Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Various faces of mushrooms: important creatures for the earth

Various faces of mushrooms: important creatures for the earth

Mushrooms and molds are almost identical creatures, neither plants nor animals. Mushrooms are the ones that open the umbrella, and molds are the ones that are not made. About mushrooms from wiki:

Mushrooms (mushrooms, fungi, buds, mushrooms) are a common name for a relatively large (often protruding) fruiting body or basidiomycete itself among specific fungi (Fungi). Also, the word mushroom is often treated as a general term for specific fungi, but it is originally a structure as described above, not a classification of fungi. Fungi that do not produce fruiting bodies are molds. It is clearly different from plants. There is no clear standard for "large size" here, but mushrooms are often called mushrooms that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Some species are toxic, although they are also used for food and psychological effects. Etymologically, it can be analyzed as "tree + + child"(inJapanese). Many fungi with fruiting bodies of visible size belong to the basidiomycota Basidiomycota or the Ascomycota ascomycota. In Japan, about 300 species are edible, of which more than a dozen are artificially cultivated with mushrooms. It is said that there are about 2,500 known species and about two to three times as many unknown species in Japan, of which about 200 are well-known poisonous mushrooms, and about 20 are highly addicted or deadly poisonous.


Lignin (wiki)

Generally, I think it can be defined like this. So how do molds and mushrooms grow? From wiki again:

The body (entity) of mushrooms is included in a group of organisms called fungi together with mold. It is a tubular cell line called mycelium, which grows by decomposing and absorbing organic matter with enzymes secreted from the body, producing spores and repeating reproduction.
In the "Encyclopedia of Fungi" of the Japanese Society of Fungi, it is explained that fruiting bodies or basidium fruits are so-called mushrooms, hyphal tissue structures that make sexual reproduction organs, and do not refer to classification groups such as fungi.
In other words, strictly speaking, mushrooms are larger, umbrella-shaped ones. However, it is inaccurate, but it can also refer to the species of the organism that makes it. In other words, by definition, all fruiting bodies are mushrooms, or all organisms that make them are mushrooms. In the latter case, for example, minute punctate objects that are stuck or buried on the surface of dead branches are also regarded as mushrooms. It means that the organisms that are mushrooms look like molds or are yeast-like. There is an example in which the Japanese name is also called "mold" for those having such point-shaped fruiting bodies.


Mushroom life cycle (wiki)

It looks like this. Molds and mushrooms grow by taking digestive enzymes out of the body, dissolving plant-derived organic matter, and using them as their own nutrition. Therefore, molds and mushrooms are extremely important at the level of the whole organism as they decompose those debris for the forest, which would be filled with tree debris if left untouched. In particular, mushrooms that decay trees are called "white-rot fungi" and are the only organisms that can decompose the skeleton substance of trees (a polymer whose main raw material is phenol) called lignin, which even white ants cannot decompose. It then sucks up nutrients from the trees and turns them into nutritious mushrooms that entertain people. In terms of nutritional value, mushrooms are comparable to meat and fish. A few years ago, Russian mathematician Perelman, who was awarded the Fields Medal (Nobel Prize in mathematics) by solving an unsolved mathematical problem (Poincare conjecture), refused to receive the award and searched for mushrooms in the forest. As expected, Russians love mushrooms so much.

A word of the day: When eating mushrooms, if you think they are confusing with poisonous mushrooms, it is wise not to eat them. In general, there is no standard for distinguishing between edible mushrooms and poisonous mushrooms. "You can eat with eggplant" and "you can eat mushrooms that split vertically" are all lies. You have to know the mushrooms one by one. By the way, I have collected wild mushrooms (when I was living in the mountains), but I collected two species of mushrooms that can be identified with certainty. One is Iguchitake, which grows selectively in larch forests. There is a slime like nameko. For soaking. The other is the fox tea plant. It is a white sphere and grows on the roadside. For soup. Kuritake and Agaricus were cultivated by myself. Kuritake is made by driving a columnar top into a Hodagi (Body of Tree for culture) and planting it in the soil, it doesn’t came out from the first year and was not eaten. but I ate it in that year. And it is for three or four years edible, but my family didn't try to eat it, my brother ate it in the fourth year, and my father didn't eat it until the end. I told his dad that he didn't eat it because he was also closely related to the deadly poisonous mushroom called Nigakuritake, so he was shy. I bought Agaricus from a seed company for each cultivation set. It was mentioned that it has an anti-cancer effect.

The key substance, lignin, is contained in the wood pulp that is the raw material for Western paper today, but it turns brown when exposed to the sun. This is inevitable for Western paper with lignin. However, mulberry, mitsumata, ganpi, etc., which are the materials of Japanese paper, are made into paper by peeling the bast fibers from the skin. It is fair because it does not contain lignin, and it becomes whiter as it gets in the sun.

As I read somewhere, in an area that was radioactively contaminated by the Chiernobyl nuclear accident (probably Ukraine), parents said, "We eat mushrooms and feed our children (relatively safe) steaks." That is the practice.
When trees are polluted, mushrooms are polluted too,and it is dangerous to eat mushrooms, but I thought it was different. : "The nutritional value of mushrooms is comparable to that of meat and fish." That is why parents can live on mushrooms.
I also consciously eat mushrooms. The dried shiitake steak is delicious. (It is a shiitake mushroom dried by myself.)

2 mushroom dishes


Shiitake steak soy sauce, tarragon style (2020.09.29)


Nameko and Grated radish with Soy sauce (2020.07.25)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



キノコ(茸、菌、蕈、Mushroom)とは、特定の菌類(Fungi)のうちで、比較的大型の(しばしば突起した)子実体(Fruiting body)あるいは、担子器果そのものをいう俗称である。またしばしば、キノコという言葉は特定の菌類の総称として扱われるが、本来は上述の通り構造物であり、菌類の分類のことではない。子実体を作らない菌類はカビである。植物とは明確に異なる。ここでいう「大型」に明確な基準はないが、肉眼で確認できる程度の大きさのものをキノコという場合が多い。食用、精神作用用にもされるが毒性を持つ種もある。語源的には、「木+の+子」と分析できる。 目に見える大きさになる子実体を持つ菌は、担子菌門 Basidiomycotaか子嚢菌門 Ascomycota に属するものが多い。日本では約300種が食用にされ、うち十数種が人為的にキノコ栽培されている。日本では既知の約2500種と2、3倍程度の未知種があるとされ、そのうちよく知られた毒キノコは約200種で、20種ほどは中毒者が多かったり死に至る猛毒がある。






キノコの生活環 (wiki)











タグ  白色腐朽菌  リグニン  食用&毒 森