Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

DO NOTHING :The core of urban engineering

DO NOTHING :The core of urban engineering Part 1

Unreasonable work

I am a fairly arrogant person, and I rarely call my teacher a "teacher". But I definitely have a teacher who can be called a "Former teacher". In this section, I will write about that person.

When I was in and out of the voluntary course(自主講座), I was assigned a job by Jun Ui (assistant in the Department of Urban Engineering:純 宇井). It was to rent a classroom in the Department of Urban Engineering on Sunday for a group that was not directly related to the voluntary course. It may seem easy to read, but it's a tough job. First of all, Mr. Ui and the voluntary course were "insects in the lion's body" for the University of Tokyo, and our activities were a nuisance for the university. Therefore, the paperwork was complicated so that the classroom could not be used as much as possible. For example, if you want to hold a course at Komaba (a liberal arts course campus in Meguro Ward), you only need one professor's stamp and office work stamp to complete the procedure. However, at Hongo (specialized course campus in Bunkyo Ward), stamp, a professor of the Department of Urban Engineering, stamp, a professor representing the Faculty of Engineering (three-month shift system), stamp, the Secretary-General of the Department of Urban Engineering, stamp, the Secretary-General of the Faculty of Engineering, and university affairs. If you don't get 5 of the long stamps, you won't be able to open the course. In addition, the professor who pushed the stamp must stay on campus during the course, even if he is not present in the course. This is complicated even on weekdays. All are self-directed course countermeasures. Now then, can we rent a classroom on Sunday? In such a desperate situation, I struggled to get a stamp.

Of course, I approached the professors and associate professors of the Department of Urban Engineering at random. However, even though all the people originally didn't like Mr. Ui, I had to add them and detain them at the university on Sunday. There is no way to push the stamp. Professor V, who is a boss in the Department of Urban Engineering, says: "Jun Ui really wants to be a professor. You can see his ambitions. There is only one per
decade urban engineer who goes in and out of an independent course like you. I'm afraid, but don't you know you are being used? "I didn't answer that. Furthermore, Professor V: "I also participated in the school struggle." Me: "Huh, did you teacher also wield a geba stick?" Of course, I knew that Professor V was in a position to suppress the student movement. I turned it back. In the end, I didn't get a stamp, and when I parted, Professor V said, "Come again." It must have evaluated me as such. I replied, "I'm not coming anymore."

Associate Professor H was indignant, saying, "What is Ui thinking about letting students do this kind of work?" The reaction was various.

Mr. Ui was in a position to ignore complicated procedures, etc., because they are selfish arrangements of the university. However, Professor Asada of the Department of Mechanical Engineering advised me, "You can do anything. In any case, follow the procedure." When I brought the above results to Mr. Ui, it became a big quarrel. Me: "I didn't want to take such a terrible job! Also, I think the procedure should be done properly! Why don't you stop this course!" Mr. Ui: "You are just a insignificant student at the University of Tokyo at last." It's ironic like Mr. Ui who was negative to the University of Tokyo students) "I:" I'm sure, I'm a University of Tokyo student (rather proud of being a University of Tokyo student) " . According to the leader of the group which want do the course on Sunday: "I didn't think there was anyone who could fight head-on with Mr. Ui." Anyway, it seems that the classroom was licensed and the lecture was opened. (I didn't attend.) I don't remember the details. However, this unreasonable work assigned to Mr. Ui broadened my face and insight by negotiating with various professors of the Faculty of Engineering, including the work after that, and something. This experiment taught me that it is important to take steps when taking action.

* Voluntary course: A group of groups that mainly think about "environmental problems", which began when students and graduate students of the urban engineering department occupied classroom 302 of the Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 8 during the school struggle and made it a liberated area. It is different from the so-called New Left.

DO NOTHING: The core of urban engineering Part 2

Encounter with Associate Professor Morimura
Michiyoshi Morimura(道美 森村), an assistant professor (at that time, later a professor), was also one of the people who came to get the stamp. When it comes to city planning, he is unparalleled in his detailed case studies. Mr. Morimura didn't give me a stamp either, but he worried, "Mr. Morishita, is that okay?" And we had an interesting conversation there. Mr. Morimura: "Mr. Nakanishi (Assistant Junko Nakanishi:準子 中西) is planning a city for sewerage in Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture. I am also interested in city planning for sewerage, so I read the plan. However, there is no DO NOTHING in her plan”. When I heard that word, I realized something,“ Do Nothing. Did that mean? The meaning is very different from what I learned in class. Certainly, Mr. Nakanishi's sewerage plan does not have DO NOTHING. " It's like a Zen question and answer, so I'll explain the above conversation next.

What does DO NOT HIG mean?

In the first place, the word DO NOTHING is a term that always appears in city planning classes, but everyone easily passes by. There is no reason for anyone trying to develop city-related facilities to "do nothing". When I heard this term in class, I also passed by saying, "It's an uncluttered concept." However, this DO NOTHING is the core of urban engineering, and by extension, all academics.

I became interested in environmental issues for the first time since my specialty was decided, and was inspired by Junko Nakanishi's "Urban Revitalization and Sewerage". I was in and out. Around that time, Ms. Nakanishi's "Komagane City Sewerage Plan" came out. By the way, Mr. Ui, who made a name for himself in the accusation of Minamata disease, did not know how to use a can opener. Ms. Nakanishi lived in a high-rise condominium and enjoyed urban life. All have only the perspective of a city citizen. If such a person makes a sewerage plan, he or she will be able to do only uncluttered and half-finished things, if not the worst.

In fact, that's right, and for me, Ms. Nakanishi's plan wasn't enough. When I thought so, the conversation with Associate Professor Morimura instantly taught me the truth of the matter. "A plan that doesn't know to stay is not a plan." Her plan is sloppy in that sewerage construction is the only option. Associate Professor Morimura saw it only with her plan.

A little different example-when you encounter a snowstorm while climbing a winter mountain, the choice of going forward or turning back is life-threatening. Ms. Nakanishi's sewerage plan is exactly this-it only knows what to do. The situation is similar for nuclear power plant construction, dam construction, and river mouth weir construction. All of them have in common that they can proceed without questioning the lifestyle of the urban people. And it don't know to turn back. To give another example, the pendulum-when it vibrates, it swings to the right and to the left, but it always passes through the middle point. If you stop the vibration, the pendulum will stop at that point. It is a so-called "immovable point". That is what DO NOTHING is all about. It is essential for planners to keep this in mind at all times. This is true of all disciplines. What do you think about DO NOTHING? This is an essential issue for all researcher.


"DO NOTHING", which had no meaning to me in regular classes, was given a new meaning by my own experience and suggestions from Associate Professor Morimura. Even if I could understand the true meaning of this word, it was worthwhile to go to the urban engineering department and eventually to the university. And it was not in class but in a chat with Associate Professor Morimura that I got this "enlightenment". It was because I was ready to understand and Associate Professor Morimura gave an appropriate explanation. A student who goes to class with a blank slate and somehow takes notes, a professor who gives a lecture without studying anything. Such a class is only harmful. And, unfortunately, it's a common sight in today's college education. Associate Professor Morimura also said: "Current students go to class too much. They should play more."

DO NOTHING The core of urban engineering Part 3

Help ship by Associate Professor Morimura

Two years later, Associate Professor Morimura was very helpful to me during my thesis examination. After my voluntary exercise, I repeated a grade (second time) and worked on my thesis in a situation where he had to graduate properly this time. On the day of the examination, when it was my turn to announce, Associate Professor H was biting. I was wearing very rough clothes and had a muffler around my neck. He said: "Morishita, I'll never graduate you,if you don't take the muffler and announce it!" In response to that, I: "I understand, should I take it? I did.

I had a close relationship with Associate Professor H. I once had a busy part-time job and told Associate Professor H that I didn't have time to attend exercises (required). This imitated the critic Hideo Kobayashi once told Professor Yutaka Tatsuno of the French Literature Department, "I have to earn money because I live with a woman, so I don't have time to attend classes." However, in the case of Kobayashi, he was given an exam, and when Professor Tatsuno saw the result, he said, "If you can do this much, you don't have to go to class." Instead, I was just told, "Anyway, go to the exercises." Associate Professor H was a dog and monkey friend.

He belonged to the mainstream of urban engineering and sanitary engineering. Associate Professor H is one of the servant of Mr. Tamon Ishibashi (deceased), who is famous for good or bad in the world of water treatment. Mr. Ishibashi is a person who has a good face in the Ministry of Health and Welfare (at that time), and he is doing various bad things. One example is how to get involved in the water supply plan in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture. Takayama City has selected a site with an abandoned mine upstream as a water source. There is a risk of mine poisoning. After seeing the plan, Mr. Ishibashi gave a go-ahead to the construction just by reading the plan, that is, without looking at the actual situation. Anxious, the locals turned to a graduate student in sanitary engineering for help. Here, an unprecedented war broke out between the professor and the go apprentices. Mr. Ishibashi hung up by the graduate students, but at that time, it was Associate Professor H who helped Mr. Ishibashi by putting pressure on the graduate students, such as not arranging employment. The above process is described in detail in "Pollution Principles (Voluntary Lecture)". I knew that, so to Associate Professor H I had something close to hostility, and so did he. It happened that the person in charge of employment at my time was Associate Professor H, so I refused to mediate. By the way, the current sanitary engineering of the Department of Urban Engineering is solidified by the network of Associate Professor Ishibashi-H. It's not a gorgeous thing.

I was able to graduate remarkably. Assistant Nakanishi taught me the first act of the faculty meeting. Associate Professor H disagreed with my graduation and said, "The announcement was amazing, but he haven't written half the text of my thesis yet. Can I graduate this guy!" At that time, Associate Professor Morimura said, "Mostly, H! Some people go on an overseas trip without writing their thesis properly, but he writes the text properly. Let him graduate!" That's right. Unlike Associate Professor H, who became an assistant professor through connections, Associate Professor Morimura, who became an assistant professor with his own abilities, said "a heavy and precious word." It seems that no one disagreed. I was also fortunate that Associate Professor Morimura was an instructor in urban planning, not in sanitary engineering. As I mentioned earlier, urban engineering consists of urban planning and sanitary engineering.

At the graduation party, Associate Professor Morimura said, "I thought you would do it, but I didn't think you would do it this much. You can do anything after graduation, but please let me know your activity report." He talked to me. My work also impressed Professor Morimura. For me, Assistant Ui and Assistant Nakanishi are Mr. Ui and Ms.Nakanishi. Associate Professor Morimura will be "Professor Morimura" forever. By the way, Professor V did not attend my thesis examination.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original

DO NOTHING   都市工学の核心 その1





* *自主講座:学園闘争の時、都市工学科の学生、院生が工学部8号館302号教室を占拠し、解放区にしたことから始まった、主として「環境問題」を考えるグループの集合体。いわゆる新左翼とは一線を画する。

DO NOTHING   都市工学の核心  その2


 森村道美(みちよし)助教授(当時、のちに教授)も、はんこを貰いに伺った一人です。都市計画に関しては、その緻密なケース・スタディーにおいて並ぶ者のない方です。森村さんもはんこは下さりませんでしたが、「森下君、そんなことしてて大丈夫なのかい?」と心配してくださりました。そしてそこで面白い会話をしました。 森村さん:「中西さん(中西準子助手)が、長野県駒ヶ根市で、下水道の都市計画をしているよね。私も下水道における都市計画には興味があるので、計画書を読ませてもらったけど、彼女の計画にはDO NOTHING(ドゥー・ナッシング、何もしないこと、無為とでも訳せましょうか)がないね。」その一言を聞いて、私はなにか悟るところがあり、「ドゥー・ナッシングとはそういう意味だったのですか。授業で教わったことと大きく意味が違います。確かに、中西さんの下水道計画にはDO NOTHINGがない。」と答えました。まるで禅問答なので、次に以上の会話の解説をしようと思います。

      DO NOTHIGの意味するもの

  そもそも、DO NOTHINGと言う言葉は、都市計画の授業には必ず登場するものの、だれもがあっさり通りすぎてしまう用語です。これから都市関連施設の開発しようとする者が、「何もしない」訳がないのです。私も、この用語を授業で聞いた時、「詰まらぬ概念だな」、と通りすぎていました。ところが、このDO NOTHINGこそ、都市工学の、ひいては全学問の核心なのです。



 ちょっと例を変えて――冬山に登山しているとき、吹雪に遭遇した場合、進むか引き返すかの選択は生死を分けます。中西女史の下水道計画は、まさにこれなのです――進むことしか知らない。その状況は、原発建設、ダム建設、河口堰建設にも同じ様にあらわれます。どの場合も、都市民の生活様式に疑問を抱かずに進められる点で共通しています。そして、引き返すことを知りません。もう一つ例を挙げると、振り子――これが振動している時、右にも左にも揺れますが、かならず真中の点を通ります。振動を止めれば、その点に振り子は止まります。所謂「不動の一点」です。その点こそがDO NOTHINGなのです。この点のことを常に心に留めておくことが計画をする者の要諦なのです。これはすべての学問にも言えることです。DO NOTHING(無為)についてどう考えるか――これは全ての学研に必須の課題なのです。


 正規の授業では私にとって何の意味も持たなかった「DO NOTHING」は、自らの体験および森村助教授からの示唆によって、新しい意味を与えられました。この言葉の本当の意味が理解できただけでも、都市工学科に進んだ、ひいては大学に行った甲斐があったと言うものです。そして、この「悟り」を得られたのは、授業でではなく、森村助教授との雑談の中ででした。私に理解出来る準備があり、森村助教授が適切な解説をして下さったからなのです。白紙の状態で授業に出て、なんとなくノートを取る学生、なにも研鑚を積まずに講義をする教授。こんな授業は有害なだけです。そしてそれは残念ながら、現在の大学教育にありがちな光景です。森村助教授がいみじくも言っていました:「今の学生は、授業に出すぎる。もっと遊ぶべきだね。」

DO NOTHING   都市工学の核心  その3







タグ:  都市工学 無為 卒論 トリハロメタン