Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Using seafood as fertilizer ... Guano's crisis

Using seafood as fertilizer ... Guano's crisis

Do you know the word "Guano"?



Seabird manure deposited on the coasts and islands of arid tropical regions, rich in nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and an effective fertilizer. In the 19th century, guano was used as a fertilizer in large quantities in Europe and was initially imported from the northwestern coast of the African continent, but the coast of Peru is home to a large number of fish. There are many seabirds that feed on it, and guano that reaches several tens of meters has accumulated on its coasts and islands, and it has become known to be of good quality and abundant, so it was mined in large quantities using dynamite from around 1840.Began to be exported to Europe. (Also called Guano) The benefits of Guano have brought about the prosperity of Peru, especially the once-declining capital Lima. Having noticed this resource, Spain occupied the Chincha Islands off Pisco in 1863. Peru, in cooperation with Chile, repelled Spain in 1865, but was liable for its war costs. Until around 1870, 9 million tons of guano were dug up in about 30 years, and now only a small amount remains.


Guano is also called "bird droppings", and its origin is the Quechua word "feces". Although it originates from feces, it is a fine mineral. Mining with dynamite must be lamented by Nobel.

Also, in terms of its use There are two types of guano, "nitrogen guano" and "phosphoric acid guano". The former is formed in arid areas with low rainfall and low humidity,  and contains nitrogen minerals. The latter is formed in areas with relatively high rainfall and humidity, such as tropical and subtropical areas, and nitrogen is discharged and phosphoric acid is concentrated due to long-term rainfall. Both are indispensable for the modern chemical industry (chemical fertilizer), and the former was mined in large quantities as Nitratine in Chile and exported to Europe. This enormous profit temporarily brought a boom to Chile,  but declined due to resource depletion and the establishment of a method for producing artificial nitrogen fertilizer by chemical nitrogen fixation in Germany in the early 20th century.

The latter was the most important phosphorus resource until the discovery of phosphate rock. Many of the former mining sites have already been dug up and depleted, as they are abundant on the islands of the South Sea and do not exist in large quantities as resources.

From wikipedia

With the war over Guano (Chile vs. Bolivia) and the intervention of the United States (Guano Island Law), you can see how important it is as a material.

Deposits that are important as phosphate ore resources are classified into three types according to their origin.

1) Fossil deposits It is a relatively large phosphate ore deposit that originated from ancient flora and fauna and microorganisms, and exists in the United States, Morocco, Jordan, etc. Most of the current phosphate ore is supplied from this deposit.

2) Guano (both bird coprolite and fecal phosphate rock) deposits See separate section. It existed in Nauru and other places.

3) Ignition deposit There is a large-scale phosphate deposit on the Kola Peninsula in Russia, which is the same inorganic phosphate ore deposit as the metal deposit caused by crustal movements.

Phosphate ore is distributed all over the world, but its price was extremely low, so it was necessary to reduce the production cost by large-scale development. For this reason, it often depends on the huge deposits of a particular country. In the past, Japan purchased large quantities mainly from mines in Florida, the United States, but in the latter half of the 1990s, imports decreased as the United States embargoed due to resource depletion.

As an alternative destination, it began to be purchased from a mine in Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China. However, from around 2005, when speculative funds flowed into the futures market in general, the international price of phosphate ore also rose.

As if to catch up, the production volume dropped sharply when the Sichuan earthquake struck in 2007. China's 100% tariffs on phosphate rock to control domestic fertilizer prices have caused international prices to skyrocket and disrupt the market. In the case of Japan, a price increase of 50% or more was seen around the summer of 2008 on a chemical fertilizer product basis. It should be noted that phosphorus collection itself can be technically collected from industrial waste such as activated sludge and steel slag without relying on ore, and it is debatable whether it can be positioned as a strategic material.

This is also from Wikipedia. ( Bullets by Morishita)

I heard that "phosphate ore" itself is almost depleted. Is only Guano depleted? A remarkable feature of this guano is that the seabirds (Umidori) that ate sea fish concentrated the beneficial minerals in the seawater and dropped them on land (Megumi:Giving). If you leave it alone, I think that Guano was the endless essence that birds have just acted as pumps to drop minerals that do not go to land from seawater. By their work, the material cycle between the sea and the land was carried out.

Phosphorus is a constituent element of ATP, which controls energy metabolism, and DNA, which is a gene, and phosphorus is one of the important pillars of life activities. If you go there, human beings have not produced phosphorus even if they consume phosphate ore. How about this? …Instead of the depleting phosphate rock, it is possible to fetch seaweed and fish from the sea and plow them into the fields. It will be a mineral-rich fertilizer.

In fact, there are people who live on the beach and bring seaweed to practice such things, and it is also because small fish in the sea (especially sesame sardine) were also called "tazukuri"(Making the paddy). Now, humans should be "mineral pumps". It's better if you eat seafood and then use the waste products that are discharged. Since modern times, human beings have been wasting too much Nitrogen(chisso) and phosphorus due to the spread of sewerage.

A word of the day: However, you have to take the risk of containing harmful minerals (such as cadmium and mercury) as well as useful minerals. However, if you have depleted the phosphorus resources that are essential to life, it seems that there is only this plow-in method. ...,

and the difficult problem of marine pollution caused by this Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has also arisen. It may not be possible to plow in marine products containing radioactivity in contaminated areas. If the sea is also contaminated with radioactivity ... barren sea, barren land. ...

Furthermore, human waste (sewage or human waste: feces and urine) that was originally supposed to circulate on the ground is also radioactively contaminated with deformed sludge (activated sludge), leaving nowhere to go. I will. This means that the earth will be uninhabitable for humans. Oh, is sinful the weakness of humans who rely on nuclear power?


The story of fertilized minerals-the light and shadow of guano, nitratine, potash ore, and phosphate rock (Nogihen no Hon) • Author: Eiichi Takahashi • Publisher / Manufacturer: Kenseisha • Release Date: 2004/03 • Media: Books

粒状バットグアノ 天然有機質リン酸肥料 15kg

粒状バットグアノ 天然有機質リン酸肥料 15kg

  • 粒状バットグアノ 天然有機質リン酸肥料 15kg

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




熱帯の乾燥地域の沿岸や島々に堆積した海鳥糞で、窒素・リン酸分に富み、有効な肥料である。19世紀に入って、グァノが肥料として、ヨーロッパで大量に用いられるようになり、はじめは、アフリカ大陸の北西岸から輸入されたが、ペルーの沿岸には、大量の魚が生息し、それを餌とする海鳥が多く、その沿岸や島々には、数十メートルに達するグァノが堆積し、良質で豊富であることが知られるようになったため、1840年ごろからダイナマイトを使って大量に採掘され、ヨーロッパに輸出されはじめた。 (グアノとも呼ぶ)


http://www.tabiken.com/history/doc/F/F112R100.HTM  より。なお、グァノは、「鳥糞石」とも言い、ケチュア語の「糞」が語源です。糞が起源とは言え、立派な鉱物です。ダイナマイトを使って採掘とは、ノーベルも嘆いていることでしょうね。



















肥料になった鉱物の物語―グアノ、チリ硝石、カリ鉱石、リン鉱石の光と影 (のぎへんのほん)
• 作者: 高橋英一
• 出版社/メーカー: 研成社
• 発売日: 2004/03
• メディア: 単行本


Tag  グアノ ポンプ 生活様式 使い捨て

Why did Japanese Manga highly develop? Because Japanese are very sloppy religiously.

Why did Japanese Manga highly develop? Because Japanese are very sloppy religiously.

The following is an exchange of comment between my blog friend cenecio and me (iirei) about manga.

cenecio: Mr. Morishita, I would like to ask you, why did the field of manga develop in Japan?
This is a question from Mr. Gear and me. Thank you. If you have time, it doesn't matter tomorrow.

iirei: This is a very difficult question. Speaking of my past logs, there is one that deals with bird and beast caricatures,so called”Choju-Giga(鳥獣戯画)”.


(In Japanese)

We recognize that this picture scroll is one of the oldest manga in Japan. When writing this blog, Isao Takahata clearly saw "frame splitting" about "Shigisan Engi Emaki", and he also referred to the book "Japanese Animation" (was it), which was said to be a pioneer of manga. He made it.

Returning to Choju-Giga, as a famous scene like sumo wrestling of frogs and rabbits, it is especially remarkable in the picture of a fishy monkey shaved worshiping the principal image of a frog, but in other countries the religious main god is likened to a frog. It’s impossible.


Religion is still not really rooted in Japan. But what should be noted here is the idea of parody. The combination of frogs and monkeys is a wonderful parody. These picture scrolls were made from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of Kamakura period, with a religious background in which "Pure Land Buddhism" covered Japan, but the Japanese are sloppy(
Charanporan), aren't they? While admiring the Pure Land, he makes fun of it. Of course, Western European countries also had parodies like Rabelais did, but I think they weren't as non-religious as Japan.

I think that this comment alone is not enough to answer this difficult question. If you come up with something again, I'll write it.

Note: Mr. Takahata's book, official name "Animation of the 12th Century: Movie-like and Anime-like Things Seen in National Treasure Picture Scrolls" (Tokuma Shoten: 1999).

cenecio: Good morning, Mr. Morishita.
I'm sorry to hear from you last night.
> Isao Takahata clearly sees "frame splitting" about "Shigisan Engi Emaki", and this picture scroll is also a pioneer of manga.
This is interesting. How to divide the frames is a big difference between manga and BD, and it seems to be one of the themes that the discussion is enthusiastic about.
I would like to find out about the roots of manga myself.
Thank you very much.

The above is the exchange made in ↓.


The situation changes depending on where you take the manga overrun (Ransho: 濫觴:the time of the headwaters). I think it is generally from Osamu Tezuka, but there is also a position that it is from Suiho Tagawa's "Norakuro". In my case, I made the argument based on the Heian period bird and beast caricature and Shigisan Engi Emaki(picture Scrolls).

A word of the day: In addition, the representative of the story manga was Osamu Tezuka, and the representative of the gag manga was Fujio Akatsuka. (The Tezuka Award and Akatsuka Award are the gateways for young manga artists to be held by Shueisha.) Regarding this extremely interesting work, especially "Tensai Bakabon(The genius fool)" the manga artist was not Charamporan(sloppy), but the reader was Charam. I think it was Polan. The creators of gag manga are those who draw their works with bloody efforts, and story manga does not require much tension. In fact, the lifespan of a gag manga artist as an author is shorter than that of a story manga artist.

After the serialization of Tensai Bakabon, Mr. Akatsuka serialized a manga called "B.C. Adam" that "teases" the Bible. I remember that this work was not very popular, but I think it was rather a work that showed Mr. Akatsuka's own charamporan.

Twelfth Century Animation-Movie-like and Anime-like Things Seen in National Treasure Picture Scrolls
• Author: Isao Takahata
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Tokuma Shoten
• Release date: 1999/03/01

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original













以上は、↓ で行ったやり取りです。





• 作者: 高畑勲
• 出版社/メーカー: 徳間書店
• 発売日: 1999/03/01
• メディア: 大型本
• 購入: 5人 クリック: 41回
• この商品を含むブログ (15件) を見る


タグ:マンガ  日本人  宗教  絵巻物

World-historically important era: with private and arbitrary selection criteria.

World-historically important era: with private and arbitrary selection criteria.

Since world history is woven by the myriad of nations and regions on the planet, it is generally difficult to tell whether any year is important (whatever is important). I would like to bend that point and arbitrarily list the six eras to reveal my bias in thinking. (Oldest first)

@ 751: "Battle of Talas". Many people don't remember this, but I think it was covered in high school world history textbooks. It was a great war in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, where the Tang and Islamic empires, the great powers of the time, and now China and the United States fought over control of the region. In the battle itself, the Karluks betrayed against Tang, and Tang was defeated, making it impossible to move further west. ... But this is not important. In this battle, the Islamic Empire captured some technical craftsmen. It was the craftsmen of the paper industry. Nowadays, paper is not as good as electronic recording as an information medium, but the paper invented by Cai Lun in 64 AD has been the king of information media for many years. And in this battle, the Islamic empire acquired paper technology and developed civilization. And what was passed on to Europe via the Iberian Peninsula! It was the 12th century. Then the savage Europeans were, lately, led to the flowering of civilization by the power of paper.


Making postcards with Japanese paper (by Rei Morishita)

@ 1215: "Magna Carta" is enforced. This protects the rights of the lords, who were famous for their mismanagement in England due to John the Lackland (for example, they lost their land every time they went to war). Certificate. You have robbed the king of some of his rights, haven't you? And this age is old. It is 574 years older than the 1789 of the French Revolution. This legal text is still legally valid (customary law). It was proof that Britain would become the hegemonic nation of the largest territory in history. I can't think of any Japanese trying to deprive the country of the highest powers. I think this is the reason why Japan cannot become a land of democracy like Britain. We, Japanese just only imitated the shape. The spirit is not inherited. "Painted rice cake" and "Oval for cats" (Japanese proverbs)

@ 1492: Columbus discovers the Americas. To be exact, it was the discovery of the West Indies Islands, but since the continent will also be discovered later, this discovery is the beginning. Spain and Portugal are one step away from the medieval stagnation until then. Europe has developed in a rude way to the former inhabitants of the so-called New World. Europe won overwhelmingly because of the "civilization clash".

@ 1769: The year Watt obtained a patent for a steam engine. (The first year of the Industrial Revolution) The Industrial Revolution has a greater world historical significance than the French Revolution mentioned earlier. The French Revolution, which proclaimed "freedom, equality, and philanthropy," was energized by madness, created a state of chaos, and finally created a stronger emperor system than the royal government. (Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte) Why did Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette be sentenced to guillotine? (For more information on the madness of the French Revolution, see Anatole France's “The Gods Are Thirsty (Les dieux ont soif) “Whether in 1215 or 1769, Britain is a better country than France. Well, I think France has been following Britain. (However, I also like France too.)

The other two are the most recent ages.

@ 2001: Simultaneous terrorist attacks. This is a traditional and contemporary "civilization clash" between Europe (Christianity) and Arab (Islam) in world history. Generally, both camps have been hostile since the time of the Crusades. When the degree of development of civilization is large and biased toward Europe, I do not think of my own life of hijacking the "civilization's advantage: airplane" made by Europe and assaulting the "civilization's advantage: skyscraper". Hijackers. I have no words.

@ 2020: A pandemic of the new coronavirus of Chinese origin. This doesn't need any explanation, but it seems that it's time to review and revise traditional civilization.

A word of the day: Two times in China, two times in England, and two times in Islam have appeared in these six generations. Europe (comprehensive region) 3 times. Looking at this, I make a private and arbitrary analysis that Britain, China, and Islam will be the most important nations and regions in the history of the world. Oh yeah, as an extra edition, the Russian Revolution of 1917. A tragicomedy in which the Russian people were ignorant, but even democracy passed and tyrannical communism arose. I can't say anything, the Russian people are pathetic. Negative event.

@A poetry dedicated to UK (The Democracy)

Democracy is a strategic political system.
And officials have a duty of confidentiality.
However, if necessary, provide information
There is also an obligation to disclose.
What is that Japanese national tax, Sagawa?
He deserves imprisonment or death penalty.


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






@1215年:「マグナ・カルタ」施行。これはイギリス(イングランド)において(戦争するごとに、国土を失うなど)失政で有名だった、「ジョン欠地王:John the lackland 」に諸侯がにじり寄り、認めさせた、諸侯の権利を保護する証書。国王から、権利の一部を奪い取ったのですね。そしてこの年代が古い。フランス革命の1789年より574年も古い。この法文は、今でも法的に有効です(慣習法)。イギリスが、歴史上最大版図の覇権国家になる証明でした。日本人なんか、国の最高権力者から、権利を奪おうとなんて、思いも付きますまい。これこそ、日本がイギリスのような民主主義国家になれない理由だと思います。あくまで、形を真似しただけ。精神は受け継いでないのです。「絵に描いた餅」・「猫に小判」。







詩1編:民主主義 (イギリスに捧げる)




タグ  イギリス 中国 イスラム キリスト教

Free-form haiku:2 big haiku poets(Santoka &Hosai):2Blogs set

Free-form haiku:2 big haiku poets(Santoka &Hosai):2Blogs set

Wandering poet: Taneda Santoka(山頭火 種田)

"Even if walk forward , even if walk forward, I confront the blue mountain"


Known for his haiku, "Taneda Santoka" was a leader in the movement aimed at more free writing by abolishing the basic forms of 5, 7, and 5 and seasonal words in haiku. he is a Disciple of Ogiwara Seisensui, who was also a wandering haiku poet,like Ozaki Hosai. Now that I have the "Santoka Taneda haiku Complete Works " (Mamoru Murakami: Chikuma Bunko), I have it. I will pick up a remarkable phrase.

"I pike the last snowy cloud" (44P)

"I walk Buttercup, I sit Buttercup" (54 pages)

He often read in natural objects that I encountered during my trip.

"I am a blind to bear the burden" (97P)

"There are things that can't let the clouds fall in a well" (135P)

The phrases around here are meaningful. The fact that Taneda Santoka (real name: Shoichi)'s mother, who was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture, jumped into a well at her home and committed suicide when he was 10 years old, which was a source of deep lifelong anxiety for him. there is. And the very affection for her mother is repeatedly sung.

"Offering udon, mother, I will also have it" (193P, 47th anniversary of his mother’s death)
"Dandelion disperse in the house where Mother was dead" (260P, Mother's 49th Anniversary of

And perhaps about his father who killed her mother by flirtation

"I won't have a father who has a habit of becoming more and more similar" (260P)

When I think about it, he dropped out of Waseda University, took over the family business, but went bankrupt, left his wife and children to go home, and went on a nationwide pilgrimage ... or rather, he who messed up his life. It seems that there were two wishes. One of them was "leaving a phrase that only he can write", and the other was "rolling out".

In fact, it seems that the two wishes have been fulfilled. This is because there is a collection of haiku that I can unravel, and the person himself "suddenly" due to drinking too much alcohol. I (Rei Morishita) have lost my mother like Santoka, so I feel close to Santoka. My mother came from Osaka to D prefecture in northern Kanto, where the climate is harsh, as the wife of a company factory manager, and became manic-depressive. She woke up and was forced to be admitted to a mental hospital, and she ended her ephemeral life in 1986 after my graduating from college. It's a slow suicide.

A word of the day: I read the phrase "Even if walk forward , even if walk forward, I confront the blue mountain"which says, "I haven't reached the point of" enlightenment "yet." If you find blue, you don't have to climb any more at that point. That is the goal. However, Santoka, who was more troublesome than others, will follow a more rugged path. For her mother and her requires cats. His essay, which is published at the same time, is a good source of information that traces the trajectory of his heart.



(In Japanese)

If you listen to the questions and answers of the Zen priest Baso and his disciple Hyakujo, Santoka shouldn't have to worry anymore. When asked "Where is the flying duck going?" And answered "Over there," Baso pinches his nose. Hyakujo shouts, "Oh, that's a pain." Baso said, "You wouldn't go anywhere." Through this exchange, Hyakujo realized. If you apply the relationship between duck and Hyakujo to Santoka, you will look a relationship between blue mountain and Santoka. The way of holding the heart is different between the two. Will you settle down or will you not stop walking yet? In his case, he seems to be stepping on the verge of enlightenment. On the contrary, from my point of view, "Blue Mountain" can be used as an explanation of the anecdote of Hyakujo.

There is a work in the manga called "Straight Road and Lonely-Taneda Santoka Gaiden", drawn by Takashi Iwashige. Kodansha: Morning KC, 5 volumes in total.

"The sea is dark: Hosai Ozaki (放哉 尾崎)’s the last 8 months

I read "The sea is dark" by Akira Yoshimura. This novel is about the last eight months of Shodoshima by Ozaki Hosai, a poet who lived in the Meiji and Taisho eras.

Ozaki Hosai showed his talent for haiku, but after graduating from the Faculty of Law, Tokyo Imperial University, he became the contract manager of the Tokyo head office of the Toyo Life Insurance Company. But he has a bad habit of drinking, and if he drinks deeply from the morning, he relentlessly entangles with the other person at the liquor table, and he gets fired from the company. And he makes the same mistake at the Taiyo Life Insurance Company that was picked up and gets fired. He broke up with his beloved wife, Kaoru, and sought a lonely hermit home. So he arrived at Shodoshima in the Seto Inland Sea.

Ozaki Hosai's drinking habit was not a body of drinking and violent, but a drunkenness that relentlessly questioned the other party and cursed him. And this was a "virtue" that he admitted.

It may be that there is an affinity that "haiku companions" have, but for Ozaki Hosai, it was “Ogiwara Seisensui:荻原井泉水”, who was also a teacher, who searched for Shodoshima. Inoue Ichiji, who accepted me, was also a member of the free-form haiku magazine "Soun:層雲", which seisensui presided over. Free-form haiku is a haiku that was first proposed by” KawahigashiHekigodou::河東碧梧桐”,such as "No season words, regardless of the standard of 5.7.5."

@I've come this far and wrote a sudden letter

This is a phrase he wrote when Ozaki Hosai arrived on the island. It's a translative phrase, isn't it?

By the way, Ozaki Hosai had a chronic illness that could lead to death. It is a lung disease (tuberculosis) that was more feared than cancer at that time. He was considerably worse when he came to the island. He doesn't have the physical strength to work to feed himself ... So he couldn't help but give the people around him and his friends the innocence of goods and money.

The hermitage has also been decided. It was habitant of Saikou-ji Temple. It was due to the favor of the priest.

Ozaki Hosai, who was nervous, doubts the good intentions of their supporters for a while, but after a while he realizes that it is due to his own grief, and after that he does not doubt their good intentions.

In such an environment, Ozaki Hosai has created a phrase which can be called his masterpiece.

@ Even if I cough, I am alone

@ Go around the back of the grave

@ What a round moon has come out window

Especially, the phrase "cough" is amazing. Hosai Ozaki felt like he had no connection with his relatives, and he refused to contact his relatives even if he died. He's so scared that he wants to scream that there's no one around him. It is skillfully expressed. However, there was an aunt named Shige who took good care of her surroundings.

When he first arrived on the island, he usually ate "flour kneaded with water" and umeboshi, so his physical strength was visibly weakened. Shige also gives in nourishing foods such as meat and eggs, but gradually his body eats only porridge, alternating between diarrhea and severe constipation.

He had been constipated for four days, but he ate red rice and soup powder, which made him so hungry that he couldn't get stools when he crawls into the yard and tries hard. Eventually, his intestines came out of his anus, and when he tried to push it back with paper, he couldn't get in and blood began to flow. He took a laxative, sushi salt, and slumped and moaned on his futon. Cold sweat was flowing all over his body, and he was holding his futon firmly.

What's more, perhaps because of his laryngeal tuberculosis, even the porridge can't go through his throat ... he can't even stand up. he can't make a decent voice. He will die. He was 42 years old. Former wife :Kaoru came to take care of his death. It was the 15th year of the Taisho era.

Currently in Saikou-ji Temple

@There is nothing to put in. Receive with both hands

It seems that there is a monument that will be written by Seisensui.

A word of the day: Mr. Akira Yoshimura also had an experience of suffering from tuberculosis, and he felt that he was motivated to write a biography of Ozaki Hosai. If you have any symptoms, it will be tough, tuberculosis ,isn’t it?

Book I read: "The sea is dark" Akira Yoshimura: Kodansha: 1980 First Edition

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original

























@咳をしても ひとり

@墓のうらに 廻る

@ なんと丸い月が出たよ 窓





@いれものがない 両手でうける




タグ:自由律俳句  社会不適応 芸術  種田山頭火 尾崎放哉

Various faces of mushrooms: important creatures for the earth

Various faces of mushrooms: important creatures for the earth

Mushrooms and molds are almost identical creatures, neither plants nor animals. Mushrooms are the ones that open the umbrella, and molds are the ones that are not made. About mushrooms from wiki:

Mushrooms (mushrooms, fungi, buds, mushrooms) are a common name for a relatively large (often protruding) fruiting body or basidiomycete itself among specific fungi (Fungi). Also, the word mushroom is often treated as a general term for specific fungi, but it is originally a structure as described above, not a classification of fungi. Fungi that do not produce fruiting bodies are molds. It is clearly different from plants. There is no clear standard for "large size" here, but mushrooms are often called mushrooms that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Some species are toxic, although they are also used for food and psychological effects. Etymologically, it can be analyzed as "tree + + child"(inJapanese). Many fungi with fruiting bodies of visible size belong to the basidiomycota Basidiomycota or the Ascomycota ascomycota. In Japan, about 300 species are edible, of which more than a dozen are artificially cultivated with mushrooms. It is said that there are about 2,500 known species and about two to three times as many unknown species in Japan, of which about 200 are well-known poisonous mushrooms, and about 20 are highly addicted or deadly poisonous.


Lignin (wiki)

Generally, I think it can be defined like this. So how do molds and mushrooms grow? From wiki again:

The body (entity) of mushrooms is included in a group of organisms called fungi together with mold. It is a tubular cell line called mycelium, which grows by decomposing and absorbing organic matter with enzymes secreted from the body, producing spores and repeating reproduction.
In the "Encyclopedia of Fungi" of the Japanese Society of Fungi, it is explained that fruiting bodies or basidium fruits are so-called mushrooms, hyphal tissue structures that make sexual reproduction organs, and do not refer to classification groups such as fungi.
In other words, strictly speaking, mushrooms are larger, umbrella-shaped ones. However, it is inaccurate, but it can also refer to the species of the organism that makes it. In other words, by definition, all fruiting bodies are mushrooms, or all organisms that make them are mushrooms. In the latter case, for example, minute punctate objects that are stuck or buried on the surface of dead branches are also regarded as mushrooms. It means that the organisms that are mushrooms look like molds or are yeast-like. There is an example in which the Japanese name is also called "mold" for those having such point-shaped fruiting bodies.


Mushroom life cycle (wiki)

It looks like this. Molds and mushrooms grow by taking digestive enzymes out of the body, dissolving plant-derived organic matter, and using them as their own nutrition. Therefore, molds and mushrooms are extremely important at the level of the whole organism as they decompose those debris for the forest, which would be filled with tree debris if left untouched. In particular, mushrooms that decay trees are called "white-rot fungi" and are the only organisms that can decompose the skeleton substance of trees (a polymer whose main raw material is phenol) called lignin, which even white ants cannot decompose. It then sucks up nutrients from the trees and turns them into nutritious mushrooms that entertain people. In terms of nutritional value, mushrooms are comparable to meat and fish. A few years ago, Russian mathematician Perelman, who was awarded the Fields Medal (Nobel Prize in mathematics) by solving an unsolved mathematical problem (Poincare conjecture), refused to receive the award and searched for mushrooms in the forest. As expected, Russians love mushrooms so much.

A word of the day: When eating mushrooms, if you think they are confusing with poisonous mushrooms, it is wise not to eat them. In general, there is no standard for distinguishing between edible mushrooms and poisonous mushrooms. "You can eat with eggplant" and "you can eat mushrooms that split vertically" are all lies. You have to know the mushrooms one by one. By the way, I have collected wild mushrooms (when I was living in the mountains), but I collected two species of mushrooms that can be identified with certainty. One is Iguchitake, which grows selectively in larch forests. There is a slime like nameko. For soaking. The other is the fox tea plant. It is a white sphere and grows on the roadside. For soup. Kuritake and Agaricus were cultivated by myself. Kuritake is made by driving a columnar top into a Hodagi (Body of Tree for culture) and planting it in the soil, it doesn’t came out from the first year and was not eaten. but I ate it in that year. And it is for three or four years edible, but my family didn't try to eat it, my brother ate it in the fourth year, and my father didn't eat it until the end. I told his dad that he didn't eat it because he was also closely related to the deadly poisonous mushroom called Nigakuritake, so he was shy. I bought Agaricus from a seed company for each cultivation set. It was mentioned that it has an anti-cancer effect.

The key substance, lignin, is contained in the wood pulp that is the raw material for Western paper today, but it turns brown when exposed to the sun. This is inevitable for Western paper with lignin. However, mulberry, mitsumata, ganpi, etc., which are the materials of Japanese paper, are made into paper by peeling the bast fibers from the skin. It is fair because it does not contain lignin, and it becomes whiter as it gets in the sun.

As I read somewhere, in an area that was radioactively contaminated by the Chiernobyl nuclear accident (probably Ukraine), parents said, "We eat mushrooms and feed our children (relatively safe) steaks." That is the practice.
When trees are polluted, mushrooms are polluted too,and it is dangerous to eat mushrooms, but I thought it was different. : "The nutritional value of mushrooms is comparable to that of meat and fish." That is why parents can live on mushrooms.
I also consciously eat mushrooms. The dried shiitake steak is delicious. (It is a shiitake mushroom dried by myself.)

2 mushroom dishes


Shiitake steak soy sauce, tarragon style (2020.09.29)


Nameko and Grated radish with Soy sauce (2020.07.25)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



キノコ(茸、菌、蕈、Mushroom)とは、特定の菌類(Fungi)のうちで、比較的大型の(しばしば突起した)子実体(Fruiting body)あるいは、担子器果そのものをいう俗称である。またしばしば、キノコという言葉は特定の菌類の総称として扱われるが、本来は上述の通り構造物であり、菌類の分類のことではない。子実体を作らない菌類はカビである。植物とは明確に異なる。ここでいう「大型」に明確な基準はないが、肉眼で確認できる程度の大きさのものをキノコという場合が多い。食用、精神作用用にもされるが毒性を持つ種もある。語源的には、「木+の+子」と分析できる。 目に見える大きさになる子実体を持つ菌は、担子菌門 Basidiomycotaか子嚢菌門 Ascomycota に属するものが多い。日本では約300種が食用にされ、うち十数種が人為的にキノコ栽培されている。日本では既知の約2500種と2、3倍程度の未知種があるとされ、そのうちよく知られた毒キノコは約200種で、20種ほどは中毒者が多かったり死に至る猛毒がある。






キノコの生活環 (wiki)











タグ  白色腐朽菌  リグニン  食用&毒 森

Making a liqueur: the fun of waiting for its maturity

Making a liqueur: the fun of waiting for its maturity


Meadow Sweet liqueur

It's not so much now, but when I was young, I used to drink like a drunker. I continued to drink while vomiting, saying, "Empty one tequila overnight," and the plan went well, but the next day, I had a terrible hangover. It was stupid when I thought about it. The god of liquor will also get angry.

Well, I've been drinking various types of liquor, but all of them are quite tasty. In that regard, we have tried not to rank liquor or classify it as unusual liquor. But those who took that attitude ... precious liquor, a farmer whom I went to with Chartreuse in France as a souvenir, and a person who only admits the taste of shochu, was called "What's this bad liquor!!" It was. Furthermore, "somewhat better if mixed with shochu". I haven't visited him since that time.

By the way, liquor can be roughly divided into three categories according to the difference in manufacturing method.

1) Brewed liquor: The most primitive liquor that ferments the sugar contained in the raw material by feeding it to yeast. Wine, mead, sake, beer, etc. (The last two include the process of converting starch into sugar.)

2) Distilled liquor: A liquor made by heating brewed liquor to cool and collect the evaporated alcohol.
Brandy, whiskey, tequila, shochu, liquor (Fenchu: Chinese liquor), etc.

3) Mixed liquor: Regardless of whether it is brewed liquor or distilled liquor, it is a liquor that contains animals and plants in the liquor and is expected to have nutritional value and an interesting appearance. liqueur. Chartreuse, plum wine, Campari, Chuueichinnchuu (Chinese liquor), Yomeishu, Tohtohshu, etc.

By the way, in my case, I have used 35 alcohol degree white liquor and made liqueur myself. As an herb lover, I've been pickling most herbs. As a setup, lightly wash the herbs of flowers and leaves, put them in an instant coffee bottle with sugar about 20% of the weight of the herbs (maybe colored), and remove the leaves in about 7 days. .. Also, if it is fruit or root , it is OK to leave it as it is after soaking it.

About 10 years after it is soaked, it matures and may show a surprisingly clear taste. For the past few years, I've been drinking mainly beer, and since I stopped beer for a long time, I made the pickled liqueurs feel lonely. When I drank "Cherry blossom liqueur" for 11 years old, it had a wonderful flavor like brandy!! I thought that liquor was aged and drunk.

If you compare the liqueurs like that, especially the liqueurs made from plants of the Rosaceae family, such as "Meadow Sweet liqueur: This is also a kind of herb", "Cherry Seed liqueur" and "cherry blossom liqueur". It looks like a great result. In fact, the "bokeh liqueur" pickled by a woman I know who lives in Nobeyama, Nagano Prefecture (the difference in age is about the same as parents and children) was also outstanding.

The other liqueur that was particularly good was "turmeric leaf liqueur". This turmeric is used its roots to color curry. The leaves have a pleasant fragrance, and I started pickling them. We continue to make it by planting and digging up every year (to prevent the cold).

I have blended 5 kinds of crude drug liqueur, which are mainly Chinese herbal medicines, so far and named it "Gogyoshu: five elements liqueur". All five types are liqueurs that have been soaked for more than half a year, and they are the cocktail liquors. The names and their mixing ratios are as follows.

Ezoukogi(蝦夷ウコギ) 1, Bakumondou (麦門冬)1/2, (Jikoppi〉地骨皮) 1/2,
Schisandra chinensis(五味子) 1, Epimedium (イカリソウ)1

The amount of liqueur with a strong habit is small (half the amount), and the base of the taste is schisandra with a strong acidity. It was a clever result.


If I put my poem I mentioned earlier here again,

@ Forge liqueur

I look at the occasion
Collecting and cultivating various plants
I've been liqueur

I've been away from alcohol for a while
Pickled 11 years ago (2004),
I drank cherry blossom liqueur

Amber liquor.
――This is delicious!
What a metaphor?

From the beginning of pickling
It had a much richer and deeper taste ...
Time trains liqueur.


The above poem in haiku ...

To the hustle and bustle
Drinking cherry liqueur
It’s mellow one.


A word of the day: News that a person living in a tourist resort has taken the liqueur tax law and urged "discard" about the small act of behaving a liqueur pickled by himself to a customer at a lodge he runs. I've heard that, what happened? I think they are very narrow-minded officials.

Reference past log  
[ iirei.hatenablog.com]

                     (In Japanese)

: Liquor 2 titles ――Mead and Chartreuse ・ The pleasure of drinking


Liqueur book
• Author: Eizo Fukunishi
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Shibata Bookstore
• Release Date: 1997/07
• Media: Books
• Purchase: 1 click: 10 times
• View blogs (6) that include this product

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original















エゾウコギ 1、バクモンドウ 1/2、ジコッピ 1/2、
ゴミシ 1、イカリソウ 1













参考過去ログ iirei.hatenablog.com



• 作者: 福西英三
• 出版社/メーカー: 柴田書店
• 発売日: 1997/07
• メディア: 単行本


タグ   リキュール ホワイトリカー 熟成 バラ科植物 シャルトリューズ

Don't look lightly sanitary engineering! + Sewage treatment technology: Oxidation Ditch

Don't look lightly sanitary engineering! : Water quality purification goods welcomed by amateurs

I am an expert in sanitary engineering. Especially in the field of water, I have been doing research that does not fall behind. I also worked on various water-related technologies. Here, a blog covered some kind of water purification technology. Looking at what kind of thing it is, somehow from the lapilli, "Since the components that rejuvenate the microorganisms flow out, this will rejuvenate the microorganisms, expect water purification, and give back to the earth." That's right? ... I'm scared because this is what amateurs think. If we can purify water with such a small item, we don't need water treatment technology, and you don't need sanitary engineering. The sanitary engineering is explained as follows.

A discipline that applies engineering principles to the prevention of environmental pollution and the conservation of the living environment with the aim of protecting and promoting public health. Since the causes that threaten people's lives and health change with the development of civilization and society, the objects of purpose-oriented sanitary engineering are also purification of air and water from urban water and sewage, noise vibration control, industrial waste control. , Final waste management, radioactive emission management, air conditioning heating and cooling of buildings, control of working environment in factories, planning of local material metabolism facilities, planning and management of air, water and soil environment, location planning, etc. .. The academic fields necessary for this are also (1) physiology, public hygiene, animal and plant ecology, flow science, meteorology, statistics, etc. to set improvement or conservation goals, and (2) civil engineering to take improvement measures. Engineering, chemical engineering, microbial engineering, fluid engineering, thermal engineering, system engineering, etc. (3) Planning mathematics, regional planning, urban planning, economics, etc. for making plans. After World War II, the Department of Sanitary Engineering was established at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University, the Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo, and the Department of Environmental Engineering at Osaka University. Other universities have related courses in the Faculty of Engineering.



(Note: The etymology of "defend(衛) "is "a soldier who patrols to protect the one in the middle.")

Well, when I chose sanitary engineering as my career path, I didn't really understand the content, but I was depressed at that time and was told that it was a "dirty place" dealing with "shit, pee". While I was depressed, I decided to go to a dirty place and went on to throw it away. In the above explanation, it is said that there are a wide range of applications, but at the time of my time, the main problem was water, and research was concentrated on waterworks, sewers, rivers and lakes.

Regarding sewage treatment, it is difficult to treat sewage by participating in a project (by students) to check the performance of Jun Ui's "oxidation ditch", which is an evolution of the traditional "activated sludge method". As a premise, sewage treatment is said to be "accepting any wastewater, purifying the water quality properly, and is evaluated for the first time". The maintenance of a plant (facility) is a place where water treatment engineers play a serious role. At sewage treatment plants, activated sludge, a group of microorganisms derived from soil, actively "eats" organic matter in sewage and plays a role in water purification, but that alone is enough to purify water. Is on the way. In addition to organic substances, there are substances that require more advanced removal techniques, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). If you try to process it, it will cost a lot.

This is the current state of sewage treatment. What can we say when we look at the goods from that perspective?

What is XXXXX? (Author's note: Hidden words)
A microbial activator made mainly from lapilli.
XXXXX will use the microorganisms on the spot as the source, and Mr. microorganisms that have become the source will decompose the dirt.
Just place XXXXX on the flush tank of the toilet, and the flowing water will rejuvenate the Mr. microorganisms.Every time you flush the water in the toilet, the flow of water from the sewage to the river and the sea becomes beautiful.
You can give back to Mr. Earth just by putting it in your toilet!

(From a certain blog. I have something to think about, so I'll keep it anonymous.)

It's ridiculous and not talkative. The pollutants washed away in the toilet are pee, poop, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus lumps. Is it possible to expect some water purification effect from lapilli? Also, it is unclear what kind of microorganisms the person who wrote this blog refers to and says that the water purification effect can be expected. There is a section that somehow thinks that microorganisms = water purification. The nerve that can clearly state such an amateur idea on a blog makes the earth cry.

A word of the day: In the first place, thinking about environmental issues on the premise of using a flush toilet is a . Human humiliation. In the first place, we should think about the waste of energy of diluting the solid substance "Unko :shit" and treating it with water to make the activated sludge solid again. You've never heard of a composting toilet that can compost "shit" and "pee", because this person is an amateur. (Apart from that, I don't have a grudge against this blogger, but I was inspired by so much error that I wrote this blog.)

Currently, there is no "sanitary engineering" or "sanitary course" in the Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. It seems that it calls itself an "environmental science course". Somehow, it is a name that feels "beauty". I think the original "hygiene" = "protecting life" is a more direct and better name. Well, I think that the people involved in the name change should have thought that it would be better to be neat, and I think that there are many University of Tokyo students who are attracted to the "superficial" coolness. When I was there, most of the students shy away from being dirty because they deal with "shit" and "pee".

Reference HP (actual compost / toilet)


(It seems that you can not connect well from here. You can find it by copying this URL and doing a separate Google search.)

Sewage treatment technology introduced by Jun Ui: Oxidation Ditch

Mr.Jun Ui, who is now dead and was a leader in pollution problems (and one of my teachers: an assistant in the Department of Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo), was a versatile person, but he went to see a sewage worker in Delft, the Netherlands. He visited the treatment plant, became interested in the facility: Oxidation Ditch (translated into Japanese, "Oxidation Groove"), and stayed for several days to observe it. According to the engineer who developed it, "Many Japanese researcher visit this facility, but no one else stays and observes for a long time like you."

Jun Ui understood the principle of this oxidation ditch, and he himself built a sewage treatment plant for individuals and groups that he understood in order to spread this technology to Japan, and conducted demonstration experiments. I have been involved in it for a while.

The basis of sewage treatment technology is the decomposition of "organic matter" in water. Organic matter is a molecule formed by carbon atom (C) as a nucleus, but there are almost infinite types of this molecule. Sugar, soy sauce, gravy, manure ... there is no limit to the number. Anyway, it is a process of sending oxygen (O) in the air into water, reacting it with organic matter, converting it to carbon dioxide (CO2), and returning carbon to the air. It is called aeration or oxidation.

This method, now called the "activated sludge method," introduces healthy microorganisms in the soil into the water and completes the oxidation by the action of these microorganisms. Certainly, organic matter can be decomposed fairly well in this process. However, sewage cannot be completely purified by itself. Pollutants other than carbon include nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). These are difficult things. Even if organic matter is removed and the water looks clean at first glance, if N, P, etc. remain, they will come out into the environment, and algae etc. will propagate using these as minerals, and organic matter will be produced again. The water is polluted and the precious oxidation becomes meaningless.

At this time, the sewage treatment technology shows two directions. One is the "continuous" process and the other is the "batch type" process. The continuous method is the current mainstream sewage treatment method in which sewage flows out of the plant and new sewage always flows into the pond. Therefore, multiple ponds are set up, and one pond "has only one function." On the other hand, the batch type has multiple functions in one pond. It has four functions of "inflow, stirring, precipitation, and outflow". Jun Ui chose this batch type, not to mention the oxidation ditch (oxidation groove).

The process of removing C is called (primary processing), but in the case of a continuous system, the process of removing N and P is processed in the second and third ponds that specialize in N and P. (Secondary and tertiary processing). In particular, in the case of N, activated sludge deprives HNO3 of O from N, which has changed from ammonia (NH3) to nitric acid (HNO3) as a result of treatment and oxidation without adding O, and N becomes N2 in the air. It will come out (denitrification). This is a chemical reaction called reduction, which is the opposite of oxidation. To remove N, it is necessary to repeat these two reactions. However, in the case of the continuous type, since a large amount of O has already been added and aerated, there is a lot of waste in removing it, and oxygen deficiency and oxygen excess are repeated, resulting in a high cost of sewage treatment. It will jump up. Indeed, sewage treatment is a gold eater. Think about it, the power that an air conditioner takes to drive air is enormous, but if it's water, the cost of sewage treatment is even higher.



In the case of the batch type, depending on the operation, all of the first, second and third processes can be performed in one pond. By performing the steps of aeration (stirring) and precipitation, the above-mentioned denitrification controls the oxygen concentration to the limit of oxygen concentration that can be changed into two steps at any time, and the pond is as shallow as a "groove". Aeration can be done with the "eel farming water wheel". Also, because it is shallow, it will not drown even if a child gets stuck. A major feature of the batch system is that the inflowing sewage and the substances and microorganisms contained in it will "always" remain in the pond, although they will gradually dilute. These are favorable features in terms of the stability of the treated water. And here is the advantage over continuous process.

More troublesome than N is P. Basically, the most basic and reliable treatment method for P, which cannot be flown in the air, is to take out a certain amount of activated sludge itself, which contains a large amount of it, from the pond and separate it from the water. Primitive is primitive, but if sludge can be returned to the soil, this is the best. Well, the same is true for C and N. In that sense, neither the continuous type nor the batch type can fully function under the current situation where sewage contains a lot of harmful substances. Things that cannot be returned to the soil.

A word of the day: C, N, P are originally fertilizers for growing plants. If you return the wastewater and manure to the farmland without modern sewage treatment, no problems will occur. In this respect, humanity's thinking is insanely stupid.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






























タグ  環境問題 生活様式 語源 肥料 酸化溝