Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Dangerous artificial sweeteners ... from cyclamate to sucralose

Dangerous artificial sweeteners ... from cyclamate to sucralose

I've talked about the artificial sweetener sucralose before,
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20091207: Slat: Pit of artificial sweetener (sucralose)
There was a note on my blog that I had diarrhea when I drank a drink containing this. Also, recently, access has increased due to this diarrhea, so I will review the artificial sweetener again. Here are 7 kinds of sweeteners.

First, please see the list below. (Here, C: carbon, H: hydrogen, O: oxygen, N: nitrogen, S: sulfur, and hexagons are mostly benzene rings, carbon is often omitted from the display.)


(Note: This table is Japanese and not English-speaking. It is difficult to recreate it from the beginning, so I will use it as it is. I will specifically mention each sweetener in each theory.)

Next in order--

1) Cyclamate: 30-50 times as sweet as sugar. Clean sweetness. Carcinogenicity and teratogenicity were confirmed by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) survey, and it was banned in the United States and Japan in 1969. However, it is still used in more than 50 countries such as EU, China and Canada.


2) Saccharin: Discovered by chance at Johns Hopkins University in 1878 while studying coal tar. 500 times as sweet as sugar. However, the difficulty is that the tongue is numb. One study that proved carcinogenicity has been denied, but Japan limits its addition to foods. Do not overestimate animal experiments or the results of experiments. Experiments often produce the results that the experimenter wants, and I think that the toxicity of saccharin is still unsolved. (In many cases, the final judgment of the result will be the desired result without forging the data.)


3) Acesulfame K, discovered by chance in 1967 by German scientist Karl Kraus.
200 times as sweet as sugar. Recently, it has been used in place of aspartame because it is stable under various conditions. Designated as a food additive in April 2000.


The above three are very similar in structure. (Refer to the deficit in the list) You can imagine the same action (in the body) in the form of "two oxygen (O) and two oxygen (N) attached to S (sulfur)". .. Since it contains Nitrogen in its molecule, it will be classified as an alkaloid with many toxic companions.
It is a proof that it is a dangerous substance. It also has a common point that it generally has a benzene ring. Among them, acesulfame k is an equal "special" compound containing S and N in a 6-membered ring. On the other hand, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have no imagination or analogy. Did they really learn chemistry? Or did they get a bribe from the industry? "There is no smoke where there is no fire."

4) Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol found in plants of the Rosaceae family. Not as sweet as sugar.


5) Xylitol was found in a birch tree. It is as sweet as sugar and has 60% calories.
Famous for preventing tooth decay.


Well, the above two shouldn't be a problem.

6) Aspartame, which is a composite of two amino acids. Peptide bond of "Methyl ester of phenylalanine and aspartic acid". 200 times sweeter than sugar. I think the problem is that methanol is generated 10% of aspartame when decomposed, but I think it is an underestimate that it does not matter. Methanol is a deleterious substance. ... It is said that this substance, which is supposed to pass through the body, causes metabolic problems ...
In addition, there is a story that under the Reagan administration, the FDA secretary who had not approved aspartame until then was dismissed, Rumsfeld's breathtaking Arthur Hayes became the secretary, and it was approved immediately. (It's called Tamiflu, and the drugstore Rumsfeld is good at business.) The villain who takes a profit-oriented strategy like this example is wandering around. (Rumsfeld was the US Secretary of Defense at the time of the Iraq War.)


About methanol

In Japan, methanol that is not mixed with ethanol is a non-medicinal deleterious substance, and it is necessary to sign and seal the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Transfer Form to purchase it. There are various reports on the lethal dose of methanol, and it is considered that there are large individual differences, but the minimum lethal dose for humans and oral is thought to be about 0.3-1.0 g / kg. In the case of primates, including humans, methanol is metabolized to formaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase and further to formic acid by formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Formaldehyde has a half-life in the body of about one minute, and the metabolism of formaldehyde to formic acid is rapid, so the toxicity of formaldehyde is of little concern. The toxicity of methanol is due to metabolic acidosis caused by formic acid and toxicity to neurons. The metabolic capacity of formic acid differs depending on the species, and it is known that primates, which are inferior in the metabolic capacity of formic acid to rodents, are more toxic to methanol.

A well-known symptom of methanol poisoning is blindness due to damage to the retina of the eye. This is because formaldehyde binds to scotopsin (essentially the same aldehyde, retinal binds to scotopsin to form rhodopsin), which damages rod cells (not due to formic acid). There is also an opinion that formic acid inhibits cytochrome oxidase involved in the electron transport chain of mitochondria, resulting in optic nerve toxicity.

From Wikipedia

The lethal dose is about 50g per person, which is equivalent to the level taken from the drinks and edible foods that are actually drunk, but I think it is not necessary to take dangerous substances. Also, if the mechanism that stops metabolism works by ingesting it every day, will formic acid = formic acid accumulate in the body? In addition, alcohol (ethyl alcohol) also contains a small amount of methyl alcohol, and when it is ingested in excess of the limit, it is the end of life. Drinkers also shave with ethyl ... "Bright Tibetan Medicine" (: Yataro Daikubara, Joho Center Publishing, 1988 first edition) gives such consideration. (Although this is unconfirmed information, it seems that there is a high possibility that it is aspartame even in other foods if it contains "amino acids". It is also contained in toothpaste. However, when I checked my toothpaste , "Saccharin sodium" was mixed. It may be mixed because it is not a food.)

7) Sucralose was developed in 1976 by Tate Andreil of England based on sugar. It is 600 times as sweet as sugar. 26.7 g of chlorine is contained in 100 g of this molecule, and when it is heated to 138 degrees, chlorine-based gas is generated.
In Japan, it was approved as a food additive in 1999 and is currently used by more than 80 countries around the world.

However, we must not forget that this substance is an "organochlorine compound". In nature, there are almost no compounds in which a carbon atom (C) and a chlorine atom (Cl) are directly bonded. That is an organochlorine compound. This sucralose is a companion to terrifying compounds such as dioxins, trihalomethanes, DDT, and PCBs.
In addition, a person from the Communist Party said that there was a record that "when sucralose was administered to experimental animals, 4 out of 9 experimental animals had a miscarriage", and that person said that diarrhea may promote miscarriage. I have a question with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. (Shimbun Akahata, June 23, 2003)

"♪ If you think about it, you've come a long way" (Tetsuya Takeda, Kaientai). Chlorine, which makes poison, is added to sugar to make a substance that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Sucralose, like aspartame, is said to "pass through the body."


By the way (the sweetness that was leaked even though it was famous)

8) Steviaside Stevia is a plant of the Asteraceae family that is native to Paraguay. It has long been regarded as a medicinal plant in the field, and sweeteners such as stebioside can be obtained from this plant. It is 200-300 times as sweet as sugar. It is effective for diabetes and high blood pressure. Steviolide is broken down into steviol in the body, but this is the final product and seems to be excreted as it is. There were rumors that Stebioside was carcinogenic, but it seems to be denied now. The only constituent elements are C, O, and H, such as sorbitol and xylitol. However, I am a little worried that the structural formula is too cluttered.


A word of the day: If you think about it, human beings in the age of satiety tend to be under-exercised, and if they eat a lot of ordinary sugar (sucrose) and gain weight, they will be attracted to zero-calorie beverages. But it's a double-edged blade, and I don't know when new sweets will cause health problems. Sugar, especially glucose, is the only nutrient in the brain, and it is "stupid" to replace it with a sweetener that is of no use and may be dangerous. What do you call this instead of calling it "civilization disease"? For this blog, I mostly referred to wikipedia. (See wikipedia for figures other than the list.)

It is also possible that the achievements of Akira Suzuki and Ei-ichi Negishi, who won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "cross-coupling" led to the synthesis of aspartame. Making substances that are not found in nature may mean making things that cause health problems. The negative side of the Nobel Prize.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original







1)チクロ  砂糖の30−50倍の甘さ。すっきりした甘さ。FDA(米国食品医薬品局)の調査で発ガン性、催奇形性が確認され、1969年、アメリカ、日本で使用禁止に。ただ、EU、中国、カナダなど50ヶ国以上は、現在も使用している。


2)サッカリン  1878年、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学がコールタールの研究中に偶然発見。砂糖の500倍の甘さ。ただ舌がしびれることが難点。発ガン性を証明したという研究一例は否定されているが日本では食品への添加を制限している。動物実験あるいは実験の結果を過大評価してはいけません。実験は、ほぼ実験者の思い通りの結果が出ることが多く、サッカリンの毒性については、いまだ未解決だと思います。(データの捏造をしなくても、結果の最終判断で思い通りの結果になることが多いのです。)


3)アセスルファムK   1967年ドイツ人科学者カール・クラウスが偶然発見。



4)ソルビトール   バラ科植物の植物から発見された糖アルコール。砂糖ほど甘くない。


5)キシリトール   カバの木から発見された。砂糖と同程度の甘さでカロリーは60%。



6)アスパルテーム   アミノ酸2つを合成したもの。「フェニルアラニンのメチルエステルと・アスパラギン酸」のペプチド結合。砂糖の200倍甘い。分解するとメタノールアスパルテームの10%発生することが問題だと思いますが、問題にしないのは過小評価だと思います。メタノール劇物です。・・・体を素通りするとされているこの物質に代謝の問題が起きるとは・・・



日本ではエタノールを混合していないメタノールは医薬用外劇物であり、購入には毒劇物譲受書への署名捺印が必要である。 メタノールの致死量に関しては様々な報告があり、個人差が大きいと考えられるが、ヒト、経口での最小致死量は0.3-1.0g/kg程度であると考えられている。ヒトを含む霊長類の場合、メタノールはアルコールデヒドロゲナーゼによってホルムアルデヒド代謝され、さらにホルムアルデヒドヒドロゲナーゼによってギ酸に代謝される。ホルムアルデヒドの体内半減期はおよそ一分であり、ホルムアルデヒドからギ酸への代謝は迅速に行われるため、ホルムアルデヒドによる毒性はほとんど問題にならない。メタノールの毒性はギ酸による代謝性アシドーシスとニューロンへの毒性によるものである。ギ酸の代謝能力は種によって異なっており、げっ歯類に比べてギ酸の代謝能力に劣る霊長類はメタノールの毒性が強く出ることが知られている。


7)スクラロース  1976年、イギリスのテイトアンドライル社が砂糖をもとに開発。砂糖の600倍の甘さがある。この分子100g中に塩素が26.7gも含まれ、加熱して138度になると、塩素系ガスを発生する。

ただ、この物質が「有機塩素化合物」であることを忘れてはなりません。自然界に炭素原子(C)と塩素原子(Cl)が直接結合した化合物はほとんど存在しない。それが有機塩素化合物です。ダイオキシントリハロメタンDDT、PCB など禍々しい化合物たちの仲間なのです、このスクラロース
また、以前共産党の人が「スクラロースを実験動物に投与したところ、9匹の実験動物のうち4匹が流産した」との記録があるとし、そのひとは下痢が流産を促進するのでは、と厚生労働省に質問しています。(2003.6.23  しんぶん赤旗



8)ステビオサイド  ステビアは、パラグアイなどが原産の、キク科の植物。現地では長いあいだ薬用植物とみなされていて、この植物からとれるのがステビオサイドなどの甘味料。砂糖の200−300倍の甘さがあります。糖尿病、高血圧などに効果がある。ステビオサイドは体内でステビオールに分解されますが、これが最終生成物質で、そのまま体外に排出されるようです。また、ステビオサイド発癌性を持つという噂がありましたが、いまでは否定されているらしいです。構成元素は、ソルビトールキシリトールのように、C、O、Hだけです。ただ、ちょっと心配なのは、構造式が楓雑過ぎることです。


今日のひと言:思えば、飽食の時代の人類は、運動不足になりがちで、普通の砂糖(スクロース)を大量摂取して太るならと、カロリーゼロの飲料にひきつけられるのでしょう。でも、それは諸刃の刃、いつ新たな、甘味料がもとで健康障害がおきるかわかりませんよ。砂糖、特にブドウ糖という物質は脳の栄養として唯一のものであり、それを何の役にも立たないし、危険かも知れない甘味料に置き換えるのは、「愚か」なことです。これを、「文明病」と呼ばずになんと呼ぶのでしょうか? 今回のブログは、おおむねwikipediaを参考にしました。(一覧表以外の図は、wikipedia から。)



タグ  人工甘味料 チクロ スクラロース ステビオサイド