Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Pandora's Box ... Amazing and Logical “Russian Formalism”

Pandora's Box ... Amazing and Logical “Russian Formalism”

Zeus, who wanted to afflict humanity, created a woman who collected the beauty of each god. "Pandora = a woman given everything". She married Epimetheus, but she was given a box and was told, "Because it contains all the evil, it must not be opened." But she who was curious girl can't keep her commandment to "don't open," and she opened. Then, all the "evil" was scattered in the human world. What remained here was "hope."

Well, the above is one of the well-known Greek myths, but let's read it "honestly" here. In the first place, this Pandora's box was "contains all evil." In that case, shouldn't the "hope" in the box be "a evil" too? ! ! ! ! !


↑(Pandora's Box
is that remains
Good or evil?)

We often find only a certain meaning in one word, but the word "hope" also has a negative meaning, as it was pointed out here. Well, not only evil, but maybe one good was included? You may hear the counterargument, but I will leave it. The word wishful thinking doesn't sound very good,
The logical philosopher L. Wittgenstein wrote, "I have no hope." From (" The Discussion of Logical Philosophy").

The above story is also written in the comment section of the past log


(In Japanese)

This story was told by a friend. He was a smart man.

This kind of sentence comprehension method is called "Russian formalism" in literary theory. Here, I will quote from the item about "Russian formalism" from "Professor Tadano, Faculty of Literature: Contemporary Library 97 / Iwanami Shoten" by Yasutaka Tsutsui.

It's not just about changing the language, it's about changing the everyday, familiar, world we live in to something that we can't see, so that we can't be relieved. In short, this means that it has a catabolic effect. (109P)

In other words, formalism argued that it is literature that, in this way, transforms what we are casually experiencing in our daily lives into something surprisingly fresh with the technique of language. That's why. (112P)

"Professor Tadano, Faculty of Literature" is a mysterious work that combines the uproar of slapstick inside and outside the university with a lecture on the theory of legitimate literary criticism given by Professor Tadno. The third chapter of these is this "Russian formalism".

I've mentioned on the catabolic effect before,


(In Japanese)

Isami Nakagawa (Absurd manga)

This reading comprehension requires an "unpredictable and straightforward perspective."
For example, if there is an enka (Japanese old -fashioned songs) saying "This miso soup tastes like my mother", then "the taste of his mother", or "He killed and ate his mother", "Well, human eating" ... He is a Brave guy and so on.

I also tried to read some books about "Russian formalism", but I returned them to the library because of the difficulty. I was convinced and amazed that literary critics use particularly difficult phrases. I think that the understanding of "Professor Tadano" is sufficient.

Also, as a well-received reading comprehension of the family, Masashi Sada's song "Another Rain Shelter" was proposed to a shy girl who wasn't even looked at by a man. There is a phrase that she confesses, "He has chosen my little umbrella", But it is possible to read "Well, she had a good umbrella to him." He was an umbrella fetish, he loved the umbrella instead of her, wasn't it?

A word of the day: If you use this catastrophic effect too much, you will lose your place in the real world, so be careful. About ten years ago, a student at Todaiji Gakuen was threatened by his father, "I'll kill you if my test results are poor." I hear that his house was set on fire. He had a pervasive developmental disorder.

Faculty of Letters Professor Tadano (Iwanami Hyundai Bunko-Literature)
• Author: Yasutaka Tsutsui
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Iwanami Shoten
• Release date: 2000/01/14
• Media: Bunko

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




















文学部唯野教授 (岩波現代文庫―文芸)
• 作者: 筒井康隆
• 出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店
• 発売日: 2000/01/14
• メディア: 文庫


タグ  ロシア・フォルマリズム  パンドラの箱  異化効果  言葉に素直な読解