Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Number of sports tools and the degree of popularity of the sports

* Number of sports tools and the degree of popularity of the sports

From the 2012 London Olympics, baseball and softball was excluded from the official competition. The reason is that "there are few participating countries." Certainly, even in the 2006 WBC, there are about 10 participating countries such as the United States, Japan, Cuba, and South Korea. Seems not many.
Therefore, count the number of tools required when playing a certain sport, and try to relate it to the competitive population. A field is a place to compete, which is also counted. Then, roughly

Soccer: Field, ball, goal ... 3 pieces
Baseball: Field, ball, bat, mitt (* 2), glove, base (* 4)
Helmet, hat, protector, mound plate ... 14 pieces
Judo: field, dogi ... 2 pieces
Marathon: ... field ... 1 piece
Golf: Field, ball, hat, various sticks ... 10 pieces

It will be. Baseball (or golf) uses a large number of tools. Therefore, in order to play baseball, you have to prepare the tools, so you can only play baseball if you have a certain level of income. If you go there, you don't need any tools other than the field for a marathon, and you can practice soccer if you have a ball. Therefore, it is presumed that sports with fewer tools are more likely to be accepted by poorer countries and have a larger competitive population.

In order to quantitatively show the above considerations, I asked the JOC about the "number of countries participating in the competition at the district qualifying level at the Athens Olympics" for the above four competitions (excluding golf). The competition population is estimated based on the number of participating countries. However, this kind of information is different from my purpose because it is information about who won the gold medal without looking at the net. The response from the JOC was that there is no data, please contact various sports organizations. When I contacted the Japan Football Association, he asked me to ask FIFA. I was turned around. It was a typical government office job.

For judo, I contacted the Kodokan and asked them to tell me the number of countries participating in the 2002 Osaka World Championships. 97 countries. It was a clear answer. “One win !” Then I contacted the Japan Association of Athletics Federations for the marathon. It's quite difficult to count, so when I asked them to send me the raw data of the nationality information of the participating athletes, I counted 64 countries. For baseball, 16 countries are assigned to the number of WBC participating countries. Regarding soccer, 16 countries participated in the main race, and 110 countries were estimated from the data of 3 countries in Europe and 2 countries in South America and the number of countries in the region. (Therefore, marathon and judo are real numbers, soccer and baseball are guesses.) Golf was not an Olympic event(as of 2011), so I set it to 0 countries. It's a bit unfair, but even if the competition population is large, I'll give you an example where there are many tools, not an Olympic event.

The above results are made into a table and a graph.

Competition, number of participating countries, tool number

Marathon 64 1
Judo 97 2
Soccer 110 3
Baseball 16 14
Golf  0  10


When the number of participating countries is on the horizontal axis and the tool stand is on the vertical axis, points are plotted, and the regression line and correlation coefficient are calculated.

(Regression line) Y = -0.0969X + 11.6
(Correlation coefficient) -0.824

It can be seen that the number of participating countries tends to increase as the competition has fewer tools. It also gave a fairly strong correlation. My hypothesis has been proved.
If the above considerations are correct, it seems natural that baseball and softball will disappear from the Olympic events.

A word of the day: Even so, even if you try to verify your own ideas, the Internet is powerless if people with similar interests do not leave data.

(No image)

Anti-Olympic Declaration-The Myth and Criminality (1981)
• Author: Ken Kageyama
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Fubaisha
• Release Date: 10/10/1981
• Media:?
• View blogs (1) that include this product


@@(This blog was wrote 2007.07.09 in Japanese.)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original








   競技        参加国数       道具立て
   マラソン        64         1
   柔道          97         2
   サッカー       110         3
   野球          16        14
   ゴルフ          0        10



 (回帰直線)  Y=−0.0969X+11.6
 (相関係数)  −0.824




反オリンピック宣言―その神話と犯罪性をつく (1981年)
• 作者: 影山健
• 出版社/メーカー: 風媒社
• 発売日: 1981/10
• メディア: ?
• この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る



タグ  スポーツ  道具数  貧乏人  相関

Some synthetic detergents turn into sulfuric acid when it is burned:Causes of acid rain

Some synthetic detergents turn into sulfuric acid when it is burned:Causes of acid rain

It's been about 50 years ( half a century )since synthetic detergents were used to be more useful than soap(so said), and what is the ratio of soap now? It seems that the ratio of synthetic detergents is still high. In the first place, the key point of this blog is what happens when synthetic detergent is incinerated. Why I want to burn? I'm currently using soap powder at home, and I thought about what to do with the numerous synthetic detergents that newspaper shops brought as souvenirs of newspapers, so I thought about whether to put them out as "burnable garbage" or not. (I thought so, as there is an open secret that synthetic detergents, a product of the so-called petroleum industry, will cause many problems if they dissolve in water and are released into the environment, as much as the history of synthetic detergents. No matter how hard the historic "soap movement" works, the current situation is that the movement are defeated by the forces that make synthetic detergents .)


Crude Oil

The first synthetic detergent was so-called ABS. However, this has been replaced by LAS, which is easily decomposed in nature. ABS is "(branched chain type) sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate" and LAS is "straight chain sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate". ABS is a branched alkyl group, and LAS is a straight line.

By the way, if you look at wiki (synthetic detergent) what kind of synthetic detergent is currently used:
@ 1: LAS = linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid and salt

@ 2: AO = N, N-dimethyllaurylamine = N-oxide

@ 3: DAC = bishydrogenated beef tallow dimethylammonium chloride

@ 4: AE = polyoxyethylene alkyl ether

@ 5: OPE = polyoxyethylene octylphenyl ether

@ 6: NPE = polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl ether
... These drugs are commonly used. I will look at them in order.

@ 1: The chemical formula of LAS is as follows, S (sulfur) is included in the structure. If you burn it, you will end up with sulfuric acid. (So-called sulfur oxides: via SOX)


See https://www.nihs.go.jp/hse/ehc/sum2/ehc169/ehc169.html

@ 2: N, N-dimethyllaurylamine = N-oxide

Chemical formula C14H31NO

This contains N (nitrogen), and when burned, nitric acid will be produced as a result. (So-called nitrogen oxides: via NOX.)

@ 3: Bishydrogenated beef tallow dimethylammonium chloride

Chemical formula C38H80ClN

This contains N (nitrogen) and Cl (chlorine), and when burned, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid will be produced. Or dioxin.

@ 4 to @ 6 These are detergents made of only C, H, and O materials that do not contain S, N, or Cl, so there should be no particular problem with burning.

Chemical formula of AE OH2 (CH2) m (C2H4O) n

I will conclude that @ 1, @ 2, and @ 3 are all sources of strong acid and cause acid rain, so it is better not to incinerate them. In addition, when I did a Google search for "LAS Burn", there were no hits with this search condition. It turns out that no one thought about that. The fact that synthetic detergents containing S, N, and Cl become strong acids when burned is because if they are burned and completely oxidized, they will be in the final form (oxide) that binds to oxygen. In that case, if you really think about environmental issues, it is most appropriate to keep it carefully as a so-called "treasure" without using synthetic detergent (if you already have it at home) and not incinerating it. It seems to be a good act. It goes without saying that it is best not to manufacture.

A word of the day: Synthetic detergent that causes problems whether it is flushed with water or put on fire. I think human intelligence is too inferior to handle such annoying substances. The following is a description that sharply points out the problems of synthetic detergents as surfactants.


: Sinking duck(in Japanese)

Also, I used to serialize 6 stories about water in a magazine (a newspaper of the greengrocer group dealing with natural food agricultural products). Here are some thoughts on soaps and synthetic detergents.


See below for one aspect of acid rain.


(in Japanese)

@ The Devilish sonnet

Any blog
Vampires may settle in.
This word, without thinking for myself, in the description of the blog
A person who makes comments in a conditioned reflexive manner.

No matter how good the blog is
Vampires halve the power of "words".
But the trouble is that the vampires
They don't realize they are a vampire.

Generally, there are many comments and responses
Blogs tend to have more vampires.
For my blog, the number of comments has been low recently.

At least by the cross on the blog
The vampires are leaving.
They don't understand Japanese.


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






@1:LAS =直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸及び塩

@2:AO =N,N-ジメチルラウリルアミン=N-オキシド

@3:DAC =ビス水素化牛脂ジメチルアンモニウムクロライド

@4:AE =ポリオキシエチレンアルキルエーテル

@5:OPE =ポリオキシエチレンオクチルフェニルエーテル

@6:NPE =ポリオキシエチレンノニルフェニルエーテル




https://www.nihs.go.jp/hse/ehc/sum2/ehc169/ehc169.html を参照

化学式 C14H31NO  これはN(窒素)を含み、燃やすと、結果として硝酸が生成するでしょう。(いわゆる窒素酸化物:NOXを経て。)

化学式 C38H80ClN  これはN(窒素)とCl(塩素)を含み、燃やすと硝酸、塩酸が生成するでしょう。あるいはダイオキシンも。

@4~@6  これらはSやNやClを含まぬ、C,H,Oだけの材料でできた洗剤なので、燃やすことについては特に問題はないでしょう。
AEの化学式 OH2(CH2)m(C2H4O)n

@1、@2、@3はどれも強酸の発生源となり、酸性雨を降らす原因になってしまうので、焼却処分はやらないほうが良い、という結論になるでしょう。なお、「LAS 燃やす」でグーグル検索してみたところ、この検索条件でのヒットはありませんでした。そんなことを考えた人がいなかったことが解ります。なお、SやNやClを含む合成洗剤が燃やすと強酸になるということは、燃やして完全に酸化されれば、酸素と結合する最終形態(酸化物)になるだろうと思われるからです。そうなると、真に環境問題を考えるなら、(すでに家庭にあるなら)合成洗剤を使わず、また焼却処分にも出さず、いわゆる「お宝」として、大事に保存して持っていることがもっとも妥当な行為だと思われます。製造しないのがベストであることは言わずと知れたことですね。
















タグ   環境問題 化学物質 合成洗剤 酸性雨 技術

man and woman on the Sexual side: A woman is a fire +convex and concave

man and woman on the Sexual side: A woman is a fire +convex and concave

Male-female relationship seen in "Musume Dōjōji"


Kiyohime(清姫), a serpent who chases Anchin(安珍)
(From Encyclopedia Alpha)

Do you know the legend of Anchin Kiyohime ? This is a story about the origin of Dojoji Temple(道成寺) in Wakayama Prefecture. The synopsis is quoted from wikipedia.

Anchin and Kiyohime :beginning of love

The time is around the summer of the 6th year of extension (928), the reign of Emperor Daigo. There was a monk who came to visit Kumano from Oshu Shirakawa. This monk (Anchin) was a very beautiful figure. Kiyohime, the daughter of Kiyohime Shoji of Masago, Muro-gun, Kii Province, fell in love at first sight when she saw Anchin who rented her inn, and she crawls on his man at night. As a person who is worshiping, Anjchin is in trouble even if he is pressed like that, and he tricked her into stopping by on his way home, so he went quickly without stopping after worshiping.

Kiyohime's wrath

Kiyohime gets angry when she learns that she has been deceived, and she chases her barefoot and catches up on the way to Dojoji Temple (Ueno no Sato). Instead of rejoicing at her reunion, Anchin lay a lie on a lie that he was a different person, and even asked for help from Kumano Gongen and tried to escape when Kiyohime was tied sleeping paralysis . At this point, Kiyohime's anger strikes the heavens, and she finally turns into a snake and pursues her Anchin.

The end of Anchin

The one who follows Anchin who crossed the Hidakagawa River and escaped to Dojoji is the figure of a snake crossing the river on its own while blowing fire. It didn't make sense for her to ask the ferryman to "Don't let her cross the river." Achjin who has the big bell lowered and runs away into it. However, Kiyohime does not forgive and wraps around the bell. Causal retribution, pitiful Anchin was burned to death in the bell. After killing Anchjin, Kiyohime enters the water in the form of a snake and died.


After reincarnating in the serpentine, they appear under the priest of Dojoji and ask for a memorial service. Due to the merit of the Hokkekyo(法華経) advocated by the priest, the two became Buddhahood and appeared in the dreams of the priest in the form of a heavenly man. In fact, these two were the incarnations of Kumano Gongen and Kanzeon Bosatsu, respectively, and ended in praise of the Hokkekyo.

Anchin who escapes to the bell, Kiyohime who winds the bell around.
It seems that their appearance can be imagined in a general gender relationship.

Kiyohime, who wraps around the bell with a snake body, is the "female genitals" itself. And does she mean, She burns out his male genitals. In fact, female genitals are sometimes referred to as "fireplace: hot". The man counters this fire by giving out "water" (ejaculation). Fire and water cancel each other out and SEX is completed. In this case, the woman's "love juice" is not water, but fire. It is "fire" because it burns out. This view can be seen in China's "Ying Yang Five Elements Theory".

Depending on the text, when Kiyohime crawls at night, Anchin responds by vowing to become a married couple overnight. It seems that there was a rich night life. In this case, Anchin is mostly bad.

Pine and Wisteria (sonnet-like poetry)

Pine tree: Hey, Ms. Wisteria,
You are entwined me,
How long will it be?

Wisteria: That was Mr. Pine, 10 years ago.
10 years ago
I wrapped around you.

Pine: That's right, anyway
After being entangled with you
I have no choice but to want water.
Wisteria: That's because you, we are still having sex.

Pine: You mean we are having sex ...
Wisteria: Mr. Pine, that's because I'm tightly wrapped around your skin
Is that part dented?
This is a testament to our love.

A word of the day: The kanji "必::must" is a hieroglyph and means to tighten a stick, and the word secret (秘/密) is similar and has a sexy meaning. I think you who read this blog will understand why.

Consideration of blatant sex (concave and convex): Yumiko Kurahashi's logic

I first mentioned Yumiko Kurahashi (由美子 倉橋:a novelist and essayist) when I was impressed with the uniqueness of her translation and commentary in the picture book "Looking for Me" (Shell Silvastein). That is. In this picture book, there is a missing part to make a circle, and the hero who rolls and travels in search of a piece encounters a piece that follows the missing part exactly and merges, but it rolls too smoothly, so it is still missing If it is okay to leave it as it is, the combination will be canceled and it will return to the state where it is missing again ...M s. Kurahashi added a commentary such as "This ending is necessary as an adult fairy tale." .. I really like this description.

Yumiko Kurahashi (real name: Yumiko Kumagai), 1935-2005.

By the way, it appears in "A Destructive Dream-Sex and I-" recorded in "Selected Women's Essay Collection Three Yumiko Kurahashi" (Bungei Shunju). It's like this. –

Stripping off various meanings such as affection and marriage, the sexual relationship between a man and a woman is that the existence of a concave (凹:kanji)shape puts the existence of a convex(凸:kanji) shape into oneself and eats it, and the existence of a convex shape. It can be said that is a relationship that satisfies the existence of a concave shape. This is a fact that is hard to make sense of, and therefore cannot be viewed straightforwardly, but it can be beautified by giving it a sublime value, or it can be sought after by a married couple in their daily lives. However, human beings can live happily thanks to the deceptive habits of reducing to simple physiological phenomena and reproductive instincts, and wrapping them in the wrapping paper of love.

For a woman, having a sexual relationship with a man is informed of what she is to another, and is declared to be a "woman", accepting it and being a woman. Is to become. At this time, captivating the freedom of others in their own flesh by allowing them to invade should be defined as the way of being "loving." A man is "loved". This relationship, of course, does not stop at men and women. Male sexuality, sadism and masochism are phenomena that can only be explained from the prototype of such human existence.


The reality of sex is described as a concave (female) pulls a convex (male) into her body and "eats" = "loves". Despite this metaphor, which is regular, I have a rather great sexual imagination in this metaphor. Far from being "unbearable to look straight at", I find it interesting.

And, "capturing the freedom of others in your own flesh" is a fact that can be found even if you trace the etymology of kanji. The word "必:must" in "must" is based on the idea of "tying a stick to deprive you of your freedom, and trying hard to straighten it" (Akiyasu Todo: "Woman's Kanji"). The "stick" is the penis, and the "binding thing" is the vagina. By the way, vagina (like a penis as a "sword") means "sheath: pod" to store it. That's right. In this case, the vagina seems to be a complement to the penis, but in Ms. Kurahashi's theory, the man is the object to be "loved" and the woman is the subject to "love". Oh, what a strong woman. (The concave vagina complements the convex penis.)

The relationship between actress Olivia Hussey and Akira Fuse is reminiscent of these topics. She came to Japan to appear in a cosmetics commercial, and she was sick of Fuse who sang the CM song: "You are more beautiful than a rose." Set up a boy. Then she divorced. She must have cooled down. As a result, it clearly shows the image of a concave that eats an excellent convex. If you take a good convex offspring and make a child that incorporates its DNA, she doesn't need a convex for the concave.

A word of the day: Normally, a man works on a woman, and the recognition that "a man loves a woman and leads sex" is widespread, but according to Ms. Kurahashi, "a woman loves a man and leads sex". "To do" is supposed to be the reality. Ms. Kurahashi's argument, which doubts common sense, is interesting. The theory of unevenness, in the natural world, there are examples of such concaveness preying on convexity. After having sex, mantis, scorpions, and male cell fluids that are eaten by females all flow into female cells, and the male body becomes empty(Spirogyra).

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original



























さて、件の凸凹の考察、『精選女性随筆集三 倉橋由美子』(文藝春秋)に収録された『ある破壊的な夢想――性と私――』に出てきます。こんな感じです。――







タグ  娘道成寺  凸  凹  必

Dangerous artificial sweeteners ... from cyclamate to sucralose

Dangerous artificial sweeteners ... from cyclamate to sucralose

I've talked about the artificial sweetener sucralose before,
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20091207: Slat: Pit of artificial sweetener (sucralose)
There was a note on my blog that I had diarrhea when I drank a drink containing this. Also, recently, access has increased due to this diarrhea, so I will review the artificial sweetener again. Here are 7 kinds of sweeteners.

First, please see the list below. (Here, C: carbon, H: hydrogen, O: oxygen, N: nitrogen, S: sulfur, and hexagons are mostly benzene rings, carbon is often omitted from the display.)


(Note: This table is Japanese and not English-speaking. It is difficult to recreate it from the beginning, so I will use it as it is. I will specifically mention each sweetener in each theory.)

Next in order--

1) Cyclamate: 30-50 times as sweet as sugar. Clean sweetness. Carcinogenicity and teratogenicity were confirmed by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) survey, and it was banned in the United States and Japan in 1969. However, it is still used in more than 50 countries such as EU, China and Canada.


2) Saccharin: Discovered by chance at Johns Hopkins University in 1878 while studying coal tar. 500 times as sweet as sugar. However, the difficulty is that the tongue is numb. One study that proved carcinogenicity has been denied, but Japan limits its addition to foods. Do not overestimate animal experiments or the results of experiments. Experiments often produce the results that the experimenter wants, and I think that the toxicity of saccharin is still unsolved. (In many cases, the final judgment of the result will be the desired result without forging the data.)


3) Acesulfame K, discovered by chance in 1967 by German scientist Karl Kraus.
200 times as sweet as sugar. Recently, it has been used in place of aspartame because it is stable under various conditions. Designated as a food additive in April 2000.


The above three are very similar in structure. (Refer to the deficit in the list) You can imagine the same action (in the body) in the form of "two oxygen (O) and two oxygen (N) attached to S (sulfur)". .. Since it contains Nitrogen in its molecule, it will be classified as an alkaloid with many toxic companions.
It is a proof that it is a dangerous substance. It also has a common point that it generally has a benzene ring. Among them, acesulfame k is an equal "special" compound containing S and N in a 6-membered ring. On the other hand, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have no imagination or analogy. Did they really learn chemistry? Or did they get a bribe from the industry? "There is no smoke where there is no fire."

4) Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol found in plants of the Rosaceae family. Not as sweet as sugar.


5) Xylitol was found in a birch tree. It is as sweet as sugar and has 60% calories.
Famous for preventing tooth decay.


Well, the above two shouldn't be a problem.

6) Aspartame, which is a composite of two amino acids. Peptide bond of "Methyl ester of phenylalanine and aspartic acid". 200 times sweeter than sugar. I think the problem is that methanol is generated 10% of aspartame when decomposed, but I think it is an underestimate that it does not matter. Methanol is a deleterious substance. ... It is said that this substance, which is supposed to pass through the body, causes metabolic problems ...
In addition, there is a story that under the Reagan administration, the FDA secretary who had not approved aspartame until then was dismissed, Rumsfeld's breathtaking Arthur Hayes became the secretary, and it was approved immediately. (It's called Tamiflu, and the drugstore Rumsfeld is good at business.) The villain who takes a profit-oriented strategy like this example is wandering around. (Rumsfeld was the US Secretary of Defense at the time of the Iraq War.)


About methanol

In Japan, methanol that is not mixed with ethanol is a non-medicinal deleterious substance, and it is necessary to sign and seal the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Transfer Form to purchase it. There are various reports on the lethal dose of methanol, and it is considered that there are large individual differences, but the minimum lethal dose for humans and oral is thought to be about 0.3-1.0 g / kg. In the case of primates, including humans, methanol is metabolized to formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and further to formic acid by formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Formaldehyde has a half-life in the body of about one minute, and the metabolism of formaldehyde to formic acid is rapid, so the toxicity of formaldehyde is of little concern. The toxicity of methanol is due to metabolic acidosis caused by formic acid and toxicity to neurons. The metabolic capacity of formic acid differs depending on the species, and it is known that primates, which are inferior in the metabolic capacity of formic acid to rodents, are more toxic to methanol.

A well-known symptom of methanol poisoning is blindness due to damage to the retina of the eye. This is because formaldehyde binds to scotopsin (essentially the same aldehyde, retinal binds to scotopsin to form rhodopsin), which damages rod cells (not due to formic acid). There is also an opinion that formic acid inhibits cytochrome oxidase involved in the electron transport chain of mitochondria, resulting in optic nerve toxicity.

From Wikipedia

The lethal dose is about 50g per person, which is equivalent to the level taken from the drinks and edible foods that are actually drunk, but I think it is not necessary to take dangerous substances. Also, if the mechanism that stops metabolism works by ingesting it every day, will formic acid = formic acid accumulate in the body? In addition, alcohol (ethyl alcohol) also contains a small amount of methyl alcohol, and when it is ingested in excess of the limit, it is the end of life. Drinkers also shave with ethyl ... "Bright Tibetan Medicine" (: Yataro Daikubara, Joho Center Publishing, 1988 first edition) gives such consideration. (Although this is unconfirmed information, it seems that there is a high possibility that it is aspartame even in other foods if it contains "amino acids". It is also contained in toothpaste. However, when I checked my toothpaste , "Saccharin sodium" was mixed. It may be mixed because it is not a food.)

7) Sucralose was developed in 1976 by Tate Andreil of England based on sugar. It is 600 times as sweet as sugar. 26.7 g of chlorine is contained in 100 g of this molecule, and when it is heated to 138 degrees, chlorine-based gas is generated.
In Japan, it was approved as a food additive in 1999 and is currently used by more than 80 countries around the world.

However, we must not forget that this substance is an "organochlorine compound". In nature, there are almost no compounds in which a carbon atom (C) and a chlorine atom (Cl) are directly bonded. That is an organochlorine compound. This sucralose is a companion to terrifying compounds such as dioxins, trihalomethanes, DDT, and PCBs.
In addition, a person from the Communist Party said that there was a record that "when sucralose was administered to experimental animals, 4 out of 9 experimental animals had a miscarriage", and that person said that diarrhea may promote miscarriage. I have a question with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. (Shimbun Akahata, June 23, 2003)

"♪ If you think about it, you've come a long way" (Tetsuya Takeda, Kaientai). Chlorine, which makes poison, is added to sugar to make a substance that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Sucralose, like aspartame, is said to "pass through the body."


By the way (the sweetness that was leaked even though it was famous)

8) Steviaside Stevia is a plant of the Asteraceae family that is native to Paraguay. It has long been regarded as a medicinal plant in the field, and sweeteners such as stebioside can be obtained from this plant. It is 200-300 times as sweet as sugar. It is effective for diabetes and high blood pressure. Steviolide is broken down into steviol in the body, but this is the final product and seems to be excreted as it is. There were rumors that Stebioside was carcinogenic, but it seems to be denied now. The only constituent elements are C, O, and H, such as sorbitol and xylitol. However, I am a little worried that the structural formula is too cluttered.


A word of the day: If you think about it, human beings in the age of satiety tend to be under-exercised, and if they eat a lot of ordinary sugar (sucrose) and gain weight, they will be attracted to zero-calorie beverages. But it's a double-edged blade, and I don't know when new sweets will cause health problems. Sugar, especially glucose, is the only nutrient in the brain, and it is "stupid" to replace it with a sweetener that is of no use and may be dangerous. What do you call this instead of calling it "civilization disease"? For this blog, I mostly referred to wikipedia. (See wikipedia for figures other than the list.)

It is also possible that the achievements of Akira Suzuki and Ei-ichi Negishi, who won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "cross-coupling" led to the synthesis of aspartame. Making substances that are not found in nature may mean making things that cause health problems. The negative side of the Nobel Prize.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original







1)チクロ  砂糖の30−50倍の甘さ。すっきりした甘さ。FDA(米国食品医薬品局)の調査で発ガン性、催奇形性が確認され、1969年、アメリカ、日本で使用禁止に。ただ、EU、中国、カナダなど50ヶ国以上は、現在も使用している。


2)サッカリン  1878年、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学がコールタールの研究中に偶然発見。砂糖の500倍の甘さ。ただ舌がしびれることが難点。発ガン性を証明したという研究一例は否定されているが日本では食品への添加を制限している。動物実験あるいは実験の結果を過大評価してはいけません。実験は、ほぼ実験者の思い通りの結果が出ることが多く、サッカリンの毒性については、いまだ未解決だと思います。(データの捏造をしなくても、結果の最終判断で思い通りの結果になることが多いのです。)


3)アセスルファムK   1967年ドイツ人科学者カール・クラウスが偶然発見。



4)ソルビトール   バラ科植物の植物から発見された糖アルコール。砂糖ほど甘くない。


5)キシリトール   カバの木から発見された。砂糖と同程度の甘さでカロリーは60%。



6)アスパルテーム   アミノ酸2つを合成したもの。「フェニルアラニンのメチルエステルと・アスパラギン酸」のペプチド結合。砂糖の200倍甘い。分解するとメタノールアスパルテームの10%発生することが問題だと思いますが、問題にしないのは過小評価だと思います。メタノール劇物です。・・・体を素通りするとされているこの物質に代謝の問題が起きるとは・・・



日本ではエタノールを混合していないメタノールは医薬用外劇物であり、購入には毒劇物譲受書への署名捺印が必要である。 メタノールの致死量に関しては様々な報告があり、個人差が大きいと考えられるが、ヒト、経口での最小致死量は0.3-1.0g/kg程度であると考えられている。ヒトを含む霊長類の場合、メタノールはアルコールデヒドロゲナーゼによってホルムアルデヒド代謝され、さらにホルムアルデヒドヒドロゲナーゼによってギ酸に代謝される。ホルムアルデヒドの体内半減期はおよそ一分であり、ホルムアルデヒドからギ酸への代謝は迅速に行われるため、ホルムアルデヒドによる毒性はほとんど問題にならない。メタノールの毒性はギ酸による代謝性アシドーシスとニューロンへの毒性によるものである。ギ酸の代謝能力は種によって異なっており、げっ歯類に比べてギ酸の代謝能力に劣る霊長類はメタノールの毒性が強く出ることが知られている。


7)スクラロース  1976年、イギリスのテイトアンドライル社が砂糖をもとに開発。砂糖の600倍の甘さがある。この分子100g中に塩素が26.7gも含まれ、加熱して138度になると、塩素系ガスを発生する。

ただ、この物質が「有機塩素化合物」であることを忘れてはなりません。自然界に炭素原子(C)と塩素原子(Cl)が直接結合した化合物はほとんど存在しない。それが有機塩素化合物です。ダイオキシントリハロメタンDDT、PCB など禍々しい化合物たちの仲間なのです、このスクラロース
また、以前共産党の人が「スクラロースを実験動物に投与したところ、9匹の実験動物のうち4匹が流産した」との記録があるとし、そのひとは下痢が流産を促進するのでは、と厚生労働省に質問しています。(2003.6.23  しんぶん赤旗



8)ステビオサイド  ステビアは、パラグアイなどが原産の、キク科の植物。現地では長いあいだ薬用植物とみなされていて、この植物からとれるのがステビオサイドなどの甘味料。砂糖の200−300倍の甘さがあります。糖尿病、高血圧などに効果がある。ステビオサイドは体内でステビオールに分解されますが、これが最終生成物質で、そのまま体外に排出されるようです。また、ステビオサイド発癌性を持つという噂がありましたが、いまでは否定されているらしいです。構成元素は、ソルビトールキシリトールのように、C、O、Hだけです。ただ、ちょっと心配なのは、構造式が楓雑過ぎることです。


今日のひと言:思えば、飽食の時代の人類は、運動不足になりがちで、普通の砂糖(スクロース)を大量摂取して太るならと、カロリーゼロの飲料にひきつけられるのでしょう。でも、それは諸刃の刃、いつ新たな、甘味料がもとで健康障害がおきるかわかりませんよ。砂糖、特にブドウ糖という物質は脳の栄養として唯一のものであり、それを何の役にも立たないし、危険かも知れない甘味料に置き換えるのは、「愚か」なことです。これを、「文明病」と呼ばずになんと呼ぶのでしょうか? 今回のブログは、おおむねwikipediaを参考にしました。(一覧表以外の図は、wikipedia から。)



タグ  人工甘味料 チクロ スクラロース ステビオサイド

Tamio Hojo's "The First Night of Life": The Wail of Hansen's Disease Patient

Tamio Hojo's "The First Night of Life": The Wail of Hansen's Disease Patient

Leprosy is a disease in which a pathogenic bacterium called Mycobacterium leprae infiltrates various parts of the body, including the skin, and devours the body. Until the middle of the Showa era, it was an "incurable" disease. And, despite the invention of the silver bullet (Promin), the government has taken measures to completely isolate the sick from the abomination and forcibly collect them in a "sanatorium".


This kind of prejudice was great in the 1960s and 1970s when I was in elementary school. The teacher in charge said, "A disease that is scarier than cancer, it is leprosy." "One day, a patient in a sanatorium ran away from the facility because he wanted freedom. Since this disease is transmitted through the skin, the train fishing that this patient touched. You can also get infected from leather. " "It's scary," I engraved in my heart. I thought it was a long time ago that the education was very biased. (This disease is not very infectious.)

Recently, when the name of leprosy itself is discriminatory, the name " Hansen's Disease " is common, and it seems that people who have leprosy have filed proceedings for damages or rehabilitation to the country.

By the way, the novel "The First Night of Life". Takao Oda will also visit one of the patients with Hansen's disease, the "sanatorium". He repeatedly thinks about committing suicide on the way. He travels through vast farmlands to a large sanatorium on the floor. I was briefly told about this facility, and it was his first night, but the guide was assigned to a caring man named Sagaragi, who was careful about other patients, Oda Is impressed. Thinking that he is a young man with one eye shining well. However, I see a variety of patients, including a man whose face has become jerky due to pus due to leprosy, and a man whose nerves are affected by bacteria and sobbing all night.

Oda is taught by Sagaragi that these leprosy patients are no longer humans, but life itself. Sagaragi also confesses to Oda, and the shining one eye is his artificial eye, and in fact he was writing a novel in his notebook just before he lost his eyesight. The competition for "life", whether the eyesight is lost or the novel is completed.

This novel is an experience in which the main character first entered the Hansen's disease treatment center, and in front of the overwhelming power of the facility, his eyes were wide open about "life" that would not be lost even if he had Hansen's disease. The hero in himself lost his desire to commit suicide, and since it was the night when he received the first initiation to burn "life", he called it "first night" and the work itself "The First Night of Life". Furthermore, Yasunari Kawabata praised this work and presented this title to Tamio Hojo.

About Tamio Hojo (wikipedia)

Tamio Hojo ( 民雄 北條:September 22, 1914-December 5, 1937) is a novelist. While he was forced to live in isolation due to leprosy, he left behind his masterpiece "The First Night of Life" based on his own experience. He is his real name: Koji Shichijo (晃司 七條).
He was born in Seoul, the capital of Korea during the Japanese colonial rule (currently Seoul), and grew up in Shimoono-cho, Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture.
He became ill in 1933. The following year, in 1934, he was housed in Zenseien in Higashimurayama Village, Kitatama District, Tokyo Prefecture. He became interested in literature from an early stage, but began to create in earnest after hospitalization. Yasunari Kawabata noticed by "Old Man Maki" and he was called a master by Hojo.
In 1936, won the 2nd Bungakukai Award for "The First Night of Life". He left behind other works such as "The Family" and "The Conception of the House", but he died because of tuberculosis.
Due to prejudice and discrimination against Hansen's disease, his real name was not disclosed for a long time, but as a result of persuading his relatives to disclose his real name for 20 years, the approval of his relatives was obtained in June 2014,77 years after his death, his real name was finally released.

A word of the day: Still, he was a person who had no luck to die from tuberculosis, not from leprosy. The book I read this time is "Complete Works of Hansen's Disease Literature 1 Novel 1" (Kosei-sha)

In addition, the novelist Yasunari Kawabata (mentioned earlier),and the critic Hideo Kobayashi, struggled to Put out to the world "The First Night of Life", but "the god of the novel" Naoya Shiga feared Hansen's disease. He said he avoided even touching the publication for fear of getting sick .As expected, he was a third-class novelist. He was a stupid man.


The first night of life (Kadokawa Bunko)
• Author: Tamio Hojo
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Kadokawa Shoten
• Release Date: 1955/09
• Media: Bunko

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original










北条 民雄(ほうじょう たみお、旧字体:北條 民雄、1914年9月22日 - 1937年12月5日)は小説家。ハンセン病となり隔離生活を余儀なくされながら、自身の体験に基づく名作『いのちの初夜』などを遺した。本名:七條 晃司(しちじょう・こうじ)。

今日のひと言:それにしても、ハンセン氏病ではなく、結核でいのちを落すとは、つくづく運のない人でした。なお、今回読んだ本は「ハンセン病文学全集1 小説一」(皓星社) また、先にも挙げた小説家の川端康成とか、評論家の小林秀雄とかは、『いのちの初夜』を世に出すために奔走しましたが、「小説の神様志賀直哉は、ハンセン氏病が移るのを恐れ、刊行物を触るのさえ、忌避したと言います。さすが3流の小説家です。バカな男です。


いのちの初夜 (角川文庫)
• 作者: 北条民雄
• 出版社/メーカー: 角川書店
• 発売日: 1955/09
• メディア: 文庫


タグ:  ハンセン氏病  隔離施設  命の初夜  生きる意志

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 3 (3/3:final)

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 3 (3/3:final)

The Chinese classic "Lao Tzu" is a short document consisting of a short sentence fragment and 81 chapters (5,000 words), but its meaning is very deep. From now on, I will divide it into three parts and list the keywords and key points of each chapter. It is written as @ 1 = Chapter 1. 81/3 = 27 chapters each. The source is from "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa, translation: Chuko Bunko). This blog makes sense to index and organize the Lao Tzu in me. This is the third (final) time.

(Before accepting)


Lao Tzu(Kouji Fukunaga:Chikumagakugei bunko)

@ 55: "Baby's virtue. It does not be attacked by dangerous animals (snakes, scorpions, bees, beasts, birds of prey, etc.)" "It has a lot of vitality." Lao Tzu praises the baby.

@ 56: " Those who know do not say. Those who say do not know.." Soften wisdom and assimilate with garbage:和光同塵" (@ 4) & "Saints can neither benefit nor do harm, because they are beyond praise and Backbiting . "

@ 57: "Government of the nation faces with" positive ", and military faces with" strange ". "&" A clever engineer creates an unfamiliar item. The people fight for this and the nation becomes dark. "" If you lose your greed, the people will become a Tree as cut out:樸 "(樸 has been frequent in the past. @ 19, @ 28, @ 32, etc.)

@ 58: "When politics is absent, the people are unsophisticated. When politics Keep eyes out, the people are dissatisfied and fight each other." & "Saints do not hurt people. Light in their hearts. There is, but there is no sparkle that catches the eyes. "

@ 59: "It is best for the monarch to take a regrettable attitude."

@ 60: "Governing a great power nation is like the act of" boiling small fish. " "
If you put your hand out too much and stir it, the fish will fall apart.

@ 61: "The great power nation are downstream of the river, the small ones are upstream. Just as the river flows from the tributary to the main stream, the small powers want to be fed, and the great powers want to feed." It is important to be modesty to the great power nation. "

(This part, in history, is inconsistent with the fact that the real powers forcibly annex the small ones for their own benefit. "The big nation only wants to feed everyone, All the small country wants to be subordinate to and serve another country. ”(P138) Of the“ Lao Tzu, ”I am the most mysterious contradiction. Is this the desire of the Lao Tzu? It is a small country. Did Tibet and Uighur move forward to become China's autonomous regions? And isn't China's policy a fierce attempt to erase their own culture and destroy them and make there unique country of Han Chinese?) (See @ 80)

@ 62: "The saint will not abandon the people even if they are bad. Everything is attributed to the work of the Tao." (@ 49)

@ 63: "Don't act, don't interfere. Taste the tasteless things." & "Take virtue against grudges."

This expression is reminiscent of the Christian teaching that "if you were hit your right cheek, give your left cheek."

& "There are some difficulties for saint, but in the end it will overcome."

@ 64: "Process in the signs of things. The trip of thousand miles also starts from your feet."
& "Because the saint does nothing, he does not damage anything, and because it does not stick to anything, he does not lose anything." & "The saint wants what it does not want. It doesn't want something that is hard to get. (@ 3, @ 12)

@ 65: "Negation of politics by wisdom."

@ 66: "The virtue of being low-profile." "No one can contend with a saint who does not contend."

@ 67: "The vast Tao looks stupid." & "Saints have three treasures. Charity, frugality, and not being Head".

(Head = head, head of organization)

@ 68: "The virtue of no conflict." "People who use people well are humble."
The old letter(kanji:漢字) of the letter "fight" is a hieroglyph that "two hands are trying to hold something one thing". In this case, the "thing" may be a political victory. There are many events that "things" point to.

@ 69: "The key to the war is not to be the main body of the attack, but to take a step back." "The army with sorrow always wins."

@ 70: "My words are easy to understand and practice, but no one does. (So) the saint wears brown clothes and have a jewel (wears poor clothes and hides the treasure)."

@ 71: "It's good to know and not know, it's a drawback to know without knowing."

@ 72: "If the people are not afraid of disasters, a big disaster will come."

@ 73: "Those who are not afraid to do boldly will be killed, and those who are not afraid to be timid will survive." & "The net of heaven is rough, but it will not be missed:(天網恢恢疎而不失). (This word is also famous. Although "天網恢恢疎而不漏" is more Overwhelmed by the population)

@ 74: "How do you threaten people who are not afraid of death?" "If I kill something new, why can I kill it unharmed instead of a great executor? (It can be done by God. Only.) "

@ 75: "People starve because the rulers take too much tax." & "Those who don't care about life at all are wise than those who value life."

@ 76: "When a person is born, it is soft, and when it dies, it is hard. The hard one is a death companion and the soft one is a life companion.

@ 77: "The way of heaven takes away from the surplus and gives it to the shortage, but the actual human society is the opposite."

Even if you look around the world, the rich are getting more and more financial power, and the poor are deprived more and more money. Since the time of the Junichiro Koizumi Cabinet, the Gini coefficient, which indicates the difference between rich and poor Japanese people, has risen.

@ 78: "Nothing is as soft as water, but no matter how hard it is, it is no match for water." (There are many references to the virtue of water ... @ 8, @ 43, etc.)

@ 79: "Even if you reconcile those with deep resentment, the resentment remains. Only the saints can reconcile this." & "There is no favor in the way of heaven. Always give to good people. "

@ 80 "小国寡民(Small country&few people) :An ideal society drawn by Lao Tzu"

The country is small and the population is small (let's say). If you don't want the military to use the tools you need, if you have them, and you want the people to take their lives and not move far away, you don't have to ride a ship or car wherever you have it. Where there are insteps and weapons, there is no chance to show them side by side. Once again, (as well as) the (ancient) world of using ropes tied by people (in contracts), making their (bad) food look good, making their (poor) clothes feel good, and Let them settle down and make their (simple) habits (life) enjoyable. (If that happens) the neighboring country is immediately visible, and even if they can hear the roar of chickens and dogs, the people will not come and go (with people from other countries) until they are old and dead.

("Lao Tzu": Tamaki Ogawa, translated from P167-P168)

The description around here is inconsistent with @ 61. It is not clear whether Lao Tzu really wants the people to live in a small country or in a large country. (Is the distinction between large and small countries relative?) This one point is difficult for me to understand.

@ 81: "The belief is not beautiful, the flowerly word is not belief. (There are some antithesis below)" & "I give out everything to others, and I have more and more possessions." & "Saint's way Is something that acts and does not contend. "

("Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical " completed)

Reference past log: Seven theorems of Lao Tzu


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original


































参考過去ログ :老子の七定理



タグ:大国 小国 対句

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 2(2/3)

Lao Tzu(老子), each chapter bibliographical ~ ~ Part 2(2/3)

The Chinese classic "Lao Tzu" is a short document consisting of a short sentence fragment and 81 chapters (5,000 words), but its meaning is very deep. From now on, I will divide it into three parts and list the keywords and key points of each chapter. It is written as @ 1 = Chapter 1. 81/3 = 27 chapters each. The source is from "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa, translation: Chuko Bunko). This blog makes sense to index and organize the Lao Tzu in me. This is the second time.

(Before accepting)


Lao Tzu ( Kunio Hachiya :Iwanamibunko)

@ 28: "If you keep the weakness while maintaining the strength of hardness, it will become a valley in the world. Then you will acquire the same virtue. It is the uncut wood (Araki:樸) (wood as it is cut) Is equivalent to. "(See @ 19)

@ 29: "The world is not something you can catch when you try to catch it. If you stick to it, you lose it."

@ 30: "Those who have the intention of the Tao do not use force. The place where the army hangs out becomes a barren land."

@ 31: "A good weapon is an ominous tool." & "Don't be honored to win the battle. Those who do it are those who enjoy murder." Those who hold a celebration party die violent death.

@ 32: "The way the Tao is. The Tao is permanent and has no name." & "It is small wood but no one can make it a subordinate."
(See @ 19)

@ 33: "The state of an excellent person. It is a wise person who understands others, and a person who understands himself is a person who has a insight." It has a poetry-like form, such as stepping rhyme and using couplets.

@ 34: "The great Tao is like a floating ship. No matter what you can do, you don't take credit for yourself."

@ 35: "People in the world gather to those who hold a great shape. When the Tao is mentioned, it is candid."

@ 36: "The secret of never losing to war." "If you want to weaken a person, you must first strengthen it for a while. If you want to take away from it, you must give it first. (Several other examples)" & " Fish should stay at the bottom of the deep water. The nation's sharpest weapon should not be shown to anyone. "

(Note) There is a theory that the text of the ancient conspiracy book "Zhousho". It has been said mixed in with this chapter, but since it has been regarded as a chapter of Lao Tzu since ancient times, the theory would be adopted. The point is to accelerate the decline of the enemy by consciously increasing it. You can imagine the idea of "the moon that is missing when it is full" in I Ching(易経). The latter half of the word "fish is ..." is an image of the strongest modern weapon, the nuclear submarine. It is reminiscent of a fish in a deep pool firing an SLBM. This is a unique chapter among all 81 chapters of Lao Tzu.

@ 37: "The Tao is useless, but it can' t do nothing." & "The unnamed log:樸 "creates a state of unselfishness. (See @ 19)

(Up to this point, the first volume is called "Tao Sutra." The second volume is called "Virtue
Sutra." Together, it is "Lao Tzu ‘s Tao Virtue Sutra." It is the official name of "Lao Tzu.")

@ 38: "People with high virtues do not brag about it." & "Relativization of Confucian morals such as jin(仁), righteousness(義), and gratitude(礼)."

Jin and righteous people have some motive to do "good deeds."

@ 39: "One (one: perfect) ... By knowing the unification principle, heaven, earth, and living things can live." & "The king uses loneliness, widow, and poor crop as his own name."

The king is said to embody the misery of the world. Orphans are "minashigo". The widow or widower is "one person", and the non-grain is "bad crop and food is scarce".

@ 40: "The road goes back. Weakness is the function of the Tao."

@ 41: "Differences in how to accept the Tao depending on personality (3 ranks)." & "Great talents mature late "(Great talent=Large vessel)

The word "large vessel means "not that a large vessel is completed slowly, but that a large vessel is not completed".

@ 42: "The Tao does produce one, one produces two, two produces three, three produces all things." & "All things bear the yin and hold the yang."
This part is common to the Yin-Yang Wuxing theory and the view of I Ching. The intimacy is extremely high with the trinity of father, mother, and child, and I Ching, which talks about the fate of all things.

& "A ferocious thing does not die well. I make this the father of teaching." As in this chapter, there are some things that make it difficult to see the connection between the first half and the second half, making Lao Tzu particularly difficult.

@ 43: "Water rushes ignoring hard things." & "Teaching without words, things that can be compared with actions without actions are rare."

Lao Tzu praised water in the previous chapter. (See @ 8)

@ 44: "Which do you choose, honor or body?" "If you are too greedy, you will suffer a huge loss."

The question mark was asked, "What is the significance of the honor of damaging the body?"
Also, greed is a source of earthly desires.

@ 45: "It looks like there is something missing in the big ones. (Hereafter, the same purpose is expressed in antithesis.)"

@ 46: "If there is no war, war horses will become farm horses." & "Knowing enough is always enough."

A bell against spreading desires indefinitely.

@ 47: "Knowing the world without leaving the house. The farther you go, the less you know."

Nowadays, the power of television, radio, and the Internet makes it possible to understand the world, but how did Lao Tzu know about the world? It is a mystery to modern people. Also, if the person traveling visits a tourist destination or a commercial city, the blind person will only get information that is junky.

@ 48: "When you study, you will know more. Those who do the Tao will reduce what they do."

From a slightly twisted point of view, if you study and do the Tao, what you know and what you do is the same. So I see that both are needed.

@ 49: "The idea of good is completed, with good people as good and non-good people as good."

Only when you know that it is "bad" can you understand that it is "good." Both are two sides of the same coin. In this view, saints do not discriminate against different people. (See @ 27)

@ 50: "The way to divide life and death ... Who can predict? Many people who are obsessed with life go to the dead place."

@ 51: "The Tao creates creatures, and virtue nurtures them."

The kanji "Toku(徳)" originally has one more stroke, and when the character is translated, it can be read as "going the way with an honest heart." Then you will meet various tangible and intangible treasures on the road. In kanji, it leads to the homophone "Toku(得)".

@ 52: "There is a mother in the world. You know a child from its mother, you know a mother from its child, and you will not be harmed until you die."

@ 53: "The people are hungry, but the dynasty has sharp weapons, and gets bored. It is a country that is off the Tao." (← For example, modern North Korea. There must have been such a country even during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.)

@ 54: "With well-prepared equipment, offspring will continue to respect their ancestors. It is a virtue of the Tao." & "I see a virtuous person from the eyes of a ruler."

There are similarities between governing a country and governing a home.

(Hereafter, next time)

Reference past log: Seven theorems of Lao Tzu


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original








@30:「道を旨とする者は武力を用いない。 軍が屯(たむろ)したところは不毛の地となる。」









  (ここまで上巻・「道経」と呼ばれる。以下 下巻を「徳経」と呼ぶ。合わせて「老子道徳経」。「老子」の正式名称である。)




















参考過去ログ :老子の七定理


