Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Oxalic acid: A familiar and dangerous acid

Oxalic acid: A familiar and dangerous acid

"Oxalic acid" is an acid contained in a considerable variety of plants. It is abundant in Chenopodiaceae (Okahijiki, Akaza), Purslanes (Purslanes), Polygonaceae (Rumex japonicus, buckwheat, Japanese knotweed), Amaranthaceae (Byam, Amaranthus), Wood sorrels (Katabami), etc. .. Except for Oxalis and Polygonaceae, it is the plants of the order Amaranthaceae.





"Oxalic Acid" in English is named because it was extracted from wood sorrels (Oxalis), and the Japanese name "shu" in oxalic acid is derived from "Rumex japonicus(a kind of sorrel)". Chemical formula: (COOH) 2.


Oxalic Acid (WIKI)


Vitamin C(l-ascorbic acid)(WIKI)

This oxalic acid is a "dangerous acid" that causes "kidney stones" and "urinary tract stones" when taken in large amounts. It is designated as a deleterious substance.

In order to eat these vegetables and wild grasses, they must be boiled and then soaked in water for a while to remove oxalic acid.

Oxalic acid is made by changing vitamin C. So plants high in vitamin C will have oxalic acid quite often. Like spinach.

Excessive intake of vitamin C is expected to increase urinary oxalic acid excretion, but it does not promote recurrence of urinary stones.


This finding is surprising, but can we really assert that it doesn't "promote" it? It's a suspicious attitude. I have a lot of doubts. If vitamin C products don't sell well, companies that produce supplements will be in trouble.

Here's some beneficial information.

When eating plants containing oxalic acid, eating with milk or sprinkling with dried bonito causes a chemical change between acid and alkali (calcium), which can block oxalic acid. In that state, you are lucky because the "oxalate = calcium" conjugate passes through your body. Otherwise, in the process of circulating in the body with blood, it reacts with alkaline components, reaches the kidneys and urinary tract through blood vessels, deposits, and causes symptoms.

In fact, coffee and tea also contain "oxalic acid," so it makes sense to add milk to make "milk coffee" or "milk tea." This is the wisdom of our predecessors. Speaking of containing oxalic acid, it is also found in coffee, black tea, cocoa, green tea, and oolong tea, but it is better to drink with milk or eat cheese. But I don't think you need to be too nervous about these drinks. You should mainly pay attention to foods with a particularly high content of oxalic acid.

Bamboo shoots also contain a lot of oxalic acid, so the cooking method of making wakame seaweed and simmered food is reasonable. Wakame seaweed also contains a lot of calcium.

This also means "neutralizing oxalic acid and calcium in wakame seaweed." The salt produced at that time passes through the body and is excreted from the body. Also, when eating soba (soba) with "zaru soba", chopped seaweed (Nori)will be a calcium source and block the oxalic acid of soba. This is also a good combination. In either case, oxalic acid and calcium combine to form "calcium oxalate".

It seems that the act of making the laws of nature into truth in the light of experience also holds true for "oxalic acid." That's a good reason. In addition, there was an omission in my blog that I wrote about "gout" before.

Does drinking 3 liters of beer every night cause gout?


If you drink 3 liters of beer every night, uric acid is better, but beer also contains oxalic acid, which is bad when eaten with edamame, which also contains oxalic acid. It's also dangerous to drink 3 liters of beer without snacks. It seems good to drink foods that are high in calcium and low in purines, such as cheese and milk, as friends.

For today's description,

Please refer to http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~syuneido/uro.htm
(In Japanese)

It turns out that the plant contains oxalic acid more or less. It's a good idea to know that and go out with the plants.

Is the pain of urethral stones comparable to labor pain?

There are pitfalls around you
Among my acquaintances, there were about two people (two men) who had "urinary tract stones", and I heard that the pain of this illness was " pain like falling into hell", and there was no hamper, so a little urinary tract stones. I tried to find out about.

First of all, the part where stones are formed starts from the kidney (renal pelvis), then through the ureter, the bladder, the urethra (the above are the urethra), and the stones that are formed somewhere in these parts are called "urinary tract stones". When a stone is formed, the tube is clogged and the urine does not go out, so the urine flows back and is returned to the kidneys, and the kidneys are stiff and severe pain is caused. The only radical cure is to remove the stones and prevent recurrence.

By the way, there are several substances that cause stones, such as oxalic acid (source of calcium oxalate), phosphoric acid (source of calcium phosphate), uric acid (source of calcium urate), calcium itself, and cystine (protein). Of these, oxalic acid is often the cause of stones.

The reason why urinary tract stones start to form from the kidneys is that the kidneys filter body fluids to produce high-concentration waste fluids, but if oxalic acid or calcium becomes saturated here, they will combine and easily form stones. It can be done.

There are two main ways to get rid of this annoying stone. One is drug therapy. It is effective for calcium urate, cystine, etc. with the idea of dissolving stones and not increasing stones any more. The other is to crush stones, and by applying ultrasonic waves, lasers, etc. to the affected area, about three types of therapies are currently in practical use.

Urethral stones are also characterized by recurrence after remission. Diet and drug therapy are effective in preventing this. Citric acid, for example, makes the pH of blood alkaline and suppresses the formation of stones. It is also effective to drink plenty of water to thin the urine. It seems better not to drink much alcohol. Dehydration after drinking alcohol causes thickening of urine.

And what is often overlooked is that tea beverages: green tea, oolong tea, black tea, mate tea, coffee, etc. all contain oxalic acid, so you should avoid polydipsia. (By the way, I
When drinking these, mix a little milk and drink. While oxalic acid is in the gastrointestinal tract, it binds to calcium and inactivates it. )

Also, refrain from animal proteins and animal fats ... Animal proteins contain many purines that are the source of uric acid, and animal fats promote the production of calcium oxalate in urine.

In addition, vegetables rich in oxalic acid include spinach (this is the king), cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, sweet potato, eggplant, daikon, komatsuna, and turnip. Generally, when boiled and exposed, water-soluble oxalic acid begins to flow into the water. After that, when mixed with calcium-rich foods such as dried bonito and seaweed, oxalic acid binds and inactivates.

In addition, dairy products, seafood, soybean products, and vegetables are examples of foods that contain a large amount of calcium. However, it is important to be careful not to take too much calcium and to take an appropriate amount of magnesium. (These two minerals work complementarily in the body.)

A word of the day: What I referred to in this blog is "Super Illustrated Urolithiasis Treatment and Life That Does Not Recur" (Yoshiro Sakamoto: Hohken). (Not quoted.)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



 英語でいう「Oxsalic Acid」は、カタバミオキザリス)から抽出されたからこの名が付き、日本名・シュウ酸の「シュウ」とは「ギシギシ」に由来します。化学式:(COOH)2。












ビタミンC の過剰摂取により尿中シュウ酸排泄量が増加することが予想されるが,尿路結石再発を促進するとはいえない。


























今日のひと言:今回ブログで参考にしたのは、「スーパー図解 尿路結石症 再発させない治療と生活」(坂本善郎:法研)です。(引用はしていません。)


タグ  シュウ酸 尿路結石 カルシウム ビタミンC