 1st movement

A word of the day: Mozart's music is "things that can be made" and Beethoven's music is "things that are made by force", which is my basic evaluation of these two great composers. (2. It's just the impression I wrote about the creation of music. Yeah, blunt, to be honest, Mozart's is holy music made of clear sound, Beethoven's is more or less muddy. It is a vulgar music that is mixed.

Fauré's ear sickness

Gabriel-Urbine Fauré: 1845-1924 has written a number of good songs with stunning melody lines and chords. "After a dream", which is a wonderful song better than the original poem,"Sicilienne: also known as Siciliano", a song of "Pereas and Melisand Suite" depicting a pair of men and women's tragic love, sensual love Typical examples are the "Ispahan Rose" that I drew, and the "Requiem" that is perhaps be better than that of Mozart. Perhaps many people have heard one of these songs.


Fauré: "Après un rêve" (After a dream)



Ear sickness attacks the Fauré . Around 1903, his son wrote:

"The long-standing despair and Schumann's suffering with Beethoven was also his own ... In addition to deafness, unfortunately he heard a more vicious deformed sound and the bass range. Was felt 3 degrees higher and the treble was 3 degrees lower, and only the midrange was weak but accurately perceived. "

Quoted from "Gabriel Fauré" (Jean-Michel Nectou).

It is true that Beethoven also suffered from a disease in his later years that he could not hear the sound completely, and Schumann may be, but this ear disease that hit Fauré was more particularly than Beethoven and Schumann. I think it was a heavier shackle for Beethomann, the authority on chords. Beautiful chords can only be heard as noise. This can be described as "sound torture."

Fauré began his musical career at the Niedermeyer School of Religious Music, where he owned the chords. From this time on, he will have a lifelong friendship with Saint-Saens.

In 1905, Fauré's student Ravel for missing the Prix de Rome, and his predecessor took responsibility and resigned and Fauré was appointed director of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris. However, he didn't care about his fame in the floating world, but he seems to have made a big change as soon as he became the director.

Regarding Fauré's historical evaluation, it is typical that he is positioned like a joint between Romantic music and contemporary music, and it became a bridge between the two, but I saw the independent peak called Fauré there. Because the chords and melody lines are so good, it's not just only a beautiful song like Debussy's "Arabesque". As evidence, the poet Verlaine and the novelist Marcel Proust have also sent dedications to Fauré.
After his death, he was sent to a state funeral in France.

A word of the day: "Piano Quintet No. 2" is a masterpiece of a song written in such a terrible state.
This song is said to be a musical will of Fauré, but I think it is a masterpiece with solemnity and resignation. There is no "sound distortion" at all. It's a big deal, not even that ear sickness. Fauré exclusively writes piano pieces, songs, and chamber music, and does not write much symphonies and orchestras. Is this also a work of his humble personality?

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original











交響曲第40番 第1楽章




第6「田園」 第1楽章

今日のひと言:モーツァルトの音楽は「出来てしまうもの」、ベートーベンの音楽は「力業で造ってしまうもの」というのが私の基本的なこの2人の偉大な作曲家についての評価です。(2.音楽の創造 について書いた通りの感想なのです。ええい、ぶっちゃけ、正直に言ってしまえば、モーツァルトのは、どこまでも清澄な音で出来た聖なる音楽、ベートーベンのは多かれ少なかれ、濁った音が混入する俗な音楽です。


 ガブリエル・ウルバン・フォーレ(Gabriel−Urbain Faur‘e:1845−1924)は、見事なメロディーラインと和音で、佳曲をいくつも書いています。原作のありふれた詩をみごとな歌曲にひっぱりあげた「夢のあとで」、一組の男女の悲恋を描いた「ペレアスとメリザンド組曲」の一曲「シシリエンヌ:別名シチリアーノ」、官能的な愛を描いた「イスパハンのバラ」、一部ではモーツアルトのそれより出来が良いといわれる「レクイエム」などが代表的です。おそらく、これらのうち一曲は聴いたことがある人も多いでしょうね。


Fauré: "Après un rêve" (夢のあとで)












タグ  モーツァルト ベートーベン フォーレ 聖なる音楽

Tag Mozart Beethoven Fauré Sacred Music

Mozart's music is sacred with clear sounds, and Beethoven's is more or less muddy music. In the case of Fauré, the clarity of the sound seems to be comparable to Mozart.

Mugwort and its companions (Tarragon and Wormwood)

Mugwort and its real face: Mugwort is also one of the herbs


Mugwort transplanted to my garden (2020.03.22)

The following sentence is from my writing "Eating wild grass, JIMI (deliciousness) ! ! “. its description. (8P)

Mugwort (Yaitogusa herb name: Mugwort) Perennial Asteraceae

Mugwort has a strong vitality and cannot be eradicated by just bullying it. Asteraceae plants are the most evolved plants in terms of prosperity of offspring, and mugwort is at the top.

The feature is that the lye is quite strong, and when it is made into Ohitashi, the lye is a little strong and it is stiff and difficult to eat. As a measure to alleviate this lye

Cooking method-@ 1 Tempura This is very delicious.

  • @ 2 Boil for a little longer with salt and then add sesame sauce.
  • @ 3 After hot water, drink with milk, sugar and juicer.
  • @ 4 Kusa mochi. Previously, "Hahacogusa" was used.
  • @ 5 Chopped mugwort and tofu soup.

The best time to collect mugwort is before early summer when the mugwort becomes taller. It is the time when it is crawling on the ground.

The moxibustion is the back hair of mugwort leaves. Among herbs, French tarragon and wormwood : poisonous) are members of the mugwort. Chernobyl, famous for the nuclear accident, means wormwood in Russian.

As a side note, brilliantly fried mugwort can be tastier than "King of wild plants for Tempura": Kosiabra. It was good to have such a result, but that peculiar odor may change to a fragrance. Excellent! !

Regarding the points that were not written above, I will quote the section "Mugwort" from WIKI (excerpt).

It has a peculiar scent and is eaten by boiling spring sprouts and making them into rice cakes, soup ingredients, and kusa mochi (yomogi mochi). You can also eat it as tempura. The main components of the scent are cineole, tuyon, β-cariophyllene, borneol, camphor, palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.

Young shoots and young strains that have begun to grow are effective for stomach upset, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, and poor circulation when decocted and drunk after drying. Also, if you grow up a little more, you should dry it and take a bath. It is effective for hemorrhoids including low back pain. In addition, the Ainu people cured the cold and pneumonia by inhaling the steam from boiling mugwort.

An example of using mugwort for road construction is acacia, a fast-growing shrub that prevents the surface soil of the slope from flowing out due to rainwater when the road is made by cutting down mountains and slopes. Acacia and honey acacia(which is fake acacia) and spray soil mixed with grass seeds. Since mugwort grows fast and is a perennial plant, the strains that remain even after the above-ground part withers are alive and suitable for soil fixation. However, mugwort pollen is also an allergen for autumn pollinosis like ragweed, and there is a problem in artificially using it extensively.

It is a plant that has maintained a close relationship with humankind.

A word of the day: A substance called "Thujone" (or Thujone) appears as an ingredient of wormwood, but this is also found in sage (medicinal salvia: Labiatae), tansy (Asteraceae), wormwood (Asteraceae), etc. It is contained and is considered to be a poisonous ingredient (both are herbs). You shouldn't overeat mugwort and its company because it's delicious.

Deep-fried mugwort


I picked the tips of mugwort and made it fried (tempura without batter). However, keep the oil to a minimum. The bitterness was strong, probably because the season had passed. Sorry. Let's pick it in early spring next year. When fried well, it is the most delicious.


Tarragon : Delicate and generous herbs

Even if you say "tarragon", it is not a monster. It is a kind of herb.

The evaluation of those who gave a tarragon on hand before is:

> Tarragon was a very fascinating and nostalgic herb that had never been seen before.


Tarragon (Estragon: in French) : wiki

By the way, tarragon is an herb of the Asteraceae family and is a kind of "mugwort" in a broad sense. Mugwort also has a splendid herbal name, There is also an herb called "wormwood", which is also a member of mugwort, but it can be said that it is a poisonous herb. When Verlaine and Rimbaud were living a free-spirited life, they drank absinthe. It is a poison that paralyzes the central nervous system. Until recently, production was banned, but now that the process of pulling out thujone has been completed, it seems that it is being manufactured again.

If you derail a little, the Asteraceae "gobou" also has the herb name "burdock". It is European style that use burdock leaves instead of roots.

So far, I have called it "tarragon", but there are actually two types of tarragon. One is the "French tarragon" and the other is the "Russian tarragon". The former is a fragrant herb, but it cannot be increased by "seed". It's just a stock split. The latter increases with "seed",
There is not much "fragrance". Then, only French tarragon can be used as an herb. (Tarragon is also known as estragon.)

This tarragon has the following uses for cooking.

Leaves: Use leaves sparingly for a warm, subtle and good flavor. When used in large amounts, the unique strong odor erases the characteristics of other ingredients. Tarragon, along with chervil and parsley, is one of the indispensable spices for French cuisine. Tarragon vinegar with leaves in vinegar is mixed with bearnaise sauce, tartar sauce and Dutch sauce.

Add chopped leaves to avocado stuffing, mayonnaise for fish dishes, salad dressings, light soups, tomato dishes, omelets, and scrambled eggs. Herb butter for vegetable dishes, steaks, chops and grilled fish. You can roast chicken with tarragon, mix it with chicken stuffing, or put it in a pickled or mustard bottle. You can also enjoy a unique flavor by making ice cubes and making cold drinks.

Persians use Russian tarragon for grilled meat dishes.
"Herbal Encyclopedia 110" (Leslie Brenness: Nihon Vogue) P18

A word of the day: Whether you use this tarragon in small quantities or in large quantities, you can make the food alive or break it. It's an unexpectedly difficult herb, isn't it?

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






ヨモギ(ヤイトグサ・ハーブ名:マグワート)多年草 キク科



調理法―@1 テンプラ これは非常においしい。
   -@2 塩でちょっと長めに茹でたあと、胡麻和えにする。
   -@3 湯がいたあと、牛乳、砂糖とジューサーにかけて飲む。
   -@4 モチグサ。以前は「ハハコグサ」が使われていました。
   -@5 刻みヨモギとトーフのスープ。




























タグ   ヨモギ  タラゴン  ワームウッド  アブサン  キク科

Tag   mugwort   tarragon  wormwood   absinthe   Asteraceae

Mugwort is a useful herb, and fellow tarragon and wormwood are also herbs. Tarragon is famous as a spice. Wormwood is a component of absinthe, but it was addictive and was banned from production until the component was removed.

Chinese cuisine and Japanese cuisine (Hatchet and Razor)

Chinese cuisine and Japanese cuisine (Hatchet and Razor)

I tried to guess the features of well-known dishes. So I compared Japanese food with Chinese food.

@Hatchet and Razor

Chinese cuisine is "Hatchet" dish.
Japanese cuisine is a "Razor" dish.
That's the proof on the cutting board
Chinese cuisine is to crush the ingredients
Japanese cuisine shave off the ingredients.

PS. Chinese knives are also like hatchet,
and they use wooden stumps as cutting boards.

The above are the poems I presented in the community on MIXI, and I compared how to handle the materials. The shape of Chinese knives is close to a rectangle, and the shape is also close to hatchet, and I think that the usage is more like cutting roughly than cutting thinly. I often see the scene of handling Shanghai crab in the news feature, and it's like that. It is handled as if you were breaking firewood on a rootstock. (Although Chinese cooks handle this knife dexterously and make "decorative dishes".) On the other hand, Japanese cuisine uses a knife to "slice" the ingredients like a razor like a Yanagiha knife. I think.


The analogy of hatchet and razor is great, but often used for its opposite sharpness, but it's interesting to be able to adapt it to Japanese and Chinese cuisine.

In addition, Chinese cuisine is a rich "oily" dish, while Japanese cuisine does not require much oil other than "tempura". I think that "oil crops" and the rich oil dishes derived from them are the products of "civilization" in both good and bad ways. How many people around them would have been crying to secure that much oil. Unless taught, the islanders of the Pacific islands would have been eating only potatoes (taro, etc.) without the existence of "oil plants".

A word of the day: Then, when I think about what French cuisine can be compared to, I can't find a suitable analogy. I will tentatively say that it is a dish with a rich "sauce" that has a lot of oil and is a hot pot dish. It might be a bit like Chinese food.

Two poems below I wrote a long time ago(With a joke)

@A woman shaving with Hatchet (poetry)

The woman with Kaiser mustache
She devotes herself to charcoal burning.

To her proud Kaiser mustache
The fire spread
Some mustache was left unburned.

No other choice,
She cleaned up with Hatchet(Tomahawk).

(This poem is dedicated to the USA.
USA is initially a beautiful woman.
But She wears beard.
This poem was written as of the IRAQ war.
I thought “Please don't use
Tomahawk Missile”.)


@A man cutting a tree with a Razor (poem)

The man wanted to cut an oak tree
That was about 30m armful

He had a sharp razor in his hand.

But no matter what, the opponent is a giant tree,
It's hard to cut down.
Man spends 40 years
About 3 cm trunk
Only to cut down
He could not do it.

The man said,
“The Subsequent work
As a sacred duty
With a razor
He died with this will.

His remaining descendants
Faithfully the man's will
They kept it, but no matter how many generations passed
Could not cutting down the tree
They could not do it.

When they come to this,
“In eternal time ",
Over thousands of years,
They have no choice but to complete it.

But this guy,
The tree was in the way,
The person may be moving
He didn't ...
In a double sense
This man was stupid.


And These two poems are a pair. When I came up with "Hatchet ...", Hatchet = woman, razor = man

I was allocated, but with a razor, so did not imagine only appearance of small-minded man to walk to punk the car, It was shelved, but the mismatch of using a razor to the felling of the tree is interesting, so I at once wrote a poem. The proverb of China, referred to as "Gukou transfer a mountain", he though should change the adress, there is a reckless talk is that going to change Transfer in artificial mountain, but "Gukou", after all he was "stupid" I think.

(Gukou=愚公:A stupid gentleman)

@It is okay to think of this poem as a stupid poem, even if it is taken as having some allegory. Feel free to interpret it.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



























この詩は、「ナタで髭剃る女」 とペアーの詩です。「ナタで・・・」を思いついたとき、ナタ=女、カミソリ=男と割り振ったのですが、カミソリでは、自動車をパンクさせて歩くセコイ男の姿しか思い浮かべられなかったので、お蔵入りだったのですが、樹の伐採にカミソリを使うというミスマッチが面白くて、今回の詩を一気に書き上げました。中国の諺に、「愚公山を移す」という、自分が引越せばよいのに、山を人為で移しかえようという無茶なお話がありますが、私は「愚公」は、やっぱり「愚か」だと思います。




タグ ナタ カミソリ 料理 カイゼルヒゲ イラク戦争

Deep inside the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line: Domestic demand and the shadow of the United States

Deep inside the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line: Domestic demand and the shadow of the United States

I am currently reading "The Men Who Connected Tokyo Bay" (Nikkei BP: 1997 First Edition). This book depicts the struggles of engineers until the completion of this huge road, reminiscent of the various projects previously broadcast on NHK's "Project X" (maybe it was actually on air. I don't know), I'm not really interested in various technical problems such as the fact that the spring water interfered with the construction and the difficulty of adopting the shield method. Well, I think that such a story should be read by civil engineers / the manias of civil engineering.


umi hotaru (sea firefly) PA: (wiki)

However, the only thing I paid attention to in the description of this book was that I was interested in how the decision was made, such as the idea of construction, the announcement of the plan, the stray, the decision of construction, etc. I paid the most attention to the chronological table, "Major movements to completion."

Actually, at this time, I would like to superimpose the data on my past log "3 routes" (Honshu-Shikoku Bridge) and the data from this chronological table. Here, the facts of this three bridges are displayed as @, and the facts of Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line are displayed as @@.


(In Japanese)

@ 1889 Proposed

@ 1959-1961 Go up to 5 route candidates

@@ 1966 survey

@ 1970 Kakuei Tanaka promised to make 3 routes

@ 1974 Postponed due to oil crisis

@ 1985 Determined by construction of 3 routes

@@ 1985 Commercialization is approved

@ 1988 Completed Kojima / Sakaide route

@@ 1997 Aqualine completed

@ 1998 Kobe / Naruto route completed

@ 1999 Onomichi / Imabari route completed

(The opening of the Kobe / Naruto route and the Onomichi / Imabari route followed the description on wikipedia.)


Map of 3routes(wiki)

Almost both huge works are approved, constructed, and completed at the same time. Please note that @ and @@ are in the same year in 1985. This year is a year in which an important promise was made between Japan and the United States. In order to eliminate the trade surplus of Japanese automobiles and the trade deficit from the perspective of the United States, the Japanese government received an "order" from the US Trade Representative to "expand domestic demand", and several large civil engineering works ... We will start construction of 3 routes of 4 bridges. Actually, We only needed the Kojima / Sakaide route. This was a foolish act of subservient construction under the guise of the United States. It seems that this is reflected in the current tightness of national finance.

Then, when I looked at whether there was something in common between the three bridges and the Aqua-Line, it was the same year that the three routes were approved by the external pressure of the United States ... The Aqua-Line in 1985. Was also licensed.

This pressure to expand domestic demand can also be seen in the "Plaza Accord" agreed between developed countries under the Nakasone administration in 1985. The yen was sharply revalued, which was too strong, leading to a stronger yen and a weaker dollar, which slowed Japan's exports and forced us to look at domestic demand even if we didn't like it. The administration at that time, which easily accepted this agreement, was completely unaware of the toxicity of this promise, leaving behind various stigma in Japan's future. Stupid administration ... One of the roots of this is the bubble economy and its collapse, and the subsequent "lost 30 years" are good examples.

A word of the day: The Japanese government has been weak in the United States since Shigeru Yoshida, and as my blog friend, id: SPYBOY often says, I hope Japan will become the 51st state of the United States. ..

3 routes

89.0km. 9.4km. 59.4km. What number do you think this is? --The answer is the total extension of the "Kobe / Naruto route", "Kojima / Sakaide route", and "Onomichi / Imabari route" of the Honshu Bridge (Honshu-Shikoku connecting bridge) (from Wikipedia).

The "Kojima / Sakaide route" is outstandingly short, and the other two are too long. In the history of construction of the three bridges, why was the three routes constructed even though they were once unified into the "Kojima / Sakaide route"? We will follow the history of construction.

The bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku was invented quite early, and in 1889, Kagawa Prefectural Assembly's Akira Okubo proposed it. However, before and after the Pacific War, it was not constructed because it "interferes with the navigation of ships." The turning point was the "Shiun Maru accident" that occurred in the Seto Inland Sea in 1955. In the previous year, a catastrophe of 1155 people died on the Seikan Ferry Toya Maru, and the bridge plan emerged in the wake of this marine accident that recorded 186 people dead. From 1959 (Showa 34) to 1961, all 5 routes will be considered.

Around this time, petition battles in related prefectures (Hyogo, Tokushima, Okayama, Kagawa, Hiroshima, Ehime, etc.) are booming. To put it badly, it is a regional ego, but I do not feel like blaming the local government at that time, who thought that the construction of bridges would contribute to regional development. In 1970, the secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, Kakuei Tanaka, decided to "make all three routes" and the four public corporations were established. However, due to the oil crisis in 1974, the wind direction changed and the start of construction was postponed. After that, the line will change to make only the "Kojima / Sakaide route".

However, at the time of the Cabinet of Yasuhiro Nakasone in 1985, the pressure of the United States to manage the trade deficit forced Japan to expand domestic demand and decided to create three routes. (This external pressure information is


From Masateru Shirakawa, who asks about the privatization of the road public corporation. )

The "Kojima / Sakaide route" will open in 1988, the "Kobe / Naruto route" in 1998 (2000), and the "Onomichi / Imabari route" in 1999 (2001). You can see that it was a national project that was directly touched by big politicians such as Kakuei Tanaka and Yasuhiro Nakasone. The age is from "30 Year History of the Four Public Corporations".

Even so, it is interesting that the external pressure from the United States, which has become the trump card for the construction of the three routes that are currently in the big deficit, suggests the current state of Japan. For the bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku, it seems that one "Kojima / Sakai route" is sufficient in terms of cost performance. In that sense, it should have been good in the direction of 1973. Twice.

And what was left was a toll that was several times higher than a normal highway. Even if the four public corporations are privatized, this high burden will not be resolved, and eventually the finances of the region and the economic life of the Japanese people will be squeezed. It seems that the responsibility of the government, which made three routes at the mercy of the United States, is heavy. Perhaps they are trying to cheat by non-essential means called privatization.

A word of the day: I don't think that "if you can do logistics quickly" is all right. I am against any further construction of the highway.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original











@1889年 提起
@1959年−1961年 5ルート候補に上がる
@@1966年 調査
@1970年 田中角栄 3ルート作ることを確約
@1974年 オイルショックで延期
@1985年 3ルート建設で決定
@@1985年 事業化が認められる
@1988年 児島・坂出ルート完成
@@1997年 アクアライン完成
@1998年 神戸・鳴門ルート完成
@1999年 尾道今治ルート完成













 道路公団民営化を問う  白川正照  より。)




タグ  内需 公共事業 橋 トンネル 民営化

The major civil engineering projects, Honshu Bridge and Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, have a lot in common. It was the go-ahead of construction in 1985. It is coded that the United States has issued an order to expand domestic demand to Japan because it wants to protect the dollar.

Old and relatively new Chinese philosophies (2 blogs)

Chinese philosophy does not have the letters of salvation: different from general religion

I have recently noticed books such as "Lao Tzu", "Suozi", "I Ching", and "The book:書経" that have been passed down since ancient times in China. That is, the concept of "salvation" in Chinese philosophy is endlessly scarce or absent.

In the case of general religions, the three major religions in the world ... In Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, the concept of "salvation" is indispensable. No, without this, believers cannot safely enter into a religious life. Without a voice saying, "Please save me who is sinful and tainted," religion cannot be established.

With that in mind, I googled for the keyword "Is there the word salvation in Chinese philosophy?" Then, a hit page was displayed, which was the word "Keisei Saimin" or "Keikoku Saimin". The meaning is "run the world and help the people." It shows the purpose of so-called "economy", or more specifically, "politics". It certainly has the meaning of "salvation," but it has a very different nuance from religious "salvation." There is no assumption of a god and buddha to rescue, even if the politician assumes it.

In the inner part of "Baopuzi" written by Ge Hong in Eastern Jin, China, the word "Making the world folklore" appears and is used almost synonymously with the Making the world people. The era went down a little, and in the Sui dynasty's Wang Tong "Bunchuko" Rei-raku Hen, there was "Economics of the economy, so-called economic people", and "economics" was used as an abbreviation for the people of the economy.

I understand. In addition, "economy" appears in later generations such as "Shinsho" Yin Koden (Tang) and "Song History" Wang Anshi Denron (former), but of course the above is a usage that means politics, governance, and administration in general. After the political change of Bojyutsu and Hundred Days' Reform, the new subject "Economic Special Course", which was newly established to appoint talented human resources in the field who are scholarly and scholarly, is also based on this usage. ..

Wiki (Keisei Saimin)

That was the source of this word. It is surprising that it first appeared in a book called " Hobokushi", which looks like a child of Taoism and Confucian. By the way, traditionally, there are technical books that enrich the people in China. I would like to introduce one of them, a book called "Seimin Yojutsu" (wiki).


(The important technics to enrich people)

"Qimin Yaoshu" (Traditional Chinese: Qimin Yaoshu; Simplified Chinese: Qimin Yaoshu) is about agriculture, livestock, clothing, food and housing technology in North China written by Jia Sixie of Northern Wei, China. Comprehensive agricultural book. 92 volumes, 10 volumes in total. It was established around 532 to 549. It is the earliest agricultural book in the history of world agriculture and the oldest and most complete agricultural book in existence in China.

In the first half of the 6th century, Jia Sixie was a person from Shandong Province (currently Shouguang City, Shandong Province), and was a literary man who served as a Taishou in Koyo County (currently Zibo City, Shandong Province) in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It is said to be the culmination of agricultural books up to Northern Wei, and contains many lost literary works of old agricultural books such as "Fan Shengzhi" and "Shimintsuki Ordinance". It consists of 10 volumes, and the description covers from cultivation methods such as main grains, vegetables, fruit trees, and morus alba to livestock-related, brewing methods such as koji, sake, soy sauce, vinegar, and dried dairy, food processing methods, and foreign product theory. .. It is systematic, rigorous and detailed. It had a great influence on the development of ancient Chinese agriculture. It is an indispensable document in the history of Chinese cuisine. It is said that the miscellaneous part has a later addition.

During the Northern Wei era, the northern limit of farming and livestock farming shifted to the south in the face of the cold medieval period, and after the migration of Gangnam immigrants to North China due to the armed refugees of farmers in North China and the migration of pastoralists such as the Mongolian Plateau to North China, the Five Barbarians from the end of Han It is a stable period of political economy in North China after the war until the Sixteen Kingdoms era.

Therefore, in addition to the tradition of the agricultural society of North China up to the Han Dynasty, the technology and food culture of the pastoral society in the north were transferred on a large scale. In this way, there are many descriptions with a strong pastoral color, such as various dairy product manufacturing methods that are very similar to the dairy product processing technology in Mongolia today.

···I feel like this. This is a purely technical book, not a book with religious "salvation". Regarding Chinese philosophy, I think this concept of "salvation" is sparse. "Shokyo" (The Book) is a collection of episodes about the rule of politicians and alternatives, but it only talks about politics, and there are no fragments of religion. It is said that the Chinese originally liked politics, but their characteristics are different among the four major civilizations in the world.

Is there a myth in Egyptian civilization, Mesopotamian civilization, and Indus valley civilization? It seems that it is not in the Yellow River civilization. In the case of China, the first emperor: Fuxi (伏羲)and his wife: Joka(女媧) were human-faced snakes, and the next emperor was a ox-faced man called Shennong(神農). There will be people who are face-to-face or strange, but even though they are strange and talented, they are just emperors, not gods. This area seems to be thorough.

Many of you may have wondered in the description so far, but isn't "Confucianism, Taoism" a religion? "When. These are certainly real religions, and perhaps (if not) there is a beneficial "salvation" in this world. However, I am the one who distinguishes between "philosophy" and "religion." I think it is the religion that is now that the original pure thoughts have been transformed into dirty teachings by folk customs.

A word of the day: From a Chinese perspective, the concept of "heaven and earth" is also important. These two words are often awe-inspiring and very close to "God," but Lao Tzu says: "Heaven and earth are not human." That is, "Neither heaven nor earth is human-friendly." Chapter 5) and. Again, I can see that Chinese philosophy lacks the concept of salvation.

Origin of China being arrogant: Zhu Xi(朱熹) and Wang Yangming(王陽明)

A new (Nouvelle Vague) Confucianism that became the backbone of modern China. Among them, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming are important. Of the four books and five classics(四書五経), "Kakubutsuchichi(格物致知)" in "Daigaku:University" had a great influence on the later Confucianists, so this word should be analyzed first. (In addition, "Kakubutsu" and "Chichi" were words with different meanings, but it seems that Zhu Xi put them together to make them new words. Of the four books, "Daigaku:大学" and "moderate:Chuuyo:中庸" are memoirs. The two books are independent of (Raiki:礼記).)

First of all, in Zhu Xi (1130-1200: Confucian scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty: the ancestor of Cheng-Zhu School), the meaning of guessing the line of things and reaching knowledge is "Kakubutsu Chichi". And he attaches great importance to "reason." So, at this time, he denied the teaching of setting "Tongo" (suddenly reaching enlightenment) like the Daojia thought or Zen, and " Zengo" (to accumulate experience to Enlightenment) is affirmed. ... I'm dissatisfied with this view, and it seems that Zhu Xi, who is not a genius, denies genius.

And when Zhu Xi's teachings permeated and became the state religion of Ming, the teachings lost their vitality, and it seems that the idea of defending the system = prejudice. For example, I think that Motohiko Izawa wrote in "Japanese History of Paradox" before, but the "Chinese thought" that all the surrounding different ethnic groups are inferior to China is the original "Chinese thought". There is a story that Zhu Xi of Nansung, who was oppressed by different ethnic groups, made up to maintain the pride of the "Han Chinese". That consciousness is still alive today. In other words, it's the flip side of inferiority complex. I think the actual Chinese are "Yamazaru"= "Those with narrow insight".

Then, more than 300 years later, Wang Yangming (1472-1592: Confucian scholar of Ming: the ancestor of Yangmingism) first tried to be faithful to Zhu Xi, and even if he squinted at the bamboo lines, he tried to discover "Ri: reason". He couldn't do it, and He came to doubt
Zhu Xi's theory. He was also a soldier, and went to various places to settle rebels, but as a result of those hardships, he created a new Confucian system, Yangmingism, which is not Cheng-Zhu. Here, the "heart" is more important than the "reason" that Zhu Xi calls. Wang Yangming did not necessarily deny the Daojia thought, Zen. Even from this stance, it can be seen that Zhu Xi's theory and Wang Yangming's theory are incompatible.


Wang Yangming(wiki)

The important concepts he created are "knowing and acting are must same:知行合一” and "chiryouchi(致良知):reaching good wisdom". In the case of Cheng-Zhu, the teaching is "to investigate and know first, and then to take action", but Wang Yangming denies such a confusing attitude and "knowing and acting must be one. That's right. In addition, it can be said that "Chiryouchi" is a concept that organizes Zhu Xi's "Kakubutsu Chichi" in a way that is Wang Yangming. Zhu Xi reads that "knowledge is determined by the things", while Wang Yangming reads that "the things are researched and the good wisdom is struck."

What is a "thing"? It is the place where my heart is activated. It is not an objectively targeted "thing" like Zhu Xi
From "World Famous Books Continuation 4: Zhu Xi / Wang Yangming: Chuokoron-sha" P68

Cheng-Zhu can be said to be a "static" idea, and Yangmingism can be said to be a "dynamic" idea. In particular, Yangmingism seems to have been a catalyst for social change. And Cheng-Zhu is an idea that affirms the current situation. As evidence, the state religion under the rule of the Edo Shogunate was Cheng-Zhu.

Below, from wikipedia (cutout about special knowledge)

It wasn't until Cheng Yi (1033-1107) interpreted the character in connection with the plight that it became more important. He interpreted that if he wanted to show his wisdom, he would squeeze the reason in line with things, and by doing so he said he would "penetrate".

Zhu Xi (1130-1200) of the Southern Song Dynasty inherited that interpretation, and created "Kakubutsu chichi" because "University" had a part to explain Kakubutsu Chichi. Here, the case is "to" and the thing is "thing", and it is to touch things and to make sense, but reading was also included. And he made this plight and respect a methodology for reaching a saint, "Learn the saints." In this era, the scholar official, who became a bureaucrat by studying the scriptures and passing the examination, was provided with the rationale for the scholar official. However, since the term "case" included not only reading but also observational study of things, the terms "case" and "case" came to mean what is now called natural history.

This is the reason why in the modern era, when the natural sciences were introduced from the West, the qualities were used (by the way, in Japan, it is thought that the words science and science were used because of the plight).

On the other hand, Wang Yangming (1472-1528) in the middle of the Ming dynasty said that "the morality" does not lead to an extrinsic thing, but that the morality is "correct" and that the thing that is inherent in one's heart. We decided to revise it, and said that "chichi" is "chichi" that demonstrates the innate moral wisdom without being interrupted. Here, the introspection was regarded as an introspective one that stares at one's heart. In addition, the Qing dynasty's face made the "character" a "criminal fact" (moving his hand to actually do that), and by doing so, he later became aware of it. Here, it is said that the knowledge of the character is acquired by practice.

A word of the day: Toju Nakae was the first to accept Yangmingism in Japan, but Shoin Yoshida, who read a lot from this teaching and became the cornerstone of the Meiji Restoration, was a student of Yangmingism. He was doing " knowing and acting are must same " and " reaching good wisdom " in the ground. That teaching is really vivid in the claim that it will destroy the Edo Shogunate. It was a major shift from Cheng-Zhu to Yangmingism.

Zhu Xi's famous quote: Boys tend to get old and difficult to learn.

Wang Yangming's famous quote: It's easy to defeat the thieves in the mountains, and it's difficult to defeat the thieves in your heart.

Cheng-Zhu and Yangmingism (Iwanami Shinsho Blue Edition C-28)
• Author: Kenji Shimada
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Iwanami Shoten
• Release Date: 05/20/1967
• Media: New book

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original








『斉民要術』(せいみんようじゅつ 繁体字: 齊民要術; 簡体字: 齐民要术)は、中国北魏の賈思勰(かしきょう)が著した華北の農業・牧畜・衣食住技術に関する総合的農書。92編、全10巻。成立は、532年から549年頃。世界農学史上最も早い農業専門書であり、中国に現存する最古で最も完全な農書である。

















  「世界の名著 続4:朱子王陽明中央公論社」P68より










朱子学陽明学 (岩波新書 青版 C-28)
• 作者: 島田虔次
• 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
• 発売日: 1967/05/20
• メディア: 新書


タグ  中国哲学 救済 朱熹 王陽明

Chinese philosophy lacks or is sparse of the concept of salvation found in common religions. There is economic and political relief. This is a distinctive feature. As a philosopher in the early modern period of China, Wang Yangming, who is good at social change, is important.

Oxalic acid: A familiar and dangerous acid

Oxalic acid: A familiar and dangerous acid

"Oxalic acid" is an acid contained in a considerable variety of plants. It is abundant in Chenopodiaceae (Okahijiki, Akaza), Purslanes (Purslanes), Polygonaceae (Rumex japonicus, buckwheat, Japanese knotweed), Amaranthaceae (Byam, Amaranthus), Wood sorrels (Katabami), etc. .. Except for Oxalis and Polygonaceae, it is the plants of the order Amaranthaceae.





"Oxalic Acid" in English is named because it was extracted from wood sorrels (Oxalis), and the Japanese name "shu" in oxalic acid is derived from "Rumex japonicus(a kind of sorrel)". Chemical formula: (COOH) 2.


Oxalic Acid (WIKI)


Vitamin C(l-ascorbic acid)(WIKI)

This oxalic acid is a "dangerous acid" that causes "kidney stones" and "urinary tract stones" when taken in large amounts. It is designated as a deleterious substance.

In order to eat these vegetables and wild grasses, they must be boiled and then soaked in water for a while to remove oxalic acid.

Oxalic acid is made by changing vitamin C. So plants high in vitamin C will have oxalic acid quite often. Like spinach.

Excessive intake of vitamin C is expected to increase urinary oxalic acid excretion, but it does not promote recurrence of urinary stones.


This finding is surprising, but can we really assert that it doesn't "promote" it? It's a suspicious attitude. I have a lot of doubts. If vitamin C products don't sell well, companies that produce supplements will be in trouble.

Here's some beneficial information.

When eating plants containing oxalic acid, eating with milk or sprinkling with dried bonito causes a chemical change between acid and alkali (calcium), which can block oxalic acid. In that state, you are lucky because the "oxalate = calcium" conjugate passes through your body. Otherwise, in the process of circulating in the body with blood, it reacts with alkaline components, reaches the kidneys and urinary tract through blood vessels, deposits, and causes symptoms.

In fact, coffee and tea also contain "oxalic acid," so it makes sense to add milk to make "milk coffee" or "milk tea." This is the wisdom of our predecessors. Speaking of containing oxalic acid, it is also found in coffee, black tea, cocoa, green tea, and oolong tea, but it is better to drink with milk or eat cheese. But I don't think you need to be too nervous about these drinks. You should mainly pay attention to foods with a particularly high content of oxalic acid.

Bamboo shoots also contain a lot of oxalic acid, so the cooking method of making wakame seaweed and simmered food is reasonable. Wakame seaweed also contains a lot of calcium.

This also means "neutralizing oxalic acid and calcium in wakame seaweed." The salt produced at that time passes through the body and is excreted from the body. Also, when eating soba (soba) with "zaru soba", chopped seaweed (Nori)will be a calcium source and block the oxalic acid of soba. This is also a good combination. In either case, oxalic acid and calcium combine to form "calcium oxalate".

It seems that the act of making the laws of nature into truth in the light of experience also holds true for "oxalic acid." That's a good reason. In addition, there was an omission in my blog that I wrote about "gout" before.

Does drinking 3 liters of beer every night cause gout?


If you drink 3 liters of beer every night, uric acid is better, but beer also contains oxalic acid, which is bad when eaten with edamame, which also contains oxalic acid. It's also dangerous to drink 3 liters of beer without snacks. It seems good to drink foods that are high in calcium and low in purines, such as cheese and milk, as friends.

For today's description,

Please refer to http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~syuneido/uro.htm
(In Japanese)

It turns out that the plant contains oxalic acid more or less. It's a good idea to know that and go out with the plants.

Is the pain of urethral stones comparable to labor pain?

There are pitfalls around you
Among my acquaintances, there were about two people (two men) who had "urinary tract stones", and I heard that the pain of this illness was " pain like falling into hell", and there was no hamper, so a little urinary tract stones. I tried to find out about.

First of all, the part where stones are formed starts from the kidney (renal pelvis), then through the ureter, the bladder, the urethra (the above are the urethra), and the stones that are formed somewhere in these parts are called "urinary tract stones". When a stone is formed, the tube is clogged and the urine does not go out, so the urine flows back and is returned to the kidneys, and the kidneys are stiff and severe pain is caused. The only radical cure is to remove the stones and prevent recurrence.

By the way, there are several substances that cause stones, such as oxalic acid (source of calcium oxalate), phosphoric acid (source of calcium phosphate), uric acid (source of calcium urate), calcium itself, and cystine (protein). Of these, oxalic acid is often the cause of stones.

The reason why urinary tract stones start to form from the kidneys is that the kidneys filter body fluids to produce high-concentration waste fluids, but if oxalic acid or calcium becomes saturated here, they will combine and easily form stones. It can be done.

There are two main ways to get rid of this annoying stone. One is drug therapy. It is effective for calcium urate, cystine, etc. with the idea of dissolving stones and not increasing stones any more. The other is to crush stones, and by applying ultrasonic waves, lasers, etc. to the affected area, about three types of therapies are currently in practical use.

Urethral stones are also characterized by recurrence after remission. Diet and drug therapy are effective in preventing this. Citric acid, for example, makes the pH of blood alkaline and suppresses the formation of stones. It is also effective to drink plenty of water to thin the urine. It seems better not to drink much alcohol. Dehydration after drinking alcohol causes thickening of urine.

And what is often overlooked is that tea beverages: green tea, oolong tea, black tea, mate tea, coffee, etc. all contain oxalic acid, so you should avoid polydipsia. (By the way, I
When drinking these, mix a little milk and drink. While oxalic acid is in the gastrointestinal tract, it binds to calcium and inactivates it. )

Also, refrain from animal proteins and animal fats ... Animal proteins contain many purines that are the source of uric acid, and animal fats promote the production of calcium oxalate in urine.

In addition, vegetables rich in oxalic acid include spinach (this is the king), cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, sweet potato, eggplant, daikon, komatsuna, and turnip. Generally, when boiled and exposed, water-soluble oxalic acid begins to flow into the water. After that, when mixed with calcium-rich foods such as dried bonito and seaweed, oxalic acid binds and inactivates.

In addition, dairy products, seafood, soybean products, and vegetables are examples of foods that contain a large amount of calcium. However, it is important to be careful not to take too much calcium and to take an appropriate amount of magnesium. (These two minerals work complementarily in the body.)

A word of the day: What I referred to in this blog is "Super Illustrated Urolithiasis Treatment and Life That Does Not Recur" (Yoshiro Sakamoto: Hohken). (Not quoted.)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



 英語でいう「Oxsalic Acid」は、カタバミオキザリス)から抽出されたからこの名が付き、日本名・シュウ酸の「シュウ」とは「ギシギシ」に由来します。化学式:(COOH)2。












ビタミンC の過剰摂取により尿中シュウ酸排泄量が増加することが予想されるが,尿路結石再発を促進するとはいえない。


























今日のひと言:今回ブログで参考にしたのは、「スーパー図解 尿路結石症 再発させない治療と生活」(坂本善郎:法研)です。(引用はしていません。)


タグ  シュウ酸 尿路結石 カルシウム ビタミンC 

Pandora's Box ... Amazing and Logical “Russian Formalism”

Pandora's Box ... Amazing and Logical “Russian Formalism”

Zeus, who wanted to afflict humanity, created a woman who collected the beauty of each god. "Pandora = a woman given everything". She married Epimetheus, but she was given a box and was told, "Because it contains all the evil, it must not be opened." But she who was curious girl can't keep her commandment to "don't open," and she opened. Then, all the "evil" was scattered in the human world. What remained here was "hope."

Well, the above is one of the well-known Greek myths, but let's read it "honestly" here. In the first place, this Pandora's box was "contains all evil." In that case, shouldn't the "hope" in the box be "a evil" too? ! ! ! ! !


↑(Pandora's Box
is that remains
Good or evil?)

We often find only a certain meaning in one word, but the word "hope" also has a negative meaning, as it was pointed out here. Well, not only evil, but maybe one good was included? You may hear the counterargument, but I will leave it. The word wishful thinking doesn't sound very good,
The logical philosopher L. Wittgenstein wrote, "I have no hope." From (" The Discussion of Logical Philosophy").

The above story is also written in the comment section of the past log


(In Japanese)

This story was told by a friend. He was a smart man.

This kind of sentence comprehension method is called "Russian formalism" in literary theory. Here, I will quote from the item about "Russian formalism" from "Professor Tadano, Faculty of Literature: Contemporary Library 97 / Iwanami Shoten" by Yasutaka Tsutsui.

It's not just about changing the language, it's about changing the everyday, familiar, world we live in to something that we can't see, so that we can't be relieved. In short, this means that it has a catabolic effect. (109P)

In other words, formalism argued that it is literature that, in this way, transforms what we are casually experiencing in our daily lives into something surprisingly fresh with the technique of language. That's why. (112P)

"Professor Tadano, Faculty of Literature" is a mysterious work that combines the uproar of slapstick inside and outside the university with a lecture on the theory of legitimate literary criticism given by Professor Tadno. The third chapter of these is this "Russian formalism".

I've mentioned on the catabolic effect before,


(In Japanese)

Isami Nakagawa (Absurd manga)

This reading comprehension requires an "unpredictable and straightforward perspective."
For example, if there is an enka (Japanese old -fashioned songs) saying "This miso soup tastes like my mother", then "the taste of his mother", or "He killed and ate his mother", "Well, human eating" ... He is a Brave guy and so on.

I also tried to read some books about "Russian formalism", but I returned them to the library because of the difficulty. I was convinced and amazed that literary critics use particularly difficult phrases. I think that the understanding of "Professor Tadano" is sufficient.

Also, as a well-received reading comprehension of the family, Masashi Sada's song "Another Rain Shelter" was proposed to a shy girl who wasn't even looked at by a man. There is a phrase that she confesses, "He has chosen my little umbrella", But it is possible to read "Well, she had a good umbrella to him." He was an umbrella fetish, he loved the umbrella instead of her, wasn't it?

A word of the day: If you use this catastrophic effect too much, you will lose your place in the real world, so be careful. About ten years ago, a student at Todaiji Gakuen was threatened by his father, "I'll kill you if my test results are poor." I hear that his house was set on fire. He had a pervasive developmental disorder.

Faculty of Letters Professor Tadano (Iwanami Hyundai Bunko-Literature)
• Author: Yasutaka Tsutsui
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Iwanami Shoten
• Release date: 2000/01/14
• Media: Bunko

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




















文学部唯野教授 (岩波現代文庫―文芸)
• 作者: 筒井康隆
• 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
• 発売日: 2000/01/14
• メディア: 文庫


タグ  ロシア・フォルマリズム  パンドラの箱  異化効果  言葉に素直な読解