Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

Trend analysis of short story masters: Yasunari Kawabata, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Motojiro Kajii, Atsushi Nakajima

Trend analysis of short story masters: Yasunari Kawabata, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Motojiro Kajii, Atsushi Nakajima

I worked in a kind of cram school that I had made a living during my university days and for several years after that, and I was a science student. On the contrary, I passed a Japanese language instructor and taught to junior high school students. It was happy that I was able to teach the students a number of excellent works when I thought about it later with a complete set of teaching materials.

One of such works was included in a collection of short stories by Yasunari Kawabata(康成 川端):Nobel laureate, "Palm of the Novel: Tenohira no Shosetsu,". The title that comes to my mind from now on is "Hometown", and the feature is that "helicopter" appears near the beginning.

It happened that my younger brother had a "Palm Novel" (Shincho Bunko), so I read the book, which was a collection of more than 100 short stories. However, there was one novel titled "Hometown", and it would have been okay if this work included the term helicopter, but it wasn't.

So, when my brother went to the library, he had a little trouble and borrowed another paperback book. The book is "Bungo Kaidan Masterpiece Selection Yasunari Kawabata One Arm" (edited by Masao Higashi: Chikuma Bunko). It was a book with an unusual purpose of taking up Kawabata's work within the framework of "ghost stories." Of course, I met the helicopter I was looking for again. In a novel named "Hometown," Yasunari Kawabata was convinced that he sometimes published a work of the same name.

In the first place, in the case of this work, when I read the beginning, I had "spooky" and "uneasy" feelings toward the helicopter, but the novel also proceeded with such a melody, and finally the main character " This is not my Hometown to return to, "ends the story. Along the way, a childhood friend and his old girlfriend are duplicated, and I feel that it can be read more like a kind of "fantasy novel" rather than a ghost story. Well, it's a good work.

Now, this time the title of the blog, "Trend analysis", I set two coordinate axes. One (y-axis) is "humidity" and the other (x-axis) is "temperature". The higher the value of "humidity", the more it means "sentimental" and "covered with tears". An index of "emotional". "Temperature" stands for "uniqueness" and "enjoyment (and the resulting fun)" and is an index of the "specificity" of the text. And this time, four masters of short stories representing Japan will be assigned to each of the four quadrants on a circle with a radius of √2 centered on the origin of this coordinate system.


For example, in Motojirou Kajii(基次郎 梶井)'s work, the sadness of the person himself is not projected, and even for tuberculosis, which is sure to take his own life, without being afraid of it, was"Under the cherry tree" etc. I have left a group of works that shine with the unique sensibility of. So Kajii's number is (1, -1). In the case of Atsushi Nakajima(敦 中島), he also died of tuberculosis, but he is not afraid of it, and he has left a group of works that are objective and truly literary, such as “Disciple”. However, it is not very unique. So (-1, -1). However, this is not a drawback of Nakajima, but an advantage. I think it represents the ultimate cold and dry intelligence. It should be noted that neither Kajii nor Nakajima committed suicide.

On the other hand, in the case of Yasunari Kawabata's work, there is a "sad" atmosphere like the "Hometown" mentioned this time. And the style is unique. In coordinates (1,1). Ryuunosuke Akutagawa(龍之介 芥川) also has a real face "covered in tears" on the back of the mask, such as”河童:Water Demon”. The style is orthodox. So (-1,1). The point to note here is that both Kawabata and Akutagawa are committing suicide.

A word of the day: I think that using the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system that I adopted this time is an unexpectedly known method. By the way, how was the address geocoding that wielded barbarity this time? For example, Shintarou Ishihara(慎太郎 石原)'s position (although he is not a short writer) is (assuming that the novelist's ability is measured by the distance (absolute value) from the origin (0,0)), his position is the origin ... " He doesn't have the ability, He doesn't have any merits. " Some might argue that the "season of the sun" is unique, but I think it's just a "bad taste."

In the case of the four (short story) novelists featured this time, the absolute value is √2 and the competence is even.


Palm novel (Shincho Bunko)
• Author: Yasunari Kawabata
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Shinchosha
• Release Date: 03/17/197 1
• Media: Bunko
• Purchase: 7 people Click: 55 times
• View blogs (83) that include this product

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original





そこで、弟は図書館に行った折、少々苦労して別の文庫本を借りてきてくれました。その本は「文豪怪談傑作選 川端康成集  片腕」(東雅夫編:ちくま文庫)。川端の作品を「怪談」の枠内で取り上げよう、という珍しい趣旨の本でした。もちろん、お目当てだったヘリコプターにも再会しました。「故郷」という名の小説で、川端康成は、同名の作品を発表することもあったのだな、と納得しました。









掌の小説 (新潮文庫)
• 作者: 川端康成
• 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
• 発売日: 1971/03/17
• メディア: 文庫
• 購入: 7人 クリック: 55回
• この商品を含むブログ (83件) を見る


タグ: 分体分析  温度 湿度