Diamond cut Diamond--Ultra-Vival

Rei Morishita from Japan: Environmentalist, poet, essayist. Everything, various things will be taken up. Originally, it was a blog about disasters, and expanded to say romance, for example, is a kind of disaster because it is a problem of one’s survival.

The Seven Theorems of Lao Tzu(老子)

The Seven Theorems of Lao Tzu(老子)

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No5)

I have been familiar with Lao Tzu(老子) for many years, and I feel that I have come into contact with some truths. I will organize and describe them here. It's like a mathematics theorem, so it's called the Mathematician Lao Tzu's 7 Theorem.

Mathematician Lao Tzu's 7 Theorems

1) Centrality theorem

2) Undefeated theorem

3) Indifference theorem

4) Postcard theorem

5) Never abandon theorem

6) Water goes down theorem

7) New wood theorem


Lao Tzu(drawn in cartoon ”Fengshen kingdom” by Ryu Fujisaki)

1) is the theorem that when the pendulum moves, it always passes through the center point. By the time "beautiful" turns into "ugly", it always passes through a point that is neither. In fact, there is an "intermediate value theorem" in mathematics.
According to "Lao Tzu" (Tamaki Ogawa, Translated by Chuko Bunko), this theorem is described in Chapters 2, 9, 12, and 16. This kind of perspective is close to "I Ching"(易経). You can recall the cycle of "the moon that is missing when it is full". It is a circle of yin and yang(陰と陽).

2) Chapter 36 of Lao Tzu. It is a chapter that preaches undefeated war. For example, if there is an enemy who punches out, this is my chance (when the attack reaches its climax) when the punch is fully extended. Even if you don't win, you won't lose. This is also based on the same thing as "the moon that is missing when it is full".

3) Lao Tzu Chapter 5. It is the theorem that both heaven and earth are completely indifferent to human beings, and that there is a harsh reality for those who seek "love" in heaven and earth.

4) In Lao Tzu Chapter 1, it is written that "the way of the road is not the usual way", but behind that, there is also a reading that "the way of the way should be the usual way". It's possible, and it must be. It is in this world that "A and not A" is established. This theorem has many parts that overlap with the centrality theorem of 1).

5) It is said that what is abandoned due to lack of one purpose has its own value, and there is nothing to throw away. Chapter 23, Chapter 27, etc. Originally, the letter "Toku" (徳)was written another way, and the letter go with an honest heart" is used. There was a horizontal bar in it. Picking up something while going with an honest heart ... This is a good thing. Profit leads to virtue:Do Toku(得する),得and徳,both have the same pronunciation. and the same

6) Lao Tzu Chapter 8. Water likes to fall under everyone's contempt and gives happiness to everyone. It is the strongest person in the world and is close to "Michi(道/TAO): The keyword of Lao Tzu". Think of the water as having the strong will to descend, rather than the water descending because of gravity.

7) Lao Tzu Chapter 28. Lao Tzu teaches that 樸 (simple existence) is a new tree that is not used by anyone soon after it is cut out.

A word of the day: There are many other truths drawn in Lao Tzu, so I definitely want you to read "Lao Tzu". In addition, military critic Nisohachi Hyodo(二十八 兵藤) has a bizarre interpretation of "Lao Tzu" in his book "Prophecy: Japan-China Religious War: Namiki Shobo". He describes Lao Tzu as a whole book of war guidance. Certainly, as far as I know, Lao Tzu(老子) is sometimes enshrined in the same mausoleum as the "Sun Tzu(孫子)" of the soldiers (although Mr. Hyodo points out that there is also Lao Tzu's military art) ... There is a difference.

Lao Tzu Chapter 5 (newly written text)
There is no heaven and earth. Make a straw with all things. There is no saint, and he is a peasant dog. Between the heavens and the earth, it's still like a bellows. If you move it, it will finally start.
(Omitted below)

Translated by Tamaki Ogawa ("Lao Tzu" Chuko Bunko):

There is no mercy in heaven and earth. Everything (in them) is like a dog made of straw. The saint also has no jin. (To him) the people are like dogs made of straw. (But) It can be said that the middle between heaven and earth is just like a bellows. The inside is hollow, but (power) is not exhausted, and the more you move it, the more (power) you move.

In the translation of Mr. Hyodo:

Nature is merciless. Therefore, politics can be like that. Since the people are nothing more than consumables, the ruler does not have to think of a safety net for individual people. Still, the people will not go extinct naturally. No matter how much it is born later.

↑ This way of thinking is more like a legalist like Han Fei(韓非子). It is a new type interpretation in a sense, but it is also a strange interpretation when the part "If you move it, it will finally start" is translated as "The people can supply as much as you want". It seems that the original bellows are ignored and interpreted in a convenient way. However, since war can only be commanded by the owner of a "ruthless" mentality, it can be said that Mr. Hyodo's interpretation is reasonable.

The interpretation that "people are consumables" is certainly novel, but it seems that Lao Tzu himself did not write "Lao Tzu" only in a stance like Mr. Hyodo. Lao Tzu also depicts the gentleness of the world. For example, in Chapter 69 of Lao Tzu, it says, "When you hold your weapon high and face each other, the one with sorrow wins." In addition, Mr. Hyodo regards the analogy of "water" as "the strongest army." The basic stance of Lao Tzu is 4) the postcard theorem, and I think it can be applied to both peace and war. Only one interpretation is useless. I think Mr. Hyodo sees only one side of the truth of Lao Tzu. Like his teacher, Jun Eto(淳 江藤)who is dead already.

What a selfish interpretation! This content cannot be donated to the library ...book fee was lost. There is no choice but to throw it away.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original













老子(マンガ「封神演義」:藤崎竜 より)

1) は振り子が左右する時、中心点を必ず通るという定理です。「美しい」が「醜い」に変わるまでの間に、かならずどちらでもない点を通過するといった具合です。実際、数学には「中間値の定理」というのがあります。

2) 老子36章。戦争不敗を説く章です。たとえば、パンチを繰り出す敵がいた場合、パンチが伸びきったときこそ、(攻撃がクライマックスになった時点で)こちら側のチャンスになるわけです。勝たずとも、負けない。これも「満つれば欠ける月」と同様のことを根底においています。

3) 老子5章。天も地も、人間にはまったく無関心である、という、天地に「愛」を求める人には厳しい実相がある、という定理です。

4) 老子1章、「道の道(いう)べきは常の道にあらず」と書かれていますが、その裏で、「道の道(いう)べきは常の道なり」という読み方も可能だし、そうであらねばならないのです。「Aであり、かつAでない」ことが成立するのが、この世なのです。この定理は1)の中心性定理と重なる部分が多いです。

5) 一つの目的に足りなくなって、捨てられたものにも固有の価値があり、本来、捨てるものはない、と言っています。第23章、第27章など。もともと、徳と言う字には横一本棒が入っていたのです。「素直なこころで行く」という字解になります。素直なこころで行ったすえに、なにものかを拾う・・・これが得です。得は徳に通じるのです。

6) 老子8章。水は、みんなが蔑む下に好んで降り、みんなに幸福を与える。世界最強の存在で、「道:老子のキーワード」に近いというわけ。ここに、重力があるから水が下降するのではなく、水に強い意志があって降下するというように考えてください。

7) 老子28章。樸(ぼく:素朴の朴と同意)とは、切り出してまもなく、何者にも利用されない状態の新木を指し、このようであれ、と老子は教えます。

今日のひと言:老子には、ほかにもいろいろな真理が描き出されていますから、是非「老子」を読んで欲しいですね。なお、軍事評論家の兵頭二十八(にそはち)氏が彼の著作「予言 日支宗教戦争:並木書房」のなかで奇天烈な「老子」解釈をしています。彼は、老子をまるごと戦争指南の書としています。確かに、私の知る限り、老子は兵家の「孫子」とおなじ廟に祭られていることもありますし、(老子の兵法というものもあると兵頭氏は指摘していますが)・・・こんな違いがあります。








なんて我流の解釈! この内容では、図書館にも寄贈できないし・・・本代、孫子た(損した)。



General- Fan Li; (Hanrei:范蠡) =Genius of the world

General- Fan Li; (Hanrei:范蠡) =Genius of the world

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No4)

Ancient China’s epiode, ancient China refers to the period from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period(春秋戦国時代) to the Tang period(唐時代). What is particularly interesting in the history of the Chinese war is neither the battle of Han Chu(漢楚の争い) (Xiang Yu VS Liu Kun:項羽VS劉邦) nor the Three Kingdoms(三国志) (Cao Cao VS Zhuge Liang:曹操V諸葛孔明). It is the Wu-Yue battle(呉越の争い) that was fought between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Wu(呉) and Yue(越) were underdeveloped nations of China at that time, but the winners of these two nations, Yue, will chanting over chuugen (dominating China:中原の支配). The King of Wu was Fuchai(夫差), and the King of Yue was Goujian(勾践), both of whom were mediocre kings with weak wills. It was Wu: Wu Zixu(伍子胥) and Yue: Hanrei(范蠡) who made the two people excited.


Rei: bark beetle (etymology)

Wu Zixu was originally a Chu(楚) person, but he went into exile in Wu with a grudge against Chu Wang's outrage. He had an audience with Yue Wang to relieve his resentment (not yet in Kosen's place). Yue Wang: "Can I lend a soldier for my grudge?" It was Hanrei who set out a boat for Wu Zixu who tried to commit suicide on the spot. Wu Zixu borrows Yue's soldiers. Yue Wang: "Look, you've been scratched soldiers meaninglessly." Hanrei: "What if we could buy 10 years of peace with this? It's cheap. While Wu was fighting, those kid boys I will be a peaceful soldier. ”Yue Wang:“ Hanrei, the man you are ... ”After that, when the situation became unfavorable to Yue, this“ lent soldier ”was used as a material to turn the situation over.



In addition, there were Confucius(孔子) and Sun Tzu(孫子) as Hanrei's contemporaries. Sun Tzu was a staff officer of Wu, but Hanrei understands his military art and deceives him to win. In addition, He decided the final battle with Wu in the words of the messenger of Confucius. And after making full use of all the tricks and winning brilliantly, he shook off Kousen's detention and changed his name twice and became a millionaire. Hanrei can be said to be a genius of the world. Even from my point of view, it is an attractive character. In addition, Wu Zixu has a tragic end. Wu Zixu, who was given death by Fusa, had suicided. "Hang my eyes on the gate. Watch Wu be destroyed by Yue." That's actually the case ... Hanrei was renamed "shiishihi:鴟夷子皮" for the first time, after Wu Zixu 's body was put in the skin(shiishihi) and thrown into the Changjiang River. I think it was a serious lesson. He finally calls himself Toshukou(陶朱公).

I had a hard time because there were many kanji that was difficult to be converted between Japanese and Chinese.


About "self-determination: suicide" (self-determination, suicide). It's a rough theme because it's heavy, but it is mentioned that during the battle of Wu Yue, Yue's general Hanrei made the prisoners make a collective suicide in front of the Wu army in order to kill the spirit of the Wu army. I will. At this time, it is unclear how the prisoners committed suicide. In the manga "Wu-yue Burning " (Sentaro Kubota: product, Fumio Hisamatsu: picture: Kodansha Super Bunko), there are two handles, like peeling a tree, and a knife that is cut by holding both ends with both hands. Then, I aim at the neck from the back of the head and cut it off from diagonally above. The neck separates from the torso, as if it had been sentenced to a guillotine.

On the other hand, in"History(shiki) entry gate from zero knowledge", it is drawn to cut through the carotid artery with a knife, and I am wondering which was the self-determination method at that time (around 500 BC). There are various theories about this, but I think the guillotine method is more suitable. Hanrei is willing to do cruel things. He was ruthless, and that's why he was a great general.

A word of the day: How many do you know?

@Wu-yue Doshu(呉越同舟):Even enemy cooperate when ship they boarding may sinks.

@following the sick (顰に倣う):Fusa’s wife(Seishi:西施)from Yue was always bad mood, people imitate her.

@lie down and taste the guts(臥薪嘗胆):to revenge ,make one itself do bitter action.

@ whipping dead corpses(死屍を鞭打つ) :Explode excessive emotion.

@far away at nightfall (日暮れて途遠し): I can't stand my feelings.

@Shame of Kuaiji Commandery(会稽の恥) :Even if surrendered, never
Forget the shame, intend next victory.

Reference: Manga "Wu-yue Burning " Illustration: Fumio Hisamatsu Written by Sentaro Kubota Kodansha

Throughout the history of China, the best general was Fan Li, not Zhuge Liang(諸葛孔明) nor Zhang Liang(張良). Although he was in power in the country, he sensed his danger from the character of the king and went down to the field , and became a great success as a merchant. He knows the subtleties of moving in and out.

史記12 呉越燃ゆ その四

史記12 呉越燃ゆ その四

呉越燃ゆ―史記 (スーパー文庫)

呉越燃ゆ―史記 (スーパー文庫)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original






 ゴシショは本来楚の人でしたが、楚王の非道を恨んで呉に亡命しました。その恨みを晴らすために越王に謁見しました(まだコウセンの代ではない)。越王:「私怨のために兵を貸せるか」その場で自刎(自ら首を刎ねること)しようとしたゴシショにたすけ舟を出したのがハンレイでした。ゴシショは越の兵を借りて行く。越王:「見ろ、みすみす兵を掻っ攫われてしまったではないか。」ハンレイ:「なに、これで10年の平和が買えるなら安いものです。呉が戦っているうちに、あのはなたれ小僧どももいっぱしの兵士になりますから。」 越王:「ハンレイ、お前という男は・・・」その後、越に不利な状況になったとき、この「貸した兵」をネタにその状況をひっくり返すのです。











参考:マンガ「呉越 燃ゆ」画:久松文雄  作:久保田千太郎  講談社


タグ:范蠡、 呉越の争い、 孫子、 商人、 伍子胥

Fan-Li , WuYueConflict, San tzu, merchant,  Wu Zixu

Is the heaven’s law right or not? ~ Sima Qian's lamentation

Is the heaven’s law right or not? ~ Sima Qian's lamentation

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No3)

Sima Qian(司馬遷), the author of China's best history book "Shiki(史記)", is an extremely interesting person. The phrase, " Is the heaven’s law right or not?," is a major theme that goes through shiki. When I was in the university liberal arts course, I was listening to a class about Sima Qian = History, and the instructor at that time also emphasized the word " Is the heaven’s law right or not?". It was a pretty good course. The Shiki is a history book in the form of a people -oriented description (⇔ annals). The era is incidental and exclusively describes the behavior of the person. The composition consists of 10 tables (specifying the age), 12 books (biography of the emperor), 8 books (religion, music, military, hydraulic engineering, etc.), the 30 family (supporting the lord), and the 70 biography (general people). It is a large book consisting of 130 volumes and 526,500 letters. Since Lao-tzu is about 5,000 letters, it is the amount of about 100 times Lao-tzu books, and there was no paper at the time of Sima Qian, so it was written on bamboo slips and wooden slips, so it must have been bulky.

By the way, regarding " Is the heaven’s law right or not?", the poor death of Hakui (伯夷)and Shukusei (叔齊)in the first volume of biography is famous. It is this brother who told Zhou(周)'s Buou(武王), who defeated the evil tyrant:Chyu(紂), Shang dynasty(殷王朝), by force, to stop it because it is outrageous. In the world of Zhou, they said, "We don't eat Zhou's food," they said, eating warabi on Mt. Shuyo (首陽山)and dying from malnutrition. Why does Heaven desert the good man ... Sima Qian can't understand it . In Chapter 79 of Lao-tzu(老子), there is a phrase "Heaven’s law has been not unfair and always gives to good people", but this phrase seems to be too optimistic compared to Sima Qian's phrase " Is the heaven’s law right or not?.

I think Sima Qian had the heart of "Is there something like providence in heaven!" This is his moan. It may be because Sima Qian himself was at the mercy of his harsh fate. It is described in detail in Atsushi Nakajima(敦 中島)'s masterpiece, "Li Ling(李陵)," but when the Han general, Li Ling, became a prisoner of Xiongnu(匈奴:enemy), officials made Li Ling worse at the meeting of the Han Wudi(漢の武帝). On the other hand, Sima Qian defended Li Ling proudly and fairy. Then the furious warrior sentenced Sima Qian. It is the ugliest sentence ... the castration. This sentence, which robs a man of reproductive function, was more humiliating than the death penalty for Sima Qian. No, not only Sima Qian, but all the men were humiliated. However, he survived with very shame because he had a big business of compiling a history book commissioned by his father, Sima Tan(司馬談). In that sense, the word " Is the heaven’s law right or not?" is deeply related to the fate of Sima Qian himself. In fact, Sima Qian himself wrote his autobiography, "Taishiko," in the biography. (Taishiko = Sima Qian) In writing this blog,

I referred to "Shiki" (Shigeki Kaizuka, Chuko Shinsho), but among them, Chapter 7, The Demolition of the Great Empire, Benji(始皇帝), Li Si(李斯), and Chen Sheng(陳勝), were the most responsive. "Sei", who named himself Qin Shi Huang(秦の始皇帝), has nothing to do with the Qin(秦 )pedigree. In other words, the Crown Prince Qin wanted a beautiful woman surrounded by a merchant named Lu Buwei (呂不韋)and reluctantly offered it, but at that time, the child of Lu Buwei was already alive in the woman's belly. is. This is politics. His fierce personality may have been shaped by this extraordinary origin.

Then, Qin Shi Huang made a series of bold policies and literally became a great empire. Qin of the great empire is called Zhao Gao(趙高), a document in which Qin Shi Huang nominated his eldest son, Fusu(扶蘇), as a tracer, probably because of inadequate systems or the law was biased after the death of Qin Shi Huang.

A eunuch (Kangan(宦官): a person who removed the male genital organs for court duties) colluded with Prime Minister Li Si and Qin Shi Huang's second son(Kogai:胡亥), and crushed the testament! they lost their position later. It is also famous that when Zhao Gao persuaded Li Si, he used the saying, "If you do it, the god or demon will avoid it: if you decide to stay unrelenting, neither the god nor the demon will disturb the person." What a wonderful word like this is used to solicit a collusion of wrongdoing! (断而敢行、鬼神避之。)


Qin perished at an accelerating rate. A "eunuch" is a secretary of a high-ranking person or a person who performs miscellaneous tasks, but when a person with a great desire for power takes up the position, he often cuts information and even changes the fate of the empire. ..

A word of the day: I don't think the Han Wudi was a great monarch. At a meeting on the treatment of Li Ling, Sima Qian's theory is that all the ministers are sick of themselves, and the monarch who was a little floating is splashed with cold water. I'm guessing that the monarch probably thought somewhere in his heart, "This man’s grandson may threaten my imperial family, no, it must be ... scary !!"

I will. Sometimes I don't hear that Sima Qian was 48 years old and had a child, so he couldn't leave an excellent offspring of his lineage.

In addition, Chinese scholar Shigeki Kaizuka is the younger brother of Hideki Yukawa, who won the Nobel Prize in physics from a family of scholars, and Tamaki Ogawa, who is also a Chinese scholar and gave a excellent translation to "Lao-tzu". His younger brother.


The Lovely Great Tyrant Peter (Lovely great tyrant Peter the Great)

Great Russia Part 2

He is an extraordinary man anyway. He is over 2m tall. However, he is not a K1 fighter. He is also not the character of Weekly Shonen Jump. He was the founder of the Russian Empire in the first place, had a delicate brain, and had no nerves (be careful in this regard), and his minions were dexterous despite being a big man. He once praised England easily: "In England, their vassals never lie to the king. It's amazing." "In England, minister never tell a lie in front of a king. It's a great Thing !!"

HE has reason to understand whether it is a lie or a truth without thinking. And Peter is the emperor and, moreover, the biggest tyrant in history. Well, how many ministers will disappear if he reigns for a day? ... I don't understand. It depends only on how many ministers are lying. In the first place, such small numbers are crap and out of the interest of Peter. But only Junichiro Koizumi will be safe. It's a Japanese Prime minister, but I don't have the qualification to be a minister in the first place, so Peter can't see him. All your hope is Junichiro Koizumi. But Japan itself is not in the eyes of Russia. So, that does not mean that Japan's security is guaranteed.

One  day,a minister found a Pikaresque
raping a  woman.[I must arrest him!!]
  uuuuu......[It‘s  Peter!!!][I shall die!!]
This good man,Can(!!)speak to Peter.
  Peter:[I am  punishing this.If you want,you shall play my rolle?]
  If I,morishita,never do.I hates woman.
  (↓ only  a   fiction )
   Here,a world wide famous man(forever)is.
   [Shi−ba−sen:means “The Great General”]
Shi−ba−sen said a evidently right word.
Here,2Great emperrors are(same Level).

 (1)Butei of Khan  (in his mind)
     [Too terrible!! His descendants  shall  be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
   ......Shi−ba−sen  lost his male sex organ.

 (2)Peter the Great (said simply)
      You  shall be the new Emperror!!!!

(This description was written in 2005.)

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

(In Japanese, original)










 このブログを書くに当たって、「史記」(貝塚茂樹中公新書)を参考にしましたが、なかでも第7章・大帝国の土崩瓦解 始皇本紀・李斯列伝・陳渉世家  が読み応えがありました。始皇帝を名乗った「政」は、秦の血統とは無縁な出自です。つまり、呂不韋(りょふい)という商人が囲っていた美しい女性を秦の皇太子が所望し、しぶしぶ差し出したのですが、そのときには、その女性の腹にはすでに呂不韋の子が息づいていたのです。








The  Lovely Great Tyrant  Peter
   (愛すべき偉大な暴君 ピョートル大帝
                      偉大なるロシア  その2
 とにかく桁外れの男だ。身長2mを越える。ただしK1ファイターではない。週刊少年ジャンプのキャラクターでもない。そもそものロシア帝国の開祖にして、緻密な頭脳を持ち、ついでに神経は持たず(この点、要注意)、手先が大男のくせに器用。あっさりとイギリスを褒めたことがある:「イギリスでは、臣下は、王に決して嘘はつかない。すごいことだ。」「In England,minister never tell a lie in front of a king.It‘s  a great thing!!」嘘か真か、考えなくても解るだけの理性はある。
そして、Peter は皇帝で、そのうえ史上最大の暴君(Tyrant)である。さて、1日彼が君臨しただけで、何人のministerが消えてなくなるだろう?・・・私には解らない。それは嘘をついたministerが何人いるかによってのみ、決まるからだ。そもそも、そんな細かな数字、くだらなくてPeterの興味の外だ。でも、小泉純一郎だけは無事だろう。一応日本のPrime  minister だけど、そもそもministerたる資格がないので、Peterに「見えるはずも」ない。大丈夫、小泉純一郎さえいれば。日本自体、ロシアの眼中にはないから。ただし、それは日本の安全を保障するという意味ではない。

One  day,a minister found a Pikaresque
raping a  woman.[I must arrest him!!]
  uuuuu......[It‘s  Peter!!!][I shall die!!]
This good man,Can(!!)speak to Peter.
  Peter:[I am  punishing this.If you want,you shall play my rolle?]
  If I,morishita,never do.I hates woman.

  (↓ only  a   fiction )

   Here,a world wide famous man(forever)is.
   [Shi−ba−sen:means “The Great General”]

Shi−ba−sen said a evidently right word.
Here,2Great emperrors are(same Level).

 (1)Butei of Khan  (in his mind)
     [Too terrible!! His descendants  shall  be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
   ......Shi−ba−sen  lost his male sex organ.

 (2)Peter the Great (said simply)
      You  shall be the new Emperror!!!!



タグ:司馬遷   史記   漢の武帝  宮刑

"Who’s is the cat ?”: Elimination of the love triangle-“Kuan of Nansen killing a cat"

"Who’s is the cat ?”: Elimination of the love triangle-“Kuan of Nansen killing a cat"

From now on, I will feature China 7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No2)

"The Kuan of Nansen killed a cat" is a Zen riddle, because when Zen monks brought a cute cat and argued over who the cat belonged to, their teacher Nansen killed the cat. When Zhao Zhouxue (趙州従諗:jyoushuu jyuushin), the head of the monks, came back and heard the event, he had put his footwear on his head. Nansen said, "If Zhao Zhouxue was there, I shouldn't have killed the cat.


A Killed Cat

It is a public proposal (Kuan: riddle) that said. This is extremely difficult to interpret and has been a difficult problem since ancient times. The following is a sentence posted in the comment section of a blogger.

When I read "Kinkakuji"(by Yukio Mishima), I was caught in this Kuan of Nansen killed a cat. As one way of thinking, I will bring the legend of "Mama no Tekona:真間の手児奈" that is handed down in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture. This beautiful woman was courted by two men at the same time, and she couldn't accept either love because she couldn't lean to one side, and she couldn't keep herself alive. She threw herself into the river. Of course, cats don't understand the mechanism of their minds around here, but it seems that Nansen is acting by equating the position of cats with Tekona. Is it a procedure to resolve the binary opposition over things (including humans), rather than over the truth?

As mentioned in my past log :


Natsume Soseki's novel "heart(kokoro:こころ)" -the horror of a love triangle I had a love triangle with a cowardly man over a woman. I was "the same role as K" in "Kokoro". But I didn't commit suicide and shredded the man's pride deeply. It was the most painful, and after that love triangle, I couldn't get out of the state of neurosis = misanthropy for several years. (“I “am the author myself, Rei Morishita.) A love triangle is a terrifying thing that causes intense and devastating emotions for the men and women involved. In addition, there is a story in Manyoshu(万葉集) that women choose to die themselves as an act of clearing a love triangle. Both of the two beloved are attractive and can't compete with either ... with the feeling that "without me, there would be no conflict" ... Tekona Cemetery tells the legend about a beautiful girl who was at the foot of Mamayama. It is said that a beautiful daughter, Tekona, who was toyed with her destiny, threw herself into the cove of Mama, and is also described in the Manyoshu.

From http://www.plaisir-villa.jp/location/.

A word of the day: My interpretation doesn't quite understand the meaning of "footwear" in the second half. However, I feel the irony that the brains of those who divide into two camps and put them in cats that are unlikely to be as valuable as humans are below the ground where they can be trampled on their footwear. I don't know if it's correct. Is there anyone who can interpret it well? A similar story to this kuan is the "Wind / Flag Controversy." While the monks were arguing whether it was the wind or the flag to move, Rokuso Huineng (六祖慧能)argued that "the heart moved," and everyone became quiet. It is a amazing story.


("Zen: Living in the Present" (Kazuyoshi Kino: NHK Selection)) Zen-things that live in the present age (NHK Books 35) • Author: Kazuyoshi Kino • Publisher / Manufacturer: NHK Publishing • Release Date: 1966/01 • Media: Books • Click: 30 times • View blogs (4) that include this product

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original













http://www.plaisir-villa.jp/location/ より。 



禅―現代に生きるもの (NHKブックス 35)
• 作者: 紀野一義
• 出版社/メーカー: NHK出版
• 発売日: 1966/01
• メディア: 単行本
• クリック: 30回
• この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る


タグ:公案=なぞなぞ  禅 猫 趙州従諗

Li Shangyin(李商隠): A great poet in the late Tang dynasty- a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry

Li Shangyin(李商隠): A great poet in the late Tang dynasty- a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry

From now on, I will feature “China “7 times. Since I was a child, I have become familiar with Chinese writing and have learned Chinese philosophy, history books, and Chinese poetry on my own way. However, I hate China now, which is too arrogant. The Holocaust that the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighurs, anti-vomiting. I think that China’s fortune is a reasonable end to perish. Before I thought so, I’ve loved Chinese culture, so I shall write the essence I brought back from it.(No.1)


Li Shangyin (李商隠wiki)

When I was reading a Chinese poetry book before (I forgot which one it was), I evaluated it as "This poem is good !!" and said "This poem is also good !!" It wasn't Du Fu, Li Haku, or Haku Rakuten, but Li Shangyin. He was a poet in Late Tang(晩唐). Known for his exposition, he broke new ground in romantic poetry. The following poems are typical. (Iwanami Shoten, Kazumi Takahashi Note)


Last night sparkling stars and comfortable wind
West writing house East cinnamon house
Also on body no phoenix wing wear
One-point communication of spiritual
Like thread Separate seating
Divide the light red and warm Liquor as spring
OO, Listening drumming officer I must leave
Running horse like a Rolling mugwort

(Free Translation)


(Summary of the above poem)

I once met a lovely woman at a banquet. There was communication that was dodged only by two person. Like a single thread. Oh, but I have to leave like an official, rolling "mugwort" ... (Note: this mugwort is not an ordinary mugwort, but a different kind of plant that rolls on the ground.)

In addition, his reading method was unique, and it was to put books here and there to read, so it was very similar to otters(獺) putting prey here and there, so such a reading method was called "Dassai:獺祭". The quote source is "Hatena Keyword" that I created.

(Source: Chinese Poet Selection 15 "Li Shangyin")

If you pull the outline from the Wikipedia

Li Shangyin (812 (7th year of Genna)-858 (12th year of the Daichu), but there is a theory that he was born in 813) is a bureaucratic politician in the late Tang dynasty and represents the times. Chinese poet. He has a character of Gizan (義山:very high mountain )and an issue of Li Shangyin. He is also called a Dassaifish. People from currently Qinyang City, Henan Province. Although he was unlucky as a bureaucrat, his bewitching and aesthetic poetry was highly regarded and gave birth to many followers, becoming the ancestor of the Western Song Dynasty, which was a pandemic in the early Northern Song Dynasty. He is called Wen Li along with Wen Tingyun of the same era, which is characterized by a similar apocalyptic style, and is also called Little Li Du along with Du Mu.

A word of the day: Li Shangyin was unlucky at home, and his sad feelings were pushed into his chest, and he was writing poetry alongside the officials. In Kazumi Takahashi's expression, there is " a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry" (certainly) about the state of Li Shangyin , and I think that is also true. A lonely color stared at by a lonely poet-a blue jewelry. It's painful.

Although I am afraid of myself, I had a similar domestic discord and was troubled by it. In that respect, I feel that Li Shangyin's heart is understood. In the case of such a raised child, it tickles the maternal instinct of a woman, but I think that he may refuse the mental assistance. We are often ambivalent against women.

In addition, "World History Spill Story" Ichiro Miura: Volume 1, 43P, has the following description.

@ Plagiarized

At the beginning of the Song, a poet named Li Shangyin was loved, and people fought to imitate the poem. At one point, a monkey actor came out wearing a shabby cloth to dress as Li Shangyin, and people wondered, "What's the cloth?" “Because many Persons break my cloth "

In the early Song dynasty, the popularity of love poetry like him exploded, called Western high mountain body(西崑体). But I think his essence was never understood except by me.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original







以下のような詩が代表的。(岩波書店 高橋和巳注)






李商隠(り しょういん、812年(元和7年) - 858年(大中12年)。ただし、生年は813年の説あり)は、晩唐の官僚政治家で、時代を代表する漢詩人。字は義山、号は玉谿生。また獺祭魚と呼ばれる。懐州河内(現河南省沁陽市)の人。官僚としては不遇だったが、その妖艶で唯美的な詩風は高く評価されて多くの追随者を生み、北宋初期に一大流行を見る西崑体の祖となった。似たような婉約な詩風を特徴とする同時代の温庭筠と共に温李と呼ばれ、また杜牧と共に小李杜とも称される。


なお、「世界史こぼれ話」三浦一郎: 第一巻 43P に以下のような記述があります。


李義山 = 李商隠です。宋代初期、彼のようなスタイルの恋愛詩の人気が爆発したのですね。西崑体。でも彼の本質は理解されなかったろうと思います。

Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" -This is the Source of Culture

Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" -This is the Source of Culture

I entered the university as a science student, but soon after I entered the university, I was skeptical about the sciences and realized my lack of liberal arts and humanities. As a shortcut to becoming familiar with this field, I used Ichiro Miura's "World History Spill Story" as a guide.


I read it greedily. This is a collection of Kadokawa Bunko, and I remember that there were about 8 volumes in total. I have the first volume at hand now, so let's quote it.

I had eaten:

At the dining table at the time of the Renaissance, bones and other items could be thrown away at ones feet. A man who invited the poet Dante, who wrote the Divine Comedy, to a meal gently. he pushed all his food scraps under the poet's feet. And when the meal was over, he pointed to Dante's feet. "It's a good thing for a poet." The poet hurriedly pointed to his feet. "It's not that much. I don't eat bones like you do." Here, "Kentan: 健啖" is a big eater. It's a brilliant face of Dante. For a while, they called this kind of situation "non-serious" and "horizontal thinking."

Here is the profile of Ichiro Miura from the wiki. Ichiro Miura (Ichiro Miura, June 6, 1914-March 13, 2006) is a Japanese Western historian, essayist, and professor emeritus at Sophia University. He graduated from Western History at Tokyo Imperial University, assistant professor at Ibaraki University after the war, professor at Sophia University in 1970, special treatment professor in 1980, and retired in 1985. Although he specializes in ancient Western history, "World History Spill story" was stored in the Kadokawa Bunko and gained popularity.

books he wrote:

@ The Wonders of Ancient Culture Kaiseisha 1955 (New Encyclopedia)
@ World History Spill Story Masatsugu Student Company New Book 1955-1956 Later Kadokawa Bunk o
@ Clio's smile Overhanging world history Student company new book 1962
@ Humor Life Extract Social Thought Company 1965 (Modern Liberal Arts Library)
@ Year Mnemonic A book to learn world history with haiku Kobunsha 1968 (Kappa Books)
@ Greek myths and the hometown of civilization He is Sa-e-ra Shobo 1973 (the road that this people walked)
@Continued Humor Life Extract Social Thought Company 1974 (Contemporary Liberal Arts Library)
@Hidden World History Information Center Publishing Bureau 1979
@ Women in World History Social Thought Company 1985 (Contemporary Liberal Arts Library)
@Dictionary of Western events and wise sayings Rediscovering cultures that seem to be known but not known Daiwa Shuppan 1989 @Rare tax / strange tax World tax story PHP Institute 1994
@ A funny story that makes you look smart in world history Now you are the protagonist of the scene PHP Institute 1995
@Western Story Quotations Dictionary PHP Bunko 1997 It's an on-parade of books that are abundant and interesting. He has also co-authored many books. There is another unforgettable anecdote in this extensive work. I wrote it at


Somehow, Schopenhauer, who wrote his main book, "The World as Will and Representation," read the manuscript and shouted after leaving his seat for a while. "This must be a masterpiece that was written with great inspiration, who is the genius who can write such a sentence!" He said, not a joke, but with that in mind ... It is a word and deed that cannot be done. With this one, I affirm that he, Schopenhauer, was a genius. (This anecdote appeared in "World History Spill story" edited by Ichiro Miura.) I forgot what volumes it appeared in. It may be a wonderful way to get dementia. (← This expression may be a little bad. My father died of dementia, so I have no intention of making a dementia patient tease.)

A word of the day: As originally intended, by working with this series, I think I have gained some humanities, but my own.

Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, original




 P5 ここに「健啖:けんたん」とは、大食らいのことです。当意即妙なダンテの面目躍如です。一時期、このような境地を「非真面目」「水平思考」とか呼びました。


三浦 一郎(みうら いちろう、1914年6月6日 - 2006年3月13日)は、日本の西洋史学者、エッセイスト、上智大学名誉教授。

@古代文化の驚異 偕成社 1955(新百科)
@世界史こぼれ話 正続 学生社新書 1955-1956 のち角川文庫
@クリオの微笑 はみだした世界史 学生社新書 1962
@ユーモア人生抄 社会思想社 1965(現代教養文庫
@年号記憶術 世界史を俳句で覚える本 光文社 1968(カッパ・ブックス
ギリシア人 神話と文明のふるさと さ・え・ら書房 1973(この民族が歩いた道)
@続・ユーモア人生抄 社会思想社 1974(現代教養文庫
@秘められた世界史 情報センター出版局 1979
@世界史のなかの女性たち 社会思想社 1985(現代教養文庫
@西洋の故事・名言ものしり辞典 知っているようで知らない文化の再発見 大和出版 1989
@珍税・奇税世界の税金物語 PHP研究所 1994
@世界史のなかの自分を賢くみせる笑い話 これであなたはその場の主役 PHP研究所 1995
@西洋の故事名言ものしり辞典 PHP文庫 1997







Wonderful Sohtai Method: No mistakes in body design. -not "gymnastics".

Wonderful Sohtai Method: No mistakes in body design. -not "gymnastics".

There are gymnastics that are "fun" to remove body strain. "Sohtai". Developed by Dr. Keizo Hashimoto(敬三 橋本), it moves the body in a comfortable direction. Specifically, for example, if you lie on your back and stretch your legs to the left and right, you will feel the difference between painful and non-painful. Then, from the one that hurts to the one that does not hurt (in a comfortable direction), slowly stretch while exhaling, and after a short break, exhale momentarily and weaken.

Unexpectedly, this removes the distortion. There is also a book on Sohtai. For example, "Practice of Sohtai" (Rural Culture Association Japan:農文協) and "There are no mistakes in body design" (Hakujyusha:柏樹社).

When I was a university student, I was looking for an eco-friendly way of life, and this Sohtai method was one of the methods I learned at that time. As this kind of gymnastics, "Symmetry: Makoho" and "Symmetry: Jikyojutsu" are also famous, but the big difference between these and Sohtai is that the symmetry is always conscious on the body. It seems that the movement is concentrated on the center line (midline) of the body, and the left-right symmetry of the body is not so important (I'm sorry if it is off the mark), but in the case of Sohtai, it is exactly conscious of the left-right symmetry. The difference is known that you exercise.

Be sure to compare the strains on the right and left, and slowly, exhale, and move your body (in the bath) from the unpleasant one (unpleasant one) to the pleasant one (pleasant one). Move slowly and weaken momentarily: One exercise is over. However, this blog is based on my experience as an experienced "Sohtai", and I think that it would be impossible to describe "direct method" and "self-reliance", which are hard to say as experienced. In such a place, practitioners of "Makkkouho" and "Self-reliance" are sorry.

Reference past log http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20110729#1311934443
First experience of self-reliance (Jikyojutsu)! !!


Discover the leg that hurts
and the one that feels good ,
if the left feels good

Hold your breath and exhaling slowly,
move to the left
(as if moving slowly in the bath)

Hold your breath and
instant weakness
Repeat this operation
a couple of times

In fact, I've never had a body strain removed with this method, and someone who heard me about this Sohtai practiced it, and it certainly made it easier. There was also.

Recently, there has been no interaction, but I remember that a blogger named "Takuza Furyu" wrote that "I do not appreciate sports where the right and left develop unevenly." Baseball was especially mentioned as a spear ball. Certainly, whether it is a pitcher or a batter, it is a sport in which only one develops, right is right and left is left, and it is a representative sport. On the contrary, swimming etc. develops almost evenly on the left and right. I put in a bit of a mean tsukkomi and said, "Isn't the crawl breathing right and left, only one side?", He answered, "If you feel like it, you can breathe alternately left and right." It was. I also agreed with him about baseball.

Sohtai, which presents us with such a true symmetry, is a method that stressful modern people know and do not lose.

A word of the day:

People come up with interesting ideas when they are relaxed. (The brain wave at that time is an alpha wave). Human beings are probably the most lively creatures in their minds and bodies in their pleasure (Isn't this limited to humans?). And yet, how uncomfortable real life is. Discomfort causes discomfort, and if it gets out of control, people and societies in such a state are extremely vulnerable to disasters, or it seems that they are already halfway through disasters. Hobby-a society without play will collapse-let's play more and more! !! With the baby's heart.

Quoted from my book "Plucking the Buds of Disasters" 118P-119P “Recommendation of hobby“
(at the end).

Today’s Haiku

Again this year
Many epics


See the rice fields filled with water. It will be the stage for the life and death of various creatures.


Updated once a week on Wednesday or Thursday.

In Japanese, Original



http://kiku38d.hatenablog.jp/entry/2017/06/10/160000  :『迷ったら 楽しい方を えらぶのが いいと思う』への私のコメント



参考過去ログ  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/iirei/20110729#1311934443








拙著「災害の芽を摘む」118P−119P 道楽のすすめ(終わりに)より引用。



